Was Jesus soft?


[FONT="][h=3][URL="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A58&version=ESV"]John 8:58[/URL] ESV / 1,808 helpful votes [/h]Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

[FONT="][h=3][URL="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+10%3A30&version=ESV"]John 10:30[/URL] ESV / 1,775 helpful votes [/h]I and the Father are one.”

You won't say that Jesus never existed, because you need him to be a "prophet" to justify Muhammad.

But the Romans, those obsessive, compulsive record keepers, never once mentioned him. They sure mentioned Saul of Tarsus - that is Paul, spoiler alert - they didn't like him. But Jesus of Nazareth? Not a single word. Funny that the Romans would execute a political dissident in Judea at a time of upheaval that saw Pilate removed in AD 26 (7 years prior to the alleged crucifixion) due to tensions with the Jews, yet no scribe ever mentioned his name.

Funny that...

I don’t need Jesus to exist or not. Or Muhammed. Or fucking Bugs Bunny, for that matter.

I’m merely citing what Biblical SCHOLARS find. Not Christians who need Jesus to be a deity, but REAL scholars who have no dog in the fight.

Neither the Jews nor Muslims view the guy as any son of God. Only the Christians. So, if that’s your cup of tea, go for it, Jethro. Me? I’m not a Jew, Muslim nor Christian, so I don’t give a fuck one way or the other, Klink.
I don’t need Jesus to exist or not. Or Muhammed. Or fucking Bugs Bunny, for that matter.

I’m merely citing what Biblical SCHOLARS find. Not Christians who need Jesus to be a deity, but REAL scholars who have no dog in the fight.

Neither the Jews nor Muslims view the guy as any son of God. Only the Christians. So, if that’s your cup of tea, go for it, Jethro. Me? I’m not a Jew, Muslim nor Christian, so I don’t give a fuck one way or the other, Klink.


Biblical scholars ARE CHRISTIANS, you moron.

No one else really cares what the Bible says.

You're such a hate filled bigot that you can't grasp even simple concepts.
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.
The social justice message of Jesus has never been a Republican message. When have you ever known the Republican Party to be on the side of refugees, the poor, the oppressed?
The social justice message of Jesus has never been a Republican message. When have you ever known the Republican Party to be on the side of refugees, the poor, the oppressed?
Which explains why they now worship the Orange Jesus.

Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?
Maybe someone should explain 2 Timothy 3 to them.

1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

I never understood why the Jewish religion was supposed to be my truth.
You never even understood college, Ms. BP. Perhaps if you'd stuck it out and took a comparative religions course, you'd have a better understanding of religions in general.
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?
oh, you mean the Zionists?
Biblical scholars ARE CHRISTIANS, you moron.

No one else really cares what the Bible says.

You're such a hate filled bigot that you can't grasp even simple concepts.
Ummm....not all, dumbass.

Millions of Christians around the world care, son.

You should look in a mirror when you scream that, Sybil.