Was Jesus soft?

Not sure what they would consider weak about the teachings of Jesus.

He was actually very firm and strict.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).

True, true. As everyone knows, Christianity is not a religion of peace - it's a religion of the sword.
Oh look,...YET ANOTHER TDS thread.

"Cuz theres a red under my bed...and theres a big orange man in my head"

Paranoia HAS destroyed ya....;)

That is true. Trump is as atheist as any president we ever had. He did not attend the church he claimed membership in. When he tried to read the bible at a right-wing Liberty Univ., he showed he had no familiarity with it. Trump would insult Jesus if he were alive now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...bscene-he-should-try-reading-words-inside-it/


You claim you are an atheist.

Once again proving that you'll mindlessly attack Trump for literally anything - for breathing.

Dump, Dump, Dump!

Conservatives have generally never taken the ethical framework of the gospels of Mathew and Luke seriously.

It was taken seriously by liberal Protestants in North America and Europe. That is where abolitionism and the welfare state found purchase.

Not everyone can be as ethical as you Marxists. You slaughtered what, 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century in promoting the evil you still pimp?
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?

Do you have a link to reference about this?
Not everyone can be as ethical as you Marxists. You slaughtered what, 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century in promoting the evil you still pimp?

You should have stopped after your seventh beer today.

Marx and Lenin despised liberals and social democrats.

The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal provisional government in the October 1917 coup.