Was Barracks drug use and 'alternative' lifesytle limited to his childhood?

Easier said than done.........!

I should add though, that even I have limits about how far I think that can go. Starting in the fall I am going to begin preparing for the LSAT Exam for law school, and I plan to stop doing everything so that I can get in gear to study. I am under no illusions that I can expect to cruise through an Ivy League law school smoking pot everyday and blowing lines every weekend.

It shouldn't be hard. I'm getting pretty bored with drugs anyway to be honest. I've spent the better part of my life using one or more substances every single day without exception. It's sort of getting old. As I mentioned with Soc I've already gotten bored with several individual drugs, and now they're just not affecting me the way they did when I was younger. To keep using them would be a pointless waste of money and good health. So I'm going to enjoy my last summer of debauchery before I have to clean up my act. This has been my plan since I smoked pot my first time.

a addictive personality rarely changes with age...just a fact jack!
a addictive personality rarely changes with age...just a fact jack!

No doubt, my grandad was an alcoholic. No need to tell me. But lately I've been going whole weeks without smoking and more importantly not even thinking about it, so I really think I'll be okay. Not that you're concerned for my health anyway, but I'm so mentally just bored with drugs there is no allure to resist.

No doubt, my grandad was an alcoholic. No need to tell me. But lately I've been going whole weeks without smoking and more importantly not even thinking about it, so I really think I'll be okay. Not that you're concerned for my health anyway, but I'm so mentally just bored with drugs there is no allure to resist.

if someday you decide to run for office ...well your past will come back and bite you on the proverbial ass!...Just food for thought! I was raised thinking of the future not today...kids need way more direction today!
if someday you decide to run for office ...well your past will come back and bite you on the proverbial ass!...Just food for thought! I was raised thinking of the future not today...kids need way more direction today!

Like GWB eh?

Mine is much less severe than his. He was genuinely an addicted alcoholic. I was just a kid who liked his pot, and knew when it was time to stop. Not planning on running for anything, but by the Bush-Clinton-Obama standard I would be fine if I did.
You friend are being a hypocrit.........

Like GWB eh?

Mine is much less severe than his. He was genuinely an addicted alcoholic. I was just a kid who liked his pot, and knew when it was time to stop. Not planning on running for anything, but by the Bush-Clinton-Obama standard I would be fine if I did.

This is exactly what GW said about his youthful indiscretions...now you are saying it is okay if you do these things but not GW...sure am glad I was a good kid...no 'real' skeltons to bite my butt! Just normal kid things not addictive thingees...get a clue dude!
Like GWB eh?

Mine is much less severe than his. He was genuinely an addicted alcoholic. I was just a kid who liked his pot, and knew when it was time to stop. Not planning on running for anything, but by the Bush-Clinton-Obama standard I would be fine if I did.

lol drinking is worse than chopping up lines, thanks for totally making this thread for me, I figured if I posted this about Obama, the bandwagon mindset would roll and soon we'd be discussing how great Obama was and how great Heroin is. You guys keep to that theme.
lol drinking is worse than chopping up lines, thanks for totally making this thread for me, I figured if I posted this about Obama, the bandwagon mindset would roll and soon we'd be discussing how great Obama was and how great Heroin is. You guys keep to that theme.
Actually most everything in moderation is not bad for you. IT is when you over indulge you start down the road of self destruction. Some drugs this is not possible with, like Meth and Herion but most others including coke can be done in Moderation.
I "Just say no to Coke". I like Pepsi much better anyway.

I have tried the stuff and do not understand what the attraction is.
I would rather have a "Speckled Bird" or an Escatrol than coke.

Apparently many are different though one friend snorted up all his mone a second mortgage and died of liver failure from it.
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Actually most everything in moderation is not bad for you. IT is when you over indulge you start down the road of self destruction. Some drugs this is not possible with, like Meth and Herion but most others including coke can be done in Moderation.

Tell this story to Brittany Spears et al...I am sure when they sober up they will not agree with you! Could be wrong celeb's are not known for logic anymore than 'Defense Attorneys'...sorry for the cheap shot...but ya did ask for it with this comment!:cof1:
lol drinking is worse than chopping up lines, thanks for totally making this thread for me, I figured if I posted this about Obama, the bandwagon mindset would roll and soon we'd be discussing how great Obama was and how great Heroin is. You guys keep to that theme.

Bush allegedly blew coke at Yale. As far up his ass as you are, I'm sure you knew that.
Tell this story to Brittany Spears et al...I am sure when they sober up they will not agree with you! Could be wrong celeb's are not known for logic anymore than 'Defense Attorneys'...sorry for the cheap shot...but ya did ask for it with this comment!:cof1:
And you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Millions of americans including lots of really wealthy successful americans in the 80's did drugs with out collapsing, falling apart, losing their jobs or their businesses husbands wives and children. Rehab clinics in this country are as full of broke down drunks drinking legal alcohol as they are drug addicts. Not everyone can handle drugs or alcohol but when are you rightwingers gonna advocate some personal responsiblity. If you become an addict or an alcoholic clean up and get on with life.
Whatever soco.........

And you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Millions of americans including lots of really wealthy successful americans in the 80's did drugs with out collapsing, falling apart, losing their jobs or their businesses husbands wives and children. Rehab clinics in this country are as full of broke down drunks drinking legal alcohol as they are drug addicts. Not everyone can handle drugs or alcohol but when are you rightwingers gonna advocate some personal responsiblity. If you become an addict or an alcoholic clean up and get on with life.

Personally I don't have a drinking nor a drug problemo...however I do believe your fabricated stats are amusing...when are you druggies going to admit you have a problem...sober people can see it as well as those with alcohol problems...nice try batman! Try some personal responsibility for your actions it will set you free!
Actually most everything in moderation is not bad for you. IT is when you over indulge you start down the road of self destruction. Some drugs this is not possible with, like Meth and Herion but most others including coke can be done in Moderation.

those are physically addictive substances and should not be legal. And cannot be done in moderation, as they are so highly addictive.
those are physically addictive substances and should not be legal. And cannot be done in moderation, as they are so highly addictive.

Again, see our list.

As people who have actually experienced it, rather than just reading about it and deciding we're qualified to pass laws jailing people, we recommended criminalization of heroin, crystal meth, PCP, and crack-cocaine.

Those drugs should not be available legally for the reasons you describe, they cannot be done in moderation.

Sending people to jail for smoking a joint, however, is beyond fucking absurd: it's fascist.