Wal Mart War

I have worked both management and union in my lifetime. Unions can shoot themselves in the foot, but they are necessary to offset the greed of the companies.....I feel that they will begining to rise in membership again in a few years. It is a cyclical thing.
Wal-Mart sucks. Only trash shops there but anyway thats not the point of my post.

The company I work for is being picketed and has been for the past 2 years. All of the picketers are hired and paid and most of them are illegal alien day workers. LOL

Only trash shops at Walmart BF? I just moved from one of the wealthiest communities in the entire Country.... and yes.... they have a Walmart that is packed day in and day out ... they also have a Kmart and a Target ....
I now live in Western New York ..... the Wealthiest Community here is Clarence, Williamsville and Amherst New York... and guess what BF... we have a Walmart.. and it is packed with people day in and day out.

Stop being an idiot ....

About Walmart ... Walmart has problems and it is because they are a trillion dollar Comapny not paying a fair share to their Fulltime Hourly Employees. Entry level part time work is one thing.. but I will advise you to talk to the people in the shipping and recieving depts.... you'll get an earfull. These are the people that are working their butts off for the share holders. Have a little more respect for the blue collar guy ..please.
You people need to get away from your keyboards and talk to the real world once in awhile.
I guess you buy no electronics then ? China stuff is everywhere, not just wally world.

I realize it is inevitable that some stuff I buy is made in China. Most of my electronics are from Japan and Korea though. I don't know of anything made in china. I buy american when I can and when I can't I try to be sure it is from a more free non commie country.
Only trash shops at Walmart BF? I just moved from one of the wealthiest communities in the entire Country.... and yes.... they have a Walmart that is packed day in and day out ... they also have a Kmart and a Target ....
I now live in Western New York ..... the Wealthiest Community here is Clarence, Williamsville and Amherst New York... and guess what BF... we have a Walmart.. and it is packed with people day in and day out.

Stop being an idiot ....

About Walmart ... Walmart has problems and it is because they are a trillion dollar Comapny not paying a fair share to their Fulltime Hourly Employees. Entry level part time work is one thing.. but I will advise you to talk to the people in the shipping and recieving depts.... you'll get an earfull. These are the people that are working their butts off for the share holders. Have a little more respect for the blue collar guy ..please.
You people need to get away from your keyboards and talk to the real world once in awhile.

Nice cities have riff raff too. Sorry Wal-Mart treats their employees like shit and most of their goods are from China.
Where do you get the Wal mart treats its employees like shit? why do people line up for jobs there if they are so bad? Get over your hate and get a grip on reality.
Where do you get the Wal mart treats its employees like shit? why do people line up for jobs there if they are so bad? Get over your hate and get a grip on reality.

My brother used to work there. His 2 month old baby died and they tried to fire him for taking too much time off and they hassled the shit out of him. He got paid shitty.

Also, they were raided and busted for locking night employees in their store. They also hire illegals. Funny that cons support them so much.
republicans fight the war against terrorist and the Democrats fight the war against Wal Mart. Pick your war.
My brother used to work there. His 2 month old baby died and they tried to fire him for taking too much time off and they hassled the shit out of him. He got paid shitty.

Also, they were raided and busted for locking night employees in their store. They also hire illegals. Funny that cons support them so much.


That's horrible! Those stories alone should steer people away from them.

Well, I guess this follow up isn't nearly as devestating as this:

They also don't promote women

But I felt the need to add it.

The Walmart near me is trashy too. I mean literally: the aisles are littered with trash. Not to mention the parking lot looks like an airport parking lot (and not the nice big ones in the south - the crowded hard to manuever never enough room ones in the north east). Its like going to he|| every visit.
My brother used to work there. His 2 month old baby died and they tried to fire him for taking too much time off and they hassled the shit out of him. He got paid shitty.

Also, they were raided and busted for locking night employees in their store. They also hire illegals. Funny that cons support them so much.
Hmm here wally world is open 24 hours, how can they lock their employees in the store if they are open 24 hours ?
Actually most Republicans are like BF and feel that only trash shop at wally world. Demoncrats are wally worlds biggest customers.
The simple answer would be that they are not all open 24 hours.
I guess not, but all I was around in FL and KY were 24 hours.
And yes they pay low but so does everything around here and in many rural areas.
I guess you don't buy pizza or eat in fast food restaruants because of the poor pay and benefits as well ?
I guess not, but all I was around in FL and KY were 24 hours.
And yes they pay low but so does everything around here and in many rural areas.
I guess you don't buy pizza or eat in fast food restaruants because of the poor pay and benefits as well ?

Fast food is for trash also.

That's horrible! Those stories alone should steer people away from them.

Well, I guess this follow up isn't nearly as devestating as this:

They also don't promote women

But I felt the need to add it.

The Walmart near me is trashy too. I mean literally: the aisles are littered with trash. Not to mention the parking lot looks like an airport parking lot (and not the nice big ones in the south - the crowded hard to manuever never enough room ones in the north east). Its like going to he|| every visit.

That is just a local Jersy thing I guess. All the wally worlds I have been in are kept nice and clean. And I live in hillbilly country :D
That is just a local Jersy thing I guess. All the wally worlds I have been in are kept nice and clean. And I live in hillbilly country :D

must be. all the ones around me are pretty trashy. Even in so called "upscale neighborhoods".