Washington only works when there is compromise

I'm tired of extremists drawing ideological lines in the sand. Tip & Ronnie worked together; Bill & Newt worked together.

The debt is the most significant issue we're likely to have in our lifetimes. The only way we're gonna solve it is if both sides give some ground on their precious "base" issues. For Democrats, that means entitlements. For the GOP, it means the defense budget & revenues.

If all politicians decide to go the way of Cruz, it's over, Johnny.
do not conrtibute to any party. If you must contribute to a MS candidate -OK, but nothing for the DNC/RNC.

There are degrees of badness by both, but as long as Americans thinkk of political choice as (D.) or (R.) this is going to continue.
Hyper-partisanship is just getting worse all the time -enough.
The radical right won't compromise on anything because their plan is to oppose everything for as long as Obama is prez. They've said as much since the beginning. Remember, this shut down was planned months ago and the objective is to weaken the U.S., cause it's citizens misery and then try to blame it on others.

Even though America is at war in Afghanistan, it is believable Republicans are excited they get to further weaken the economy and thus the ability of the United States to protect national security interests at home and around the world. Republicans want a government shutdown to harm the economy more than they want to eliminate the ACA, and regardless they think they are “doing the right thing,” shutting down the government and damaging the economy is treason according to Article III, Section 3. Any person who deliberately endangers the American economy during a time of war is guilty of treason, and it applies to House Republicans, their maniacal leader Senator Ted Cruz, 66% of Republican and 79% of teabagger voters, various Koch entities inciting opposition to the health law, and the Heritage Foundation that devised the health law and now campaigns to shut down the government if it is not eliminated.
The dems are so perfect. They compromise their core principles all the time and are NEVER partisan. You see it here when lefties call someone on the right tea baggers or sociopaths or accusing them of wanting to kill granny.

Yeah those lefties sure are a civil bunch.
The dems are so perfect. They compromise their core principles all the time and are NEVER partisan. You see it here when lefties call someone on the right tea baggers or sociopaths or accusing them of wanting to kill granny.

Yeah those lefties sure are a civil bunch.

Let me guess: you read the thread as only attacking the right, and praising the left?

That's fascinating.
California is making it work - our gridlock has eased.

The turnaround from just 10 years ago — striking in tone, productivity and, at least on fiscal issues, moderation — is certainly a lesson in the power of one-party rule. Democrats hold an overwhelming majority in the Assembly and Senate and the governor, Jerry Brown, is a Democrat. The Republican Party, which just three years ago held the governor’s seat and a feisty minority in both houses, has diminished to the point of near irrelevance.

But the new atmosphere in Sacramento also offers the first evidence that three major changes in California’s governance system intended to leach some of the partisanship out of politics — championed by reform advocates — may also be having their desired effect in a state that has long offered itself as the legislative laboratory for the nation.

“You see Republicans voting for immigration reform, you see Democrats voting for streamlining environmental regulations,” said Dan Schnur, the director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California. “You never would have seen that before.”

Lawmakers came into office this year representing districts whose lines were drawn by a nonpartisan commission, rather than under the more calculating eye of political leaders. This is the first Legislature chosen under an election system where the top two finishers in a nonpartisan primary run against each other, regardless of party affiliations, an effort to prod candidates to appeal to a wider ideological swath of the electorate.

And California voters approved last year an initiative to ease stringent term limits, which had produced a Statehouse filled with inexperienced legislators looking over the horizon to the next election. Lawmakers can now serve 12 years in either the Assembly or the Senate.
I'm curious as to what compromise was reached here?

The President seems to have redefined "compromise" to mean "you vote for my shit and STFU."

The OP seems to embrace that redefinition.
I'm curious as to what compromise was reached here?

The President seems to have redefined "compromise" to mean "you vote for my shit and STFU."

The OP seems to embrace that redefinition.

You guys really are braindead.

What in the OP "embraces that redefinition?" Please be specific.
Newt showed them how to shut down the government and LIE about the Potus for political gain

Both parties lie for political gain.

And there is always acrimony.

The idea is that, despite these factors, it is generally when both parties are williing to sacrifice something for the greater good that the greater good is actually advanced.
Why did the state of Kentucky receive $2 billion for a dam thanks to the compromise of one Mitch McConnell.
Let me guess: you read the thread as only attacking the right, and praising the left?

That's fascinating.

That is because he is a bigoted sociopath whose comments I am not supposed to be able to see any longer and who especially likes to post descriptions of women being raped in the most grotesque manners imaginable.