Was Jesus soft?


I have read a representative sample of ancient Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian scripture, the Greek Homeric epics, Plato, and am familiar with the Mesopotamian epic of Gilgamesh.

The Hebrew bible is the first time in literary history that there is a concentrated focus on social justice and the welfare of the poor, the oppressed, the widows, and the orphans expressed as a moral imperative. In fact, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are basically the first examples in world literature that the poor and diseased were even systematically written about in anything other than caricature or pejoratives.

Social justice as a moral imperative was not just "common sense"
You clearly haven't appreciated that ' common sense ' was considered normal, accepted- and didn't warrant writing books about by anybody that was already bestowed with it.
I hope that his dubious provenance is noted in the preface. We wouldn't want our kids to think it was fact, now would we.
My post had nothing to do with the historicity of Moses. It's only your hatred of Jews that made you co-opt the thread by screaming about Moses being fake
You clearly haven't appreciated that ' common sense ' was considered normal, accepted- and didn't warrant writing books about by anybody that was already bestowed with it.
Of course it seems like "common sense". The reason you consider it "common sense" is because the Judeo-Christian ethos has permeated western civilization for two thousand years, and you personally adopted a Judeo-Christian ethos without even realizing it. There is nothing "common sense" about loving kindness towards the poor, the oppressed, the diseased as a moral imperative. That was a radical ethos first articulated in Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament
My post had nothing to do with the historicity of Moses. It's only your hatred of Jews that made you co-opt the thread by screaming about Moses being fake
I despise Zionism. Zionist Jews are genocidal scum. As for all the others- they're just plain folks.
Of course it seems like "common sense". The reason you consider it "common sense" is because the Judeo-Christian ethos has permeated western civilization for two thousand years, and you personally adopted a Judeo-Christian ethos without even realizing it. There is nothing "common sense" about loving kindness towards the poor, the oppressed, the diseased as a moral imperative. That was a radical ethos first articulated in Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament
You're insane. Truly. Even neolithic people cared for each other, doctored each other, made splints for broken bones, protected each others children, shared necessities. Insane prosemites like you simply inspire antisemitism by your greed and stupidity. Just look at what your insane arrogance caused in pre-war Europe.
You're insane. Truly. Even neolithic people cared for each other, doctored each other, made splints for broken bones, protected each others children, shared necessities. Insane prosemites like you simply inspire antisemitism by your greed and stupidity. Just look at what your insane arrogance caused in pre-war Europe.
You would be shocked by the ethos of Neolithic and Bronze age people. Babies and children would be abandoned to be eaten by wild animals if they were perceived as a burden to the tribal resources. Ritual child sacrifice was widely practiced as a religious tradition, and accepted without question. Cannibalism was locally acceptable. Human sacrifice was widely practiced. Female infanticide was widely practiced because female babies were often considered less desirable, , might makes right was an accepted fact of life.

Obviously protecting one's children, siblings, and group collaboration in the hunt and in self defense are evolutionary adaptations.

What is happening here is that you are so accustomed to living within a Judeo-Christian ethos, you just take it for granted and assume it's "common sense". It's analogous to a fish not consciously realizing it swims in water.
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I despise Zionism. Zionist Jews are genocidal scum. As for all the others- they're just plain folks.
Right now at this very moment, there are citizens of Israel who fully support the concept of a Jewish state, but are protesting their government's actions in Gaza. Do you know what happens to Gazan's who protest Hamas?

It sounds to me like you are just using the Gaza conflict as a figleaf to indulge your latent antisemitism against "Jew scum".
You would be shocked by the ethos of Neolithic and Bronze age people. Babies and children would be abandoned to be eaten by wild animals if they were perceived as a burden to the tribal resources. Ritual child sacrifice was widely practiced as a religious tradition, and accepted without question. Cannibalism was locally acceptable. Human sacrifice was widely practiced. Female infanticide was widely practiced because female babies were often considered less desirable, , might makes right was an accepted fact of life.

Obviously protecting one's children, siblings, and group collaboration in the hunt and in self defense are evolutionary adaptations.

What is happening here is that you are so accustomed to living within a Judeo-Christian ethos, you just take it for granted and assume it's "common sense". It's analogous to a fish not consciously realizing it swims in water.
I believe that ' unmitigated nonsense ' is the usual term for drivel such as yours. You should make some stone tablets , hang 'em round your fool neck and preach this tripe on a street corner. You can be Moses II .
Right now at this very moment, there are citizens of Israel who fully support the concept of a Jewish state, but are protesting their government's actions in Gaza. Do you know what happens to Gazan's who protest Hamas?

It sounds to me like you are just using the Gaza conflict as a figleaf to indulge your latent antisemitism against "Jew scum".
Even after the murder of over 20,000 children along with 22,000 other civilians, mainly women, you still defend sub-human Israeli Jewish scum.
You are simply BEGGING for the world-wide righteous antisemitism that Israel deserves. Genocidal Jews will get what genocidal Jews deserve.
I said the opposite of what you claim. The term Bible was used to refer to the book before the New Testament even existed.

That's not what your link said.

The word "Biblios" predates the New Testament - but according to your link was not used in reference to the Hebrew Scriptures until the Christians adopted the word. The Greek word is actually "Vivlios" (βιβλίο) The Romans didn't care.
They hate Jews, and it absolutely kills them that their religion is taken from the Jewish religion. So they create "alternate facts" that Judaism is not the original source of Christianity. In this alternate universe, Jesus was from Northern Europe.

Who hates Jews?

democrats? Yep - Hamas and Hezbollah loving motherfuckers that they are.

Conservatives are the strongest allies of Israel in America - where leftists are openly Antisemitic.

Say, didn't the Antisemitic Harris/Biden Junta just betray Israel and refuse to share intel on Hezbollah in Lebanon?

Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?
Well the left is trying to martyr him. So.....
That's not what your link said.
I keep getting into this debate, but this time there is a weird twist. Both I and an alt right poster will look at the same link, read the same story, and come away with it with completely different things. Often they cannot quote where they got their feeling about what it said, and will call on "past knowledge" to say that the article should have said what it does not.

The twist here is there is no link. Censored says he read the linked article, but there was no linked article. Not just is he creating information in the article out of fantasies, but even the article.

This is not Charles Manson making up things the Beatles never said; this is Charles Manson making up the Beatles.

The word "Biblios" predates the New Testament - but according to your link was not used in reference to the Hebrew Scriptures until the Christians adopted the word. The Greek word is actually "Vivlios" (βιβλίο) The Romans didn't care.
Septuagint would have been created at a time that Rome was not important outside of Italy. It was not so much that the Romans did not care, but that no one is the Greek dominated world cared about the Romans. They were some distant barbarians of no importance.

Once you have Jews, or others, reading in Greek, and speaking of it in Greek, you will have something called The Bible. With the Septuagint you have just that. They were used by Jews, or others, who did not understand Hebrew.

Note: "several centuries before the time of Jesus"
The English word "Bible" is from the Greek phrase ta biblia, "the books," an expression Hellenistic Jews used to describe their sacred books several centuries before the time of Jesus. Christians adopted the phrase "Old Testament" to refer to these sacred books they shared with Jews.
Few people do. It's just a label , a trigger-word to rouse dumbass Republican insurrectionists.
Could you precis it for them, Goona ?

A liberal is an advocate of liberty - particularly economic liberty through Laissez Faire Capitalism and strong property rights. Liberals advocate individual liberty and a Constitutional government to ensure those liberties.

A liberal is the polar opposite of the democrats, the Marxists.