No, that's not true though. I am not jumping on his bandwagon. Other than Edwards, I have longed viewed him as the best possible VP pick, but only becasue, well, who else?
I know I will take a huge amount of heat over this, and that there are problems, but there is a part of me that believes that Hillary makes this unbeatable and blows McCain out of the water as far as excitement and star power go. But, I would be concerned over the level of just hatred expressed by some in the netroots. How widespread that is I don't know.
That's the main argument for choosing Biden is "Who Else?"
I'm sure you would oppose it for personal reasons, but a Unity ticket would probably be the best tactical decision he could make vote-for-vote.
For every liberal activist like yourself he loses, he would gain 2 or 3 independents or Republicans.