Was Nixon Guilty? Trump Fan And Convict Roger Stone Doesn't Think So.

There was nothing to pardon. Nixon wasn't impeached.

The Constitution specifically says that impeachment is not pardonable. Whether Nixon was or was not impeached has nothing to do with the pardon.

Nixon was pardoned for his criminal activities preemptive to being indicted. It was decided to give him a blanket pardon, so he would not have to specify which crimes he had committed. Nixon specifically accepted the pardon.
Nixon prolonged the Vietnam war in order to get elected in '68. The North Vietnamese had made several concessions in peace talks and it looked like a deal to end the war was about to be made. Nixon contacted the North Vietnamese and told them to pull out of the peace talks, that they would get a much better deal when he was elected. They did it. Nixon got elected, and then he reneged on his secret 'deal' with the North Vietnamese. Thousands more would die as a result of Nixon's greed and power-lust.