VP Pick

Your teams assholes like Rush use this kind of crap all the time.

Dont you remember him calling for his minions to become dems and vote for hillary.

when was the last time you heard that kind of crap from a lefty?

What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with you not beliving Epi is voting for Obama even though he has been stating it for months?
I disagree. He is the best choice for Obama. He shores up Obamas biggest weakness.... experience...especially foreign policy experience. He is a fighter which Obama clearly needs. He is generally respected by both parties. The one "downside" is that he is obviously a Washington insider... which may be the reason Obama doesn't pick him. But hands down Biden is the best VP choice in my opinion.

The plagarism thing is ancient history and will be a moot point in this election should he indeed be the VP.

Oh man. See it’s things like this that stop me in my tracks and make me ask myself: Ok, where did I miscalculate? Because if SF has come to a conclusion that is similar to mine, I screwed up somewhere.
LOl. This is funny. I actually do think that Epic is voting for Obama, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a “supporter”.

Yeah I'm not a cheerleader. I like Obama better than McCain but I don't love either of them. I would vote for the Libertarian but he appears to be an utter fraud.

My lack of passion for any of them is good because it lets me be fairly objective in analyzing the campaigns.
Oh man. See it’s things like this that stop me in my tracks and make me ask myself: Ok, where did I miscalculate? Because if SF has come to a conclusion that is similar to mine, I screwed up somewhere.

So your rare flashes of intelligence scare you?
HaHa, hear that Epi you are now a Republican. You really don't pay attention to anything he posts do you?

Do you have any idea how many people I have talked over the internet who claim not to be republicans yet defend them at every turn?

Like I said before its easy to claim anything on the internets.
Just ignore desh, I do.

If someone is going to argue with me about who I support, we clearly are not going to get very far or have a particularly intelligent level of discussion.
Do you have any idea how many people I have talked over the internet who claim not to be republicans yet defend them at every turn?

Like I said before its easy to claim anything on the internets.

Ok you're right. You could be a Republican playing a character.

Epi's been on this board for months and been pretty consistent in his positions so if he is just acting he's doing a pretty job at it.
Do you have any idea how many people I have talked over the internet who claim not to be republicans yet defend them at every turn?

Like I said before its easy to claim anything on the internets.

What do you think epic's motivation would be to do something like that? What would he have to gain.

One reason you may "interpret" someone being a mccain supporter when you argue with them is because:

A) you lack reading comprehension
B) you routinely assume facts without any evidence
C) You argue so stupidly that you put people into a corner and wanting to lash out at you, which you mistake for fervor dedication to principles.
No matter who you claim you will vote for I will never know who you really vote for.

I have not been arround much lately but you seem far from a democrat.

It wont much matter because you will still benifit from his policies once he become president. So will all the people who hate him. That wont stop them from hating him and voting against their own slef interest in 4 years.
Do you have any idea how many people I have talked over the internet who claim not to be republicans yet defend them at every turn?

Like I said before its easy to claim anything on the internets.

Oh yeah. When I first came here, or really when I first went to fullpolitics, Damo wasn’t a republican. And when I first started reading SF, he certainly acted as if he was a very disaffected Republican who wanted to vote Democratic this time around…but then the Democrats went and nominated a Democrat, and that ixnayed that. And usc and cypress would always tell me, watch them all come out of the closet the closer we get to the election, and no matter what happens, both SF and Damo will vote for whoever the Republican is.

And oh boy, the stories I could tell you about the old netscape boards. How many Republicans changed their screenames, and came back as “Independents” and “Libertarians”. Jesus it was the big joke over there for a long time.