Wake The Fuck UP!

First of all, I am a guy, not a lady. The name is symbolic. But that is trivial, there are more important things to discuss here. I want to correct some of your blatant errors. Indeed, we also have to live with mistakes of the British government, in fact, it occurs to me, we wouldn't even be here, if not for mistakes made by the King of England many years ago. We certainly wouldn't be an independent nation, if not for mistakes made by the British Army. However, this is just one indication of your extreme prejudice against us Yanks. Your entire post is filled with resentfulness and bitterness toward Americans, and maybe that explains why you are trying so hard to push us into totalitarian socialism.

It seems I recall the "Bush government" had the undaunted support of one Tony Blair... (I believe he was the British Prime Minister.) So when you make the distinction about "Bush Lies", you should accurately include "Blair Lies" as well. Of course, if we are going to be completely HONEST, we can look at the extensive findings from the British government, as well as the US government, which concluded there was no lie from Bush or Blair.

As for contributing to the "general good" of the world, the US remains the single largest giver of foreign aid in the world. Far surpassing anything the Brits have ever done. When there is a major world disaster, it is the US who is first to arrive and last to leave. We carry this burden as leaders of the free world, something Brits wouldn't know anything about. Before you lob criticism at the US for "occupation" of Iraq, you may want to crack open a history book, and take a gander at how many countries have been occupied (for decades) by the Brits. Unlike the US, who was instrumental in helping Iraqi's form their own democratic-style government, autonomous from the US, the Brits just assumed total control.

Of course you have a right to express your opinion, I never said you didn't. I simply asked you why it was of importance to you. I don't understand why American politics would consume a Brit to the obsession we see with you. It doesn't really make any practical sense, because whatever we do, doesn't really effect you in the UK. Perhaps it extends from the British sense of divine providence, as if you have some God-given right to control of the US, but I think that issue was settled a couple centuries ago.

Speaking of history, this would be a good time to point out, a couple centuries ago, the Brits were Top Dog, they had the strongest army, the largest navy, and the most political power, the US was a fledgling little nobody, fighting for independence. Now we find, the US is the Top Dog, and far surpass the Brits in almost every area. Could this have anything at all to do with capitalism, free-markets, free enterprise, liberty and freedom? Just where the hell do you get off telling us the "right way" to do things? Seems to me, we have done a great deal more with our nation than you have done with yours, over the course of the last couple centuries. Perhaps it is YOU who should be taking advice from US?

Sorry about the gender confusion. A bit like a boy called Sue I guess.
Much of what you say is true the main difference is that I am referring to the events of the recent past and you to the dim and distant past.
We are an old civilisation and we had the largest empire the world has ever know. At the time we were the envy of the world but that was then. However most of the countries that are now proud of their independance are generally better off for our presence. But certainly we were not nice to everyone. However, that was then.
Untill the attitude and actions of bush following the attacks on New York I, like almost everyone I know, was a staunch supporter of the US. We watched in horror as the planes crashed into the buildings. We immediately sent letters and emails of sympathy to friends in America.
And then ... bush happened.
You are right when you say that Blair supported bush and contributed to the lies and he was roundly punished by the electorate. That makes nothing right.
You might like to check your beneficence while we are about it. I know you are TOLD your government is the most generous and I know you BELIEVE it too. But it is not true. There are numerous websites that will offer the truth should you have the courage to look and as for you being first to arrive and last to leave, I can tell you, because I am much closer to one example than you would wish to be, that is an absolute, unmitigated lie orchestrated by the American government as fodder for their brain dead supporters.
We watched a calamitous mudslide in the Philipines engulf villages and kill hundreds. We watched as local people struggled in the hours following and as people from here and China, Japan and Korea arrived to help. Then the yanks arrived. What did they do? Planted a frigging flag and held a photo shoot!!!!!
And what did you read in your press and see on your TV? We get them here too. American troops rush to aid the Philipine tragedy. And the other nations represented? Not a friggin word. Not ONE friggin word.
Local TV stations linked with us here in HK and we watched live. We have friends from the region. We have members of our family who followed the reports in Tagalog.
So, I'm sorry, Dixie. You have been and are being conned. Conned rotten as we say in England.
My life has been affected by the stupid support given to that cabal of idiots led by bush in as much as I am now searched everytime I wish to travel by air and there are other instances of my safety and comfort being compromised. By being on the receiving end of the commonly trotted out question, "Are you American?" and when I answer in the negative the comment, "Ahh, very good. You English. Very good. American no good."
Lowaicue, can I ask you a question? Do Americans frequent British political sites to stick their noses in British politics, or is this just something British people do with American politics? I ask this because, I personally couldn't give a rat's ass what Brits do politically, it's of no interest to me whatsoever. I just can't understand what your fascination might be here? You don't get to vote, you don't have to live under the government we elect, or by the policies we adopt, so what is your interest in American politics? I don't get it.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading your posts, and it seems you are on some kind of mission. Like you want to sway opinions by interjecting your own, but your opinion is highly irrelevant, since you don't live here. It's like, if I were sitting at the kitchen table with my family, planning out our vacation, and the next door neighbor pops in and has a seat, and proceeds to tell us where we should go and what we should do on our vacation. It's a little on the rude side, I think.

He has said in the past (on a different board) that he want's the US to fail.
I believe that it's because of two reasons:
1. England is nothing more then a USED-TO-BE power and he resents the loss.
2. He was conceived during WW II, when an American GI had a fling with his Mum. His Mum never told "DAD" and she married an Englishman that made sure Low IQ knew his linage.

He complains about McDonalds and other things that have supposedly invaded Europe; but I don't remember any one taking the property by force and shoving it down Europes throat. :gives:
We know where we are heading, so we will just sit back and watch the Democratic party self-destruct. What a hoot. :D

Maybe to your way of thinking but just keep an eye on how things go because as far as Obama is concerned you ain't seen nothin' yet.

He is persistent. Change is coming. That's something you can take to the bank.
He has said in the past (on a different board) that he want's the US to fail.
I believe that it's because of two reasons:
1. England is nothing more then a USED-TO-BE power and he resents the loss.
2. He was conceived during WW II, when an American GI had a fling with his Mum. His Mum never told "DAD" and she married an Englishman that made sure Low IQ knew his linage.

He complains about McDonalds and other things that have supposedly invaded Europe; but I don't remember any one taking the property by force and shoving it down Europes throat. :gives:

Seeing your skid mark above my response to Dixie I took a look.
The only one of your points worth answering is the first. You still appear proud to display your stupidity and immaturity.
The answer to your first point is that you have lied, Dumfrey.
I do not want to see the US fail. I said many times that I wanted george w bush's america to fail and it has done. Now you have a president who can read and write. So things are much better.
Seeing your skid mark above my response to Dixie I took a look.
The only one of your points worth answering is the first. You still appear proud to display your stupidity and immaturity.
The answer to your first point is that you have lied, Dumfrey.
I do not want to see the US fail. I said many times that I wanted george w bush's america to fail and it has done. Now you have a president who can read and write. So things are much better.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!! :BKick:
Sorry about the gender confusion. A bit like a boy called Sue I guess.
Much of what you say is true the main difference is that I am referring to the events of the recent past and you to the dim and distant past.
We are an old civilisation and we had the largest empire the world has ever know. At the time we were the envy of the world but that was then. However most of the countries that are now proud of their independance are generally better off for our presence. But certainly we were not nice to everyone. However, that was then.
Untill the attitude and actions of bush following the attacks on New York I, like almost everyone I know, was a staunch supporter of the US. We watched in horror as the planes crashed into the buildings. We immediately sent letters and emails of sympathy to friends in America.
And then ... bush happened.
You are right when you say that Blair supported bush and contributed to the lies and he was roundly punished by the electorate. That makes nothing right.
You might like to check your beneficence while we are about it. I know you are TOLD your government is the most generous and I know you BELIEVE it too. But it is not true. There are numerous websites that will offer the truth should you have the courage to look and as for you being first to arrive and last to leave, I can tell you, because I am much closer to one example than you would wish to be, that is an absolute, unmitigated lie orchestrated by the American government as fodder for their brain dead supporters.
We watched a calamitous mudslide in the Philipines engulf villages and kill hundreds. We watched as local people struggled in the hours following and as people from here and China, Japan and Korea arrived to help. Then the yanks arrived. What did they do? Planted a frigging flag and held a photo shoot!!!!!
And what did you read in your press and see on your TV? We get them here too. American troops rush to aid the Philipine tragedy. And the other nations represented? Not a friggin word. Not ONE friggin word.
Local TV stations linked with us here in HK and we watched live. We have friends from the region. We have members of our family who followed the reports in Tagalog.
So, I'm sorry, Dixie. You have been and are being conned. Conned rotten as we say in England.
My life has been affected by the stupid support given to that cabal of idiots led by bush in as much as I am now searched everytime I wish to travel by air and there are other instances of my safety and comfort being compromised. By being on the receiving end of the commonly trotted out question, "Are you American?" and when I answer in the negative the comment, "Ahh, very good. You English. Very good. American no good."

Actually, it's a bit like a boy named Lowaicue, except I am a man.

Much of what you say is true....

No, ALL of what I said was true, which is why you couldn't refute it. Now you want to backtrack, and try to claim that we've simply been fed propaganda by the government, with regards to foreign aid, but here's the thing, in the US, we have public domain, and the financial records don't lie. Any American can research and find the amount of money the US has spent on foreign aid, for any given year. These numbers can't be fabricated, because it would make no sense to fabricate them. With every administration under the gun to balance the budget, if there were any trumped up figures for foreign aid, that would be the first thing the government would rectify, in order to legitimately spend the money on real stuff. So, what the public record shows is, the US has contributed more to foreign aid than any other country on the face of the Earth. You can continue to lie and spread propaganda to the contrary, but intelligent people simply know better. Perhaps it is YOU who has been lied to?

You know, the thing is, I don't care if you didn't like Bush, that's fine. Bush is not president anymore, Tony Blair is not Prime Minister any more, so whether you didn't like them or I did like them, is irrelevant at this point. It is not an excuse to turn America into the former Soviet Union. Nor is it a reason to allow ourselves to be led around by the nose by Eurotrash Socialists who claim to know more than we do. You've got your own problems in Britain, stick to solving those before you come off telling us what to do and how to do it.

I don't really care how cordially you are treated by foreigners who are relieved to know you aren't an American. Most of them would give their left testicle to live in the US, and their resentment stems largely from jealousy and envy, combined with good old fashioned socialist propaganda. Yes, you and your socialist friends have been majorly successful at demonizing Bush and Blair, and making a controversy of the liberation of Iraq. Nevertheless, over 50 million people are now free and liberated from tyranny, and able to vote in free elections for the first time in world history. I can live with that.
Maybe to your way of thinking but just keep an eye on how things go because as far as Obama is concerned you ain't seen nothin' yet.

He is persistent. Change is coming. That's something you can take to the bank.

He's just another fascist, part of a rich heritage.

What's scary is your utopianism.
Actually, it's a bit like a boy named Lowaicue, except I am a man.

No, ALL of what I said was true, which is why you couldn't refute it. Now you want to backtrack, and try to claim that we've simply been fed propaganda by the government, with regards to foreign aid, but here's the thing, in the US, we have public domain, and the financial records don't lie. Any American can research and find the amount of money the US has spent on foreign aid, for any given year. These numbers can't be fabricated, because it would make no sense to fabricate them. With every administration under the gun to balance the budget, if there were any trumped up figures for foreign aid, that would be the first thing the government would rectify, in order to legitimately spend the money on real stuff. So, what the public record shows is, the US has contributed more to foreign aid than any other country on the face of the Earth. You can continue to lie and spread propaganda to the contrary, but intelligent people simply know better. Perhaps it is YOU who has been lied to?

You know, the thing is, I don't care if you didn't like Bush, that's fine. Bush is not president anymore, Tony Blair is not Prime Minister any more, so whether you didn't like them or I did like them, is irrelevant at this point. It is not an excuse to turn America into the former Soviet Union. Nor is it a reason to allow ourselves to be led around by the nose by Eurotrash Socialists who claim to know more than we do. You've got your own problems in Britain, stick to solving those before you come off telling us what to do and how to do it.

I don't really care how cordially you are treated by foreigners who are relieved to know you aren't an American. Most of them would give their left testicle to live in the US, and their resentment stems largely from jealousy and envy, combined with good old fashioned socialist propaganda. Yes, you and your socialist friends have been majorly successful at demonizing Bush and Blair, and making a controversy of the liberation of Iraq. Nevertheless, over 50 million people are now free and liberated from tyranny, and able to vote in free elections for the first time in world history. I can live with that.

How many cuckoos on your cloud? I am not saying that you havent given the most money I am saying that much of it was political investment and I'll add that, per capita, you are no where near the most generous.
Anyway, be happy in your ignorance. Tote that gun, refuse that bail, be sure to look behind you cos we're kicking you in the tail. (and it doesn't hurt us one bit.)
I would imagine I could beat you by a few years and a hell of a lot of experience. Enjoy.
Sorry about the gender confusion. A bit like a boy called Sue I guess.

Not really. More like cultural differences. Dixie is used as a feminine name in the English language but in the USA "Dixie" is ussually a geographical reference to the southeast section of the US, i.e. Dixieland.
We watched a calamitous mudslide in the Philipines engulf villages and kill hundreds. We watched as local people struggled in the hours following and as people from here and China, Japan and Korea arrived to help. Then the yanks arrived. What did they do? Planted a frigging flag and held a photo shoot!!!!!
And what did you read in your press and see on your TV? We get them here too. American troops rush to aid the Philipine tragedy. And the other nations represented? Not a friggin word. Not ONE friggin word.
Local TV stations linked with us here in HK and we watched live. We have friends from the region. We have members of our family who followed the reports in Tagalog.

Hey Po, upang ay hindi totoo.

The greatest source of international aid for the Leyte mud slides came from US NGO's and private donations from US citizens. My wife and I (my wife is a Pinay) donated money through the Red Cross.
How many cuckoos on your cloud? I am not saying that you havent given the most money I am saying that much of it was political investment and I'll add that, per capita, you are no where near the most generous.
Anyway, be happy in your ignorance. Tote that gun, refuse that bail, be sure to look behind you cos we're kicking you in the tail. (and it doesn't hurt us one bit.)
I would imagine I could beat you by a few years and a hell of a lot of experience. Enjoy.

Man I love it when I drive a liberal socialist to muttering absolute mindless shit. It's even more fun than making them type so angrily they hit the wrong keys!1!!1!

Okay, so now.... you admit we aren't being lied to, we actually do give the most money to foreign aid, but you claim this is just a slick political ploy... uhmmmm.... for what??? So that Indonesians will vote for Bush? So that Sumatrans will extend trade to the US? What fucking motivation do we have to give aid, other than we want to help? I contributed over $2500 last year to charity, I guess, because I am a Conservative Republican, I just wanted a tax write off, huh? Had nothing whatsoever to do with my desire to help the needy, did it? I love the way you just presume to know our motivations, even though you have no basis for your beliefs whatsoever.

The bottom line is this, the US gives and gives and gives, and we have done so for many years. Whenever there is a disaster, whenever there is a crisis, the US is there, ready and willing to help. Even when an earthquake hits Iran, we are there giving humanitarian aid to our worst enemies. Maybe that was so we could persuade Armordinnerjacket to let us open our embassy back up or something? There is literally no telling what you believe, with your twisted convoluted logic.

You're not kicking anyone's ass, and haven't been for years... the last ass-kicker you guys had was Margaret Thatcher. Before her, you'd have to go back to Winston Churchill to find a British ass kicker. You guys don't even know how to play football! If it weren't for the US Marines, you'd likely be goose-stepping around Buckingham Palace, and speaking German!