Was FDR a fascist?

I said FDR was a WWII president...and the war and his policy during the cycle brought us out of the depression...Tell eucolyp he can quit with the darla BS...IA my ass! I argue for myself thank you very much...Mottley is not me...get a grip also damo...quit pushing RP politics it is quite transparent!

This was a history lesson...both of you failed!
*sigh* the world is not revolving around you, I made the Hoover post in answer to Mottleydude's incorrect assumptions about Rs, it had nothing to do with you. Stop being so sensitive.
*sigh* the world is not revolving around you, I made the Hoover post in answer to Mottleydude's incorrect assumptions about Rs, it had nothing to do with you. Stop being so sensitive.

I'm not...I was addressing eucolyp..and his rant...you chimed in...and got caught in the cross fire...your bad not mine!;)
for the sake of a true debate...post the link that qualifies there has ever been a tax rate of 91%...you guys are unbelieveable! Well unless you want to take this debate to the Roman era...then I would agree with the tax rate of 91%...:rolleyes:

Yes this refers to the extreme...........

Here you go:


Highest it got was 94% in 1944-45

Dropped into the high to low 80's% in for rest of 40's, then up to 91-92 from '51-63

upper income level before deductions and such...the taxable income was far less than the scale...and did not address the middle class and lower! Get real...if the tax rate was a real 94% everyone would have been living on the street or shanties at best...
This has got to be about the most ignorant forum I've seen in a fucking long time. What clueless idiots. Fucking Republicans stood by during the great depresion and did FUCKING NOTHING, while a million americans starved to death

Nobody starved to death. You can remove FDR's pecker from your mouth now.
upper income level before deductions and such...the taxable income was far less than the scale...and did not address the middle class and lower! Get real...if the tax rate was a real 94% everyone would have been living on the street or shanties at best...

It was stated at the beginning, top tax bracket, ie over $200k. I read posts before I comment.
upper income level before deductions and such...the taxable income was far less than the scale...and did not address the middle class and lower! Get real...if the tax rate was a real 94% everyone would have been living on the street or shanties at best...

That's why its called a "marginal" tax rate.

Nap time old timer! :cof1:
upper income level before deductions and such...the taxable income was far less than the scale...and did not address the middle class and lower! Get real...if the tax rate was a real 94% everyone would have been living on the street or shanties at best...

We clearly meant the top marginal tax rate.

That's why its called a "marginal" tax rate.

Nap time old timer! :cof1:

Take your nap! Kathianne was the only one who was honest about the rate...she did not cherry pick she posted the link which qualified my comment...The shock and awe did not muster a 94% real rate...marginal as you are referring to it being...go have another mai tai and take your evening nap..'Child of the Corn'...
Mike Church put it simply the other day when he compared socialism to fascism. “A fascist is a socialist with a gun.” Although overly simplified, the comparison is valid.

Its fairly obvious that FDR was a socialist. He ushered in the era of Big Government. His wide reaching social programs, such as Social Security, the “alphabet agencies” such as the WPA and the CCC, the explosive growth of government, and government employment have caused millions to be dependent on the government. He raised taxes to the highest level ever seen in America, up to an individual marginal rate of 91%!

But did FDR cross the line into fascism? Did he use a “gun” to enforce his policies? If you refuse to pay your taxes, would you not be threatened with imprisonment? What about the relocation camps for Americans of Japanese, Italian, or German origin?

I think he crossed the line.

Jonah Goldberg called. He wants his schtick back.
Take your nap! Kathianne was the only one who was honest about the rate...she did not cherry pick she posted the link which qualified my comment...The shock and awe did not muster a 94% real rate...marginal as you are referring to it being...go have another mai tai and take your evening nap..'Child of the Corn'...


Child of the corn?

I don't get it, unless you're talking about my corn cob pipe?

The top marginal tax rate was in the 90% neighborhood at one point. What are you disagreeing with here? It is now in the neighborhood of 33%.

That's good, not bad.
A fascist is not a socialist with a gun...not a valid argument at all.

FDR was a pig socialist, not smart enough to be a fascist.