Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
If you aren't attending your most local public schools, then it's not integration. It is, however, a fine example of fascism, if that's what one is hoping to achieve.
Busing was supposed to mix the races so the kids could get used to each other and if white kids had to go to substandard schools, there would be pressure to bring them up to standards. Instead, white people sent their kids to private or religious schools.
These were the day we knew that schools were separate and unequal.
I think it was a failure. All kids were sent all over town to schools far from their homes. What was it supposed to have accomplished?
In Toledo they let kids go to whatever school they chose.
But another situation came up.
Libbey HS in the old South End was closed do to lack of students,and the 1922 building needed more work than the city was willing to spend.
So what to do with the Libbey students?
West of Libbey was the new Bowsher in a better part of town.And closer to Downtown is Scott Hs
,so they sent half the Libbey kids to Bowsher.
But they couldn't send the other half the Libbey kids,mostly black to Scott,mostly black because of issues within the black community.
So they sent the other half of the Libbey kids,clear across town,across the river to Waite HS in East Toledo.
There are issues in the urban Black community,that only the black community can solve.
Busing was supposed to mix the races so the kids could get used to each other and if white kids had to go to substandard schools, there would be pressure to bring them up to standards. Instead, white people sent their kids to private or religious schools.
These were the day we knew that schools were separate and unequal.
Really? I went to a public school in the '70's which was fairly proportional to the makeup of the population. My sister is a teacher, went back to the old school we went to , to teach, and said it's completely unmanageable. She said it's practically child abuse/neglect to send your kid to a public school. Private and parochial schools are booming in Louisiana.
You went to public school in NOLA??
WTH, CFM, a couple civil posts in a row, you feel ok??
In our area they have been changing it around & some districts allow that as well, & the parents have to haul them back & fourth.... Parents w/ skin in the game are prob more involved & actively participating in the kids education etc.......
Busing was supposed to mix the races so the kids could get used to each other and if white kids had to go to substandard schools, there would be pressure to bring them up to standards. Instead, white people sent their kids to private or religious schools.
Really? I went to a public school in the '70's which was fairly proportional to the makeup of the population
So you base equality on the buildings, huh?
All of my posts are civil. You equate not liking the truth with being uncivil and those two simply aren't the same thing.
There was one major factor I intentionally left out related to the transportation part. A sizable number of parents complained that the requirement of providing transportation was discriminatory. You know the entitled kind. They argued that the requirement put an undue burden on parents and that the policy was purposely created knowing that many blacks would be unable to meet it.
That is why God made bikes, Uber, neighbors w/ cars, family & feet...
No my friend, all your posts are not, just ask anyone.... Go head, I dare yea......![]()
Am I supposed to believe them should they say so? Interesting how you equate agreeing with someone and something being correct.