Was Barracks drug use and 'alternative' lifesytle limited to his childhood?

Skeletons arise during campaigns. I found this one more funny than true, but like I said he's admitted to similar behavior, only earlier in his life. How many more funny stories will pile up though...

I don't know, but if you'd like to lose even more credibility on this forum you should keep posting them all.
Just saying keep in mind the guy isn't the patron saint he's made out to be... A former cocaine user, 'alternative' lifestyles, the most liberal member of the Senate, it's just way out of the mainstream of America. It's funny though to hear this JFK talk...
Well I don't get gay blowjobs, but I frequently saw cocaine and pot while in college. To call it out of the mainstream opens yourself to attacks on your lameness.
Just saying keep in mind the guy isn't the patron saint he's made out to be... A former cocaine user, 'alternative' lifestyles, the most liberal member of the Senate, it's just way out of the mainstream of America. It's funny though to hear this JFK talk...
Yeah cause JFK wasn't fucking anyone while he was in office was he. He may not have been liberal but I bet he was was progressive enough to go down on Marylin.
Yeah cause JFK was fucking anyone while he was in office was he. He may not have been liberal but I bet he was was progressive enough to go down on Marylin.


I really think WRL didn't see this thread going this way. But what did he expect?

That we were going to be offended by completely unsubstantiated allegations of personal drug use?


I wouldn't care if it were true, in fact it would make me more likely to vote for him, but it's more than obviously not.
OK, the way things are these days, if a candidate hadn't done pot/cocaine in college, they were either very poor or had no life, a combination that's unusual amongst presidential candidates (they have to be rich, and if they didn't even have enoguh charisma to get friends they probably wouldn't be in elected office). Actually, that's pretty much been the way it always has been. Every president since drugs were made illegal has probably done them at some point in time. And if you count alcohol as a drug (as it is more dangerous than quite a few illegal drugs), they've all done drugs.
Shit according to far more credible reports than a faggy limo driver, Bush blew mad lines at Yale and WRL doesn't give a shit about Bush's "alternative college lifestyle".
As long as they lay off the blow while in office I give a shit what they did before as far as drug use goes. I have used Coke, I have smoked dope, did acid and peyote, took speed and have smoked opium once. I give a shit if a politician did drugs. I don't care that W had a DWI. Hell drunk drivers help pay the bills around here.
As long as they lay off the blow while in office I give a shit what they did before as far as drug use goes. I have used Coke, I have smoked dope, did acid and peyote, took speed and have smoked opium once. I give a shit if a politician did drugs. I don't care that W had a DWI. Hell drunk drivers help pay the bills around here.

Hell fuckin YEAH Soc!

How did you like acid?
Halucinogens are my very favorite. And I left out shrooms. I loved shrooms!

It would be shorter for me to just say I've never fucked with crack cocaine or crystal meth.

Hallucinogens were my favorite for a long time, but I kind of grew out of them in college. Still there is absolutely no more electrifying feeling than experiencing the geauty of the world under the influence of LSD.
It would be shorter for me to just say I've never fucked with crack cocaine or crystal meth.

Hallucinogens were my favorite for a long time, but I kind of grew out of them in college. Still there is absolutely no more electrifying feeling than experiencing the geauty of the world under the influence of LSD.
I don't even smoke dope anymore. Just makes me lagg, makes me hungry and then puts me to sleep. I get high, eat a bag of Oreos and then wake up in the morning wondering why I weight 4 more pound than I did the day before.
I don't even smoke dope anymore. Just makes me lagg, makes me hungry and then puts me to sleep. I get high, eat a bag of Oreos and then wake up in the morning wondering why I weight 4 more pound than I did the day before.

I sense that your problem is you lack a 30 cig a day habit.

If you do both of those, you can be both relaxed and slim.

:) Jk. Well... it is true, but I'm not advocating it.
Meth is the only drug I have a problem with being legalized. After a very short use period it inhibits dopamine uptake and changes brain activity dramatically. I have seen too many kids lives ruined by their parents smoking meth.
I sense that your problem is you lack a 30 cig a day habit.

If you do both of those, you can be both relaxed and slim.

:) Jk. Well... it is true, but I'm not advocating it.
I still smoke, About 5 roll your owns per day. Danish select from my local tobacconist. That and about 4 cigars per week. I love tobacco.
Meth is the only drug I have a problem with being legalized. After a very short use period it inhibits dopamine uptake and changes brain activity dramatically. I have seen too many kids lives ruined by their parents smoking meth.

I would accept criminalization of many drugs for the decriminalization of a few, but the only ones I think absolutely SHOULD be criminalized are heroin, crack, meth, and their derivitives.

People who counter that assertion with the "free will" argument are misguided. I've seen friends living those lifestyles, and there was nothing "free" about their wills after 6 months of shooting heroin five times a day.

You should no more be able to become addicted to heroin in a free country than you should be able to sell yourself into slavery.

Experienced and recovering users will tell you the comparison is beyond analogous, it is exact.
Meth is the only drug I have a problem with being legalized. After a very short use period it inhibits dopamine uptake and changes brain activity dramatically. I have seen too many kids lives ruined by their parents smoking meth.


Meth really isn't even that great of a high. It's just permanently addictive.

Heroin is also pretty bad.

But I think if we legalized Cocaine or amphetamines, the market for Meth would dry up. We could also legalize some kind of safer Heroin substitute. It's just harm minimization.

One drug we could save a lot of lives by legalizing would be, ironically, Ecstacy. The government did a big smear campaign against it in the past, but now I've heard scientists ranking it as safer than alcohol or pot. Most of the deaths from Ecstacy come from Ecstacy substitutes like PMA that they put in there to lower costs. PMA is only a small fraction of total Ecstacy sales, but account for more than twice the amount of deaths than pure Ecstacy. By legalizing Ecstacy and giving out a pure supply, deaths would be reduced to nothing.
I would accept criminalization of many drugs for the decriminalization of a few, but the only ones I think absolutely SHOULD be criminalized are heroin, crack, meth, and their derivitives.

People who counter that assertion with the "free will" argument are misguided. I've seen friends living those lifestyles, and there was nothing "free" about their wills after 6 months of shooting heroin five times a day.

You should no more be able to become addicted to heroin in a free country than you should be able to sell yourself into slavery.

Experienced and recovering users will tell you the comparison is beyond analogous, it is exact.

Meth, heroin, crack, PCP... they all just mess to strongly with the pathways in our brain that are put there to insure our survival.