Wake The Fuck UP!

There is no way that Obama's government can be compared with European Liberal/Social Democratic governments. That some Americans label Obama as left wing is proof of their extreme ignorance.
I would guess that, in the unlikely event of a genuinely left wing coming to power in the US, people would take to the streets in the fashion of the 'Body Snatchers'.
To appreciate left wing politics you must first suffer and, even taking into account the present financial climate, Americans have never really suffered.
That's one of the reasons that your leaders had no idea what to do about the downturn or, come to that, what to do about the pig flu.

Who the hell says Obama's government can or should be compared with European Liberal/Social Democratic governments.

Gov. in Europe has nothing to do with the us or our politics or our democracy...
Actually ..when YOU describe the Dems as "a basically right of centre administration".... you make yourself look stupid.

Obama is a "Socialist" by Conservative standards and with an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress, this is as close to "dictatorship" as this country gets....

Now, for your own well being,..... step away from the Koolade..

Like Bush's first 6 years? Did you complain then? I do not recall it.

Could that be the reason we have a dem majority now?
Why do people take one example from a multi-million dollar budget and blow it completely out of proportion? I recall reading about private companies which were sent bogus bills such as invoices for photocopy paper and the companies unwittingly paid them. The point being people make mistakes. There will always be inefficient people.

The point is, Government is not efficient, never has been efficient, and never will be efficient. Anything the Government has ever done, cost us about 10x what it would have cost, had the competitive free-market capitalist private sector done it instead. Why? Because, when you introduce competition in the free-market system, you always end up with the best possible result at the least possible cost. Works every fucking time, no exceptions! With government entities, where there is no competition, and government has a monopoly, there is no incentive or reason to be efficient and keep costs down, because there is never an alternative.

It's not necessary to replace all the money. To suggest a country as rich as the US can not support it's retirees is nonsense regardless of how one looks at it.

At present, the DEBT of the United States, is greater than the combined total wealth of every American. To suggest this country is "rich" is devoid of reality, and illustrates the fundamental problem with liberal pinhead thinking. We are broke, we don't have the money to "take care of" our retirees, we don't even have the money the retirees gave us in good faith to keep safe for their retirement! What the fuck are you smoking?

The long haul. It's been said people who have 5-10 years until retirement may see their portfolio rebound. Some people require that money now. Today and tomorrow to live on.

The Republican proposals for privatizing a portion of SS, never indicated this would be done with anyone's SS who was at or near retirement, and it was only proposed that the government ALLOW people to VOLUNTARILY do this. If you are in your 20's, and you begin investing in the markets now, I guarantee you, in 40 years, when you are nearing retirement, those investments will have returned far more than US Treasury Bonds. Not to mention, the principle will still actually be there, instead of finding an IOU from Ted Kennedy.

Not just the rich. As I mentioned before universal medical plans in place in other countries do not cost the people anywhere near what private insurance costs citizens in the US.

We've had this discussion before, and you are repeating the same irrelevant points. The US has the most advanced and technologically equipped medical facilities in the world, of course it's going to cost more... the BEST always costs more!

The taxes are higher in other countries but when one compares "taxes and medical insurance" with "taxes and free medical" the cost of the latter is less. Taxes increase but the cost of other things, from medical to schooling, significantly decrease resulting in a net gain.

There is no such thing as "free medicine" and this is something you liberals really need to work on... Understanding the basic fact that, NOTHING IS EVER FREE!

Not necessarily. Money requires stability. That's why people are hesitant investing in some foreign countries. For example, if you open a business in Venezuela or some other Latin American country who is to say the government won't confiscate it or rebels burn it to the ground.

As people become more aware of world events/countries (at least we can hope they will) they won't buy products made in countries that have poor working conditions. For example, look at some of the clothing firms where it was exposed child labor was involved.

Also, a law is needed to say where items are manufactured. People scream that if the government pushes a "buy American" policy other countries will retaliate. The solution is to label all goods. Let the consumer decide. As the economy grows progressively worse I'm betting people will buy US goods.

Consumers are going to buy the products with the best value, regardless of where they are made. My comment, that you are commenting on, was about taxation and tax policy, not trade and commerce, so I am not sure why you've gone off on this rant. I will reiterate.... NEVER in the history of this country, have we EVER increased marginal tax rates, and realized an increase in actual tax revenues, when compared with GDP... It's never happened. Subsequently, every time we have EVER increased marginal tax rates, we have realized a DECREASE in revenues. It's this one little thing, that liberals just don't seem to want to comprehend, as much as it's been tried and proven, they just simply balk and refuse to accept the fact.

It's simply a matter of changing laws prohibiting government from touching SS just as it is a simple matter of saying the government will implement universal medical. The money is available. The problem is it's squandered on wars, for one thing.

The money is NOT available, again.... The United States is over $10 trillion in the RED! Our DEBT is more than the combined total of all wealth in America! We are currently borrowing TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS from the Communist Chinese, in order to keep our military and infrastructure functioning. You live in a liberal fairy tale, where money is plentiful, and we can spend or squander as much as we like... if that were the case, I would be right there with you! Sure... let the government pay for every fucking thing... don't stop with health care or retirement, hell, let the government buy our cars and houses too! What the fuck, everybody just quit working and let the government feed and clothe us too!! I mean, if we have this endless supply of money, why the hell not?

It's just a matter of canceling other programs the government pays for. It's no different than how a family budgets. Everybody who owns a car can afford a motorcycle IF they sell their car. They simply made a choice to buy a car. The government has made a choice to spend the money on things other than medical and higher education. The money is there or coming in every year through taxes. Simply redirect it.

And I have already addressed this dumb ass comment. Nothing the government funds, is ever canceled! Every silly ass ridiculous thing the government now pays for, has a vibrant lobby who will go to bat for their funding, and the whore politicians in Washington, will pay attention to the lobbyists, because that is who controls their campaign funding. In recent years, conservatives have suggested cutting the rate of increase... not the actual money, but the amount the money is set to be increased for the next fiscal year, for certain programs... the left called it "CUTS!" and accused the Republicans of wanting to starve school children and feed the elderly dog food! All they ever proposed was reducing the amount of INCREASE in funding. Now, if we can't even get a handle on the amount of built-in increase in funding from year to year, what in God's name makes you think we can ever actually CUT programs?
How much of that 10 trillion in debt was incurred during Bush's reign? And for 6 of those years republicans controlled both houses of congress and the presidency.
And do not forget the 800 bill or so that bush pushed in his last months as president.

Your party failz Dixie.
Who the hell says Obama's government can or should be compared with European Liberal/Social Democratic governments.

Gov. in Europe has nothing to do with the us or our politics or our democracy...

You are addressing me in a European language and referring to European concepts and inventions. Apart from that .... er.......
Actually ..when YOU describe the Dems as "a basically right of centre administration".... you make yourself look stupid.

Obama is a "Socialist" by Conservative standards and with an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress, this is as close to "dictatorship" as this country gets....

Now, for your own well being,..... step away from the Koolade..

Why should you judge socialism by 'conservative' standards but deny others the right to judge conservatism by socialist standards?
and what the hell is koolade? step away from it? is it another one of your weapons of mass destruction?
Lowaicue, can I ask you a question? Do Americans frequent British political sites to stick their noses in British politics, or is this just something British people do with American politics? I ask this because, I personally couldn't give a rat's ass what Brits do politically, it's of no interest to me whatsoever. I just can't understand what your fascination might be here? You don't get to vote, you don't have to live under the government we elect, or by the policies we adopt, so what is your interest in American politics? I don't get it.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading your posts, and it seems you are on some kind of mission. Like you want to sway opinions by interjecting your own, but your opinion is highly irrelevant, since you don't live here. It's like, if I were sitting at the kitchen table with my family, planning out our vacation, and the next door neighbor pops in and has a seat, and proceeds to tell us where we should go and what we should do on our vacation. It's a little on the rude side, I think.
Lowaicue, can I ask you a question? Do Americans frequent British political sites to stick their noses in British politics, or is this just something British people do with American politics? I ask this because, I personally couldn't give a rat's ass what Brits do politically, it's of no interest to me whatsoever. I just can't understand what your fascination might be here? You don't get to vote, you don't have to live under the government we elect, or by the policies we adopt, so what is your interest in American politics? I don't get it.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading your posts, and it seems you are on some kind of mission. Like you want to sway opinions by interjecting your own, but your opinion is highly irrelevant, since you don't live here. It's like, if I were sitting at the kitchen table with my family, planning out our vacation, and the next door neighbor pops in and has a seat, and proceeds to tell us where we should go and what we should do on our vacation. It's a little on the rude side, I think.

As usual, my dear lady, you are quite wrong. We DO have to live with the mistakes of your government. You do not have to live with the mistakes of the British government.
We DO see a valuable relationship between our two countries as do your leaders. That you don't illustrates the depth of your ignorance.
I regret the lies that the Bush government, that you and people like you elected, and we DO have to face the consequences of the lies that that administration told. We DO have to live with your heavy booted stomping in the faces of your friends and allies since we are/were your friends and allies.
Do you honestly expect anyone, British, French, German, Australian, Chinese, Indian to sit idly by and say nothing when friends kick us in the bollocks? It might be a different matter if you contributed to the genuine good of the world but you DONT. Your foreign aid is simply political investment and, certainly in places where all westerners are the same, we tend to suffer for your brashness.
So, yes, I DO have a right to criticise you. I DO have a right to call you on your stupidity. I DO have a right to have and state an opinion that involves you.
If you don't like being spoken to as if you are an arsehole the answer is simple. Stop being an arsehole.
and what the hell is koolade? ...

Given that reasoning, Jones and several members argued that the group should commit "revolutionary suicide" by drinking cyanide-laced grape flavored Flavor Aid (often misidentified as Kool-Aid) along with a sedative.

Its a euphemism that you're such a mindless sheep that you'll accept anything that your dear leader tells you.
It's important to know about evil men and how they manipulate weak minds. I suggest that you read the article in full.

It's OK. I'll read a bit more about the greatest killer of modern times. The evil ....

....Doctor ....

China. China is a textbook model of fascism. A complete unification of business and government.

Oh. So China is not communist today? Oh. OK. I have to admit to being confused when I read neocon shite.
There are two nations that share certain fascist traits. One is China the other is, of course The United Fascist States of America. Private profit - public loss, authoritarian, warmongering and as you put it 'the unification of business and government'.
Do you know of any other similarities between China and America?
The points I have mentioned are those that a true left of centre government would address. Obama will not grasp the nettle on the banks because the banks hold too much sway. He doesn't grasp it so he chooses to let it grow. That is right wing management in the present climate.
The health care system that is in place at present is failing. The time for discussion is past. It must be reorganised in much the same way as the British model for you to succeed AS A NATION and not just as a few elite members of right wing political parties. Don't believe me? Don't worry you will eventually.
A socialist president would put these matters and that of education and welfare at the top of his 'to do' list. Obama needs a substantial swing although it has to be said he IS beginning to show a more acceptable face of America. But you have many faces so its not possible to draw conclusions yet.
Has anyone ever counted the costs in cash terms of a) an education system that lags behind those of most other nations? So you have poorly educated leaders and mis-educated populations. b) A health care system that doesn't have, as its top priority, the aim of keeping the nation gainfully employed? So you have people dying or incapacitated and taken out of the workforce because they cannot afford medical treatment. c) a welfare system that allows great sections of the population to slip into dire need, crime and despair?
What are you people frightened of? You are in the shit, why are you so scared to pull yourselves out ?
No, that wouldn't be "left of center" it would be whole hawg lefty. Left of center denotes a certain moderate lean as well. I picture it as close to center. IMO, he is a "left of center" moderate.

There is a difference between simply saying he is right of center then in the next breath saying he isn't socialist therefore he couldn't be considered left of center. That's just silly.

As it stands the Federal Government already over-reached its power trying to fund and direct education at the Federal level. It certainly isn't one of the powers given to the Federal government, thus per the Constitution that power belongs to the States or the Individual. In this case, it is the States that need to address the educational needs of their children in the way they believe will attract the best of citizens, it is not the purview of the President to deal with at all.
Propaganda artists like lowaicue always conflate issues, like healthcare and employment, to make it seem like the fascist solutions are the cure for everything.
Oh. So China is not communist today? Oh. OK. I have to admit to being confused when I read neocon shite.
There are two nations that share certain fascist traits. One is China the other is, of course The United Fascist States of America. Private profit - public loss, authoritarian, warmongering and as you put it 'the unification of business and government'.
Do you know of any other similarities between China and America?

So you admit china is fascist. Good.
Oh. So China is not communist today? Oh. OK. I have to admit to being confused when I read neocon shite.
There are two nations that share certain fascist traits. One is China the other is, of course The United Fascist States of America. Private profit - public loss, authoritarian, warmongering and as you put it 'the unification of business and government'.
Do you know of any other similarities between China and America?
Nope, China is totalitarian, and allows certain freedom for corporate entities.

And I laugh at this "two nations" crapola. Britain is following right along in this inanity.