First of all, I am a guy, not a lady. The name is symbolic. But that is trivial, there are more important things to discuss here. I want to correct some of your blatant errors. Indeed, we also have to live with mistakes of the British government, in fact, it occurs to me, we wouldn't even be here, if not for mistakes made by the King of England many years ago. We certainly wouldn't be an independent nation, if not for mistakes made by the British Army. However, this is just one indication of your extreme prejudice against us Yanks. Your entire post is filled with resentfulness and bitterness toward Americans, and maybe that explains why you are trying so hard to push us into totalitarian socialism.
It seems I recall the "Bush government" had the undaunted support of one Tony Blair... (I believe he was the British Prime Minister.) So when you make the distinction about "Bush Lies", you should accurately include "Blair Lies" as well. Of course, if we are going to be completely HONEST, we can look at the extensive findings from the British government, as well as the US government, which concluded there was no lie from Bush or Blair.
As for contributing to the "general good" of the world, the US remains the single largest giver of foreign aid in the world. Far surpassing anything the Brits have ever done. When there is a major world disaster, it is the US who is first to arrive and last to leave. We carry this burden as leaders of the free world, something Brits wouldn't know anything about. Before you lob criticism at the US for "occupation" of Iraq, you may want to crack open a history book, and take a gander at how many countries have been occupied (for decades) by the Brits. Unlike the US, who was instrumental in helping Iraqi's form their own democratic-style government, autonomous from the US, the Brits just assumed total control.
Of course you have a right to express your opinion, I never said you didn't. I simply asked you why it was of importance to you. I don't understand why American politics would consume a Brit to the obsession we see with you. It doesn't really make any practical sense, because whatever we do, doesn't really effect you in the UK. Perhaps it extends from the British sense of divine providence, as if you have some God-given right to control of the US, but I think that issue was settled a couple centuries ago.
Speaking of history, this would be a good time to point out, a couple centuries ago, the Brits were Top Dog, they had the strongest army, the largest navy, and the most political power, the US was a fledgling little nobody, fighting for independence. Now we find, the US is the Top Dog, and far surpass the Brits in almost every area. Could this have anything at all to do with capitalism, free-markets, free enterprise, liberty and freedom? Just where the hell do you get off telling us the "right way" to do things? Seems to me, we have done a great deal more with our nation than you have done with yours, over the course of the last couple centuries. Perhaps it is YOU who should be taking advice from US?