Was Jesus soft?

"You are not a good Christian unless you submit to our anti-Christian alternate religion" is what you are told.

If you believe this then you deserve the chains that are waiting for you.

Dont B Dumb
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?

More hate from Democrats and noproof as always
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?
nope.....I've seen nothing except for your post which includes no link......I expect its just more of your lies.....
I'm weird about links. I don't link here.

It's pretty easy to google. "Evangelical leaders MAGA Jesus" is a good search - the 1st few links that come up are articles w/ details.

pretty consistent among people who make up the shit they post here.......you are comfortably enshrined with the likes of Desh and Jarot.....
You should have stopped after your seventh beer today.

Marx and Lenin despised liberals and social democrats.

The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal provisional government in the October 1917 coup.

Yep, just as you Marxists have overthrown the liberal government of the United States when you ended the Constitution.
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?

It was only a matter of time before MAGA support for pedophilia, racism and lying conflicted with Christianity.
Yep, just as you Marxists have overthrown the liberal government of the United States when you ended the Constitution.

So this is your confession that all the history you have ever learned, you learned from Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Green.

The armchair student of European history would have known that Marx and Lenin despised liberals and social democats.
Jesus was a liberal.

Jesus was on the side of the poor and exploited. Christian politicians should remember that
Following Jesus requires we love people in costly solidarity, and requires us to expose any ideology that pretends inequality is natural or ordained by God

In the church I grew up in it was culturally assumed that Christians would vote Liberal. Jesus wasn’t party-partisan, we knew, but on “family values” issues – sexuality, marriage, abortion, euthanasia, drugs – we were pretty sure his values aligned with ours and so did the Liberal party’s and so a conservative victory was a win for the “Christian” way of life.

By extension, the subconscious – and sometimes overt – assumption was that the remainder of the conservative policy platform must also have God’s blessing. Environmentalism, refugee rights, multiculturalism, unions, welfare, reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples … these were at best irrelevant to our faith and, more regularly, derided as evidence that Australia’s Christian values were being undermined by a progressive, socialist or humanist anti-God agenda.

So while not party-political, this Jesus was, by association, partisan – on the side of the free market, low taxation, Work Choices and the Iraq war. Jesus wasn’t necessarily a Liberal, but he was certainly aligned with individualism, capitalism, militarism, western colonialism and the United States’ hegemony.

I grew increasingly unable to reconcile this with a gospel that proclaimed itself “good news to the poor”. As a pastor and preacher confronted with both the record of Jesus’ everyday interactions in the gospel narratives, and the reality of life for young people, people seeking asylum and others living on the margins, I found the mental gymnastics required to hold up this world view not only tiring but vacuous....

...And we know that Jesus was consistently on the side of the poor.

Easter, with its powerful image of Jesus nailed to a cross because the religious and political leaders wanted him dead, invites Christians to give our lives for the sake of others. Following Jesus requires we love people not only with words, theology or charity but in costly solidarity and a determination to expose the evil of any ideology that pretends inequality, violence or exploitation are noble, natural or ordained by God.

The Easter weekend reminds us that we know how this will end. That those in whose favour the system is rigged will crucify those who threaten their power.

And then, one day, we will win.
I didn't personally know the man, and neither did any of us here.

We all have to decide, if we care at all, which I don't, what to believe.

I wouldn't have wanted to live without electricity or indoor plumbing,
and wouldn't want to do that now,
so I'm not inclined to consider anybody who did it to be particularly soft.
So this is your confession that all the history you have ever learned, you learned from Sean Hannity and Marjorie Taylor Green.

The armchair student of European history would have known that Marx and Lenin despised liberals and social democats.

In fact, Lenin LOVED liberals, called them "Useful Idiots." But in this as with all things, you have utterly no knowledge of the subject and stick with "democrat good, America bad."

But you're not a liberal - you have NOTHING in common with Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, George Mason, et al. You are a leftist. Politically you hold common cause with Joseph Stalin and Ho Chi Minh. democrats are fascist/Marxist. There is nothing even slightly "liberal" about your shameful party.

You and I operate on different planes; I have read Marx, you just watch MSNBCCP. Having read both the Communist Manifesto,
and Capitol Vol. 1
https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ I actually have knowledge of what Marx proposed.

The democrat platform is derived from Marx, so in that sense you know a tiny bit about Marxism.

I will debate ANY leftist/fascist/Marxist on Marx and Marxism at any time - in the Above JPP area to cut out all the crap.
Has anyone else seen these stories? Evangelical leaders are becoming alarmed because some of their MAGA congregations are questioning the teachings of Jesus as being too weak, and even liberal, and that they're just not working anymore in today's environment. All of the "turn the other cheek" stuff.

The MAGA cult has taken it to a new level. I saw DeSantis was roundly booed in Iowa, as well. No other philosophy or point of view is welcome anymore. Trump is the new messiah - it's actually not unrealistic that a new religion could form with Trump as the savior.

I wonder what they'd have instead of a cross. A golf club? A model of a private jet?

It seems to me that the Republicans believe much more, so, Old Testament, Pre, Jesus, Christianity.
It seems to me that the Republicans believe much more, so, Old Testament, Pre, Jesus, Christianity.

Yet you Marxists slaughtered more captive civilians in one century than all the Christian governments combined over 2000 years.
In fact, Lenin LOVED liberals, called them "Useful Idiots." But in this as with all things, you have utterly no knowledge of the subject and stick with "democrat good, America bad."

But you're not a liberal - you have NOTHING in common with Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, George Mason, et al. You are a leftist. Politically you hold common cause with Joseph Stalin and Ho Chi Minh. democrats are fascist/Marxist. There is nothing even slightly "liberal" about your shameful party.

You and I operate on different planes; I have read Marx, you just watch MSNBCCP. Having read both the Communist Manifesto,
and Capitol Vol. 1
https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ I actually have knowledge of what Marx proposed.

The democrat platform is derived from Marx, so in that sense you know a tiny bit about Marxism.

I will debate ANY leftist/fascist/Marxist on Marx and Marxism at any time - in the Above JPP area to cut out all the crap.

That is funny that I made you frantically embark on a Google research project and to invent tales that you are a Marx scholar.

Frantically googling tidbits of information does not make you informed.

What made Marx and Lenin despise liberals and social democats is that from the Marxist perspective they were collaborationists with capitalism, and they were dangerous to a revolutionary mindset by misleading the proletariat in giving them false hope that social reform and equality can work hand in hand with raw market forces.
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