Was Jesus soft?

Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?

Did you have a point?

You're clinging madly to your straw man. The talking points you operate from demand that your opponent hold the position you flaccidly attempt to assign myself.

I'll make it simple - I said nothing of "liberals" being allies with you Marxists. Quite the opposite.

My recommendation is that you set foot on a college campus and take a legitimate Russian history course.

Opening your mouth to be spoon fed talking points by Marjorie Taylor Green is not sufficient to being informed about European history
My recommendation is that you set foot on a college campus and take a legitimate Russian history course.

Opening your mouth to be spoon fed talking points by Marjorie Taylor Green is not sufficient to being informed about European history

My advice is that you try to present an actual argument rather than being flustered by the failure of your straw man fallacy.

I get that you don't actually know anything about the subject. You grabbed a talking point from some hate site and assigned a position to me that is literally the opposite of what I've posted. Since you failed with your fallacy, you are getting emotional and lashing out.

Quite obviously you can't address the argument I've posited - that you of the radical left are not liberals and in fact have nothing in common with liberals or liberalism.

There is no commonality between what you post here and illustrious thinkers such as Franklin or Henry. Though you are very consistent with the view of Pol Pot and Castro.

What a miserable little fraud you are, so fearful of being caught - you are caught. Your ignorance is on display for all to see.

I'll tell you what, I'll give you a second chance; I'm nothing if not magnanimous. Explain to the board the benefits of the dissolution of free markets and the establishment of state control over the means of production? What will the average person gain? Not the oligarchs like Gates, Buffett, and Zuckerberg, but the couple raising 2.5 children?

Are you able to articulate the revolution you promote?

You make me laugh.

Nah, that's just the fentanyl making you laugh maniacally...

Oh, is that what I think, Christophobe?

You're just a mindless bigot. Your god is the almighty state and you lash out at anyone who fails to worship your god.

No phobia for Jesus, fucking idiot. Just another “prophet”, self proclaimed or not. Pissed off the authorities and got himself killed.

Not god
No resurrection
Didn’t die for my sins

Run off, Nancy. Go sit at the kiddie’s table.
No phobia for Jesus, fucking idiot. Just another “prophet”, self proclaimed or not. Pissed off the authorities and got himself killed.

Not god
No resurrection
Didn’t die for my sins

Run off, Nancy. Go sit at the kiddie’s table.

Ah, you're a Muslim then?

Just another prophet....

LOL - you are a Christophobic bigot - regardless of your motivation.
My advice is that you try to present an actual argument rather than being flustered by the failure of your straw man fallacy.

I get that you don't actually know anything about the subject. You grabbed a talking point from some hate site and assigned a position to me that is literally the opposite of what I've posted. Since you failed with your fallacy, you are getting emotional and lashing out.

Quite obviously you can't address the argument I've posited - that you of the radical left are not liberals and in fact have nothing in common with liberals or liberalism.

There is no commonality between what you post here and illustrious thinkers such as Franklin or Henry. Though you are very consistent with the view of Pol Pot and Castro.

What a miserable little fraud you are, so fearful of being caught - you are caught. Your ignorance is on display for all to see.

I'll tell you what, I'll give you a second chance; I'm nothing if not magnanimous. Explain to the board the benefits of the dissolution of free markets and the establishment of state control over the means of production? What will the average person gain? Not the oligarchs like Gates, Buffett, and Zuckerberg, but the couple raising 2.5 children?

Are you able to articulate the revolution you promote?

You would normally have to pay tuition for this information, but I will provide it free to you as an act of charity -->

The Idiot’s Guide to the Russian Revolutions and Civil War, with an Emphasis on anti-communist actions by Russian liberals and socialists

Democratic Russia, February 1917 to October 1917
Accomplishments of Russia’s liberal democratic provisional government which took power after the February 1917 revolution >> This was a government deeply committed to democracy, and its accomplishments were impressive:

1. Complete civil liberties were granted.
2. Thousands of political prisoners and exiles were released, and the old police was abolished.
3. Flogging, exile to Siberia, and the death penalty were all abolished.
4. Legal restrictions of individual rights based on nationality or religion were removed.
5. Social reforms were enacted.
6. Preparations for creating a new democratic, constitutional political system were undertaken.

The Bolsheviks Detested Russian Liberals and Democratic Socialists
Lenin and the Soviet Bolsheviks detested liberals and overthrew the Provisional Government via military coup in October.

In the elections to the Constituent Assembly in November 2017 moderate democratic socialists and liberals won the clear and overwhelming majority of the votes. The Bolsheviks only won 24% of the vote, a clear minority. The Russian people chose democratic socialism. Unwilling to give up power to democratic socialists and liberals, the Bolsheviks (who controlled the Soviets), disbanded the Constituent Assembly on January 5, 1918.

In 1918, Bolsheviks began arresting Russian liberals and socialists and imprisoning or executing them in the notorious Tsarist-era Peter and Paul Fortress, off the coast of Petrograd.

Russian Liberals and Democratic Socialists were the first to take up arms against the Bolsheviks and establish anti-Communist governments throughout Russia.
The moderate Socials Revolutionaries attempted an uprising against the Bolsheviks in the spring of 1918. Menshiviks and liberal Kadets established anti-Communist governments in various Russian cities in the late spring of 2018. While conservative oligarchs and rightwing aristocrats fled the country in a panic, Russian liberals and socialists committed to fighting the communists to the death.

Source Reference: Professor Mark Steinberg University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
I did just ask him a dumb question. If he practiced being stupid. We already see he practices a lot. Constantly.

Hence why he's a dumbass with anger issues. He became very upset when asked about being a wife-beater. He overreacted and threatened to get me banned. All of which tells me he's a wife-beater, or had been one.
Hence why he's a dumbass with anger issues. He became very upset when asked about being a wife-beater. He overreacted and threatened to get me banned. All of which tells me he's a wife-beater, or had been one.

There was a right wing poster here a couple years ago that had some history of domestic abuse. I can’t remember his name, but he also got very defensive and hyperbolic when that suggestion arose. I recall him responding to me “it was in self defense” or similar shit.
There was a right wing poster here a couple years ago that had some history of domestic abuse. I can’t remember his name, but he also got very defensive and hyperbolic when that suggestion arose. I recall him responding to me “it was in self defense” or similar shit.

Among Trumpers, I suspect domestic violence is common. Anyone who is a racist, anti-American willing to burn down the country and murder kids as collateral damage is clearly a violently unstable person.