War on What?

AnyOldIron II

New member
In the great tradition of waging 'War on Things', What would you like to see a 'War on'?

I'm suggesting fat chicks...
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LOL white people with dreadlocks have to go, a Russian chick at Wimblondon break them out and it was nasty:shock:
Wage war on Wimbledon...

Clogging up the TV channels, and we never win. If I wanted to see hot Russian chicks in next to nothing I'd buy 'Russian Students XXX'.....
Damo, what the buggery are whirled peas?
It is a funny misspelling. Geez... You must be old. Darla said old folks don't catch on to jokes as quickly.

Anyway, it was a play on the "Envision World Peace" bumperstickers that were popular at the time. Since then I have declared a War on Whirled Peas... because somebody made me envision them.
Are they like Mushy Peas?

I sincerely hope not, as that would be tantamount to labelling ones mother a common prostitute.
Are they like Mushy Peas?

I sincerely hope not, as that would be tantamount to labelling ones mother a common prostitute.
I always pictured the nasty pea mush that they used to attempt to get me to eat while I was in elementary school.

But I supposed it is on what you "envision".
It is a funny misspelling. Geez... You must be old. Darla said old folks don't catch on to jokes as quickly.

I thought you were talking about mushy peas, which, contrary to what the uncouth gentleman above states, is a fine food...

I get it now.... You know us English, not known for our humour.... We're virtually Germans after all....
In the great tradition of waging 'War on Things', What would you like to see a 'War on'?

I'm suggesting fat chicks...

I'd like to see a war on Soccer Moms.

They drive too fast and aggresively, and they're always in some huge Chevy Suburban or Jeep HumVee.

Bascially, they're a public menace.