Washington Post Article: Icebergs Melting

Some note that .1 degrees is trivial....

The man behind the website climateaudit.org has forced NASA to admit it was wrong when it said that 1998 was the hottest year on record. Steve McIntyre had to reverse-engineer NASA's figures because the agency refused to give him the formula it used to make the claim. And McIntyre found out NASA had made a serious mistake. NASA eventually agreed and now says 1934 was the hottest year, followed by 1998, then 1921. In fact, five of the hottest 10 years on record occurred before World War II.

There were however some very minor re-arrangements in the various rankings (see data). Specifically, where 1998 (1.24 ºC anomaly compared to 1951-1980) had previously just beaten out 1934 (1.23 ºC) for the top US year, it now just misses: 1934 1.25ºC vs. 1998 1.23ºC. None of these differences are statistically significant.


More importantly for climate purposes, the longer term US averages have not changed rank. 2002-2006 (at 0.66 ºC) is still warmer than 1930-1934 (0.63 ºC - the largest value in the early part of the century) (though both are below 1998-2002 at 0.79 ºC).

Is not .03 C. trivial....or .13 /C. trivial...?

From the article you posted above:

NASA officials have dismissed the changes as trivial. Even the Canadian who spotted the original flaw says the revisions are "not necessarily material to climate policy."


However Stephen McIntyre, who set off the uproar, described his finding as a "a micro-change. But it was kind of fun."

It's a total non-issue. Fer Christ's sake.
However Stephen McIntyre, who set off the uproar, described his finding as a "a micro-change. But it was kind of fun."

So the dude who found the data mistake, and himself is a self-admitted climate denialist, says its basically a statistically insignficant change. But, "it was kind of fun".

Well, its always good to have skeptics looking at data and providing valid constructive input. But, I guess this whole temperature deal didn't amount to much.
non of the leftyblow hards are doing anything about global warming except kick a moron when he's down and tell him for the 1,000 that there is human contributed global warming.
USC is about to spew thousands of tons of co2 by driving aimlessly around the country and still won't be able to get laid. At least cypress just blows hot air while doing nothing and not getting laid.
non of the leftyblow hards are doing anything about global warming except kick a moron when he's down and tell him for the 1,000 that there is human contributed global warming.
USC is about to spew thousands of tons of co2 by driving aimlessly around the country and still won't be able to get laid. At least cypress just blows hot air while doing nothing and not getting laid.

:rant: :viol: :crybaby:
non of the leftyblow hards are doing anything about global warming except kick a moron when he's down and tell him for the 1,000 that there is human contributed global warming.
USC is about to spew thousands of tons of co2 by driving aimlessly around the country and still won't be able to get laid. At least cypress just blows hot air while doing nothing and not getting laid.

Umm gore is doing it. And I am driving a 17 yr old subieroo that gets 35 mpg cruising. So not only is it fuel efficient, I waste no energy on the manufacture of a new car.
I insulated my home, put flourescent bulbs in and an efficient gaspack heat pump system.
plus prior to this trip I had burned less than 20 gal of gas per month.

sorry spinner I have not been putting much money in your oil investment pocket ;)
In all fairness crypiss, he does have a point about you not getting laid, though I think he's wrong on the former part and that I'm sure you blow a lot more than hot air...

Yikes...in Danoworld, is that perceived as clever?

And what is it with cons & the obsession with gay sex acts? It was explored on another thread yesterday; weird phenomenon...
like I said USDORK you'll be spewing co2 and not getting laid much like cypress. ONedumbass sounds like cypress's junior high side kick.
"yeah what he said"
like I said USDORK you'll be spewing co2 and not getting laid much like cypress. ONedumbass sounds like cypress's junior high side kick.
"yeah what he said"

True spinner coming out. :D
That college degree really helped else he would be like asshat.
I don't think it's a "burn" for a bunch of guys to be claiming that other guys aren't having sex, since I doubt any of us here are privy to that info about other posters. So it's just dumb.

I can't believe he called that a "burn."
umm Darla does that make sense even to you ?
I have not a clue...

I am imagining spittle flying at spinners terminal...

In one of your posts, you said "gore does" without specifying what it is that Gore does, though I think you meant drive around the country, not sure.

He is asking, "what is it that Gore does" and his guess is that Gore pollutes more than you do.
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I can't believe he called that a "burn."

It's very juvenile. I thought that once we got out of high school, and have all had sex, we no longer are wrapped up in who had sex last, and who had it more times last week, and who didn't have it.

Who cares?

Adults really don't.
It's very juvenile. I thought that once we got out of high school, and have all had sex, we no longer are wrapped up in who had sex last, and who had it more times last week, and who didn't have it.

Who cares?

Adults really don't.
Half your threads are about sex. I mean do you even think when you write this shit?