

Worst gambler ever
Since I've become highly interested in quantum mechanics and particle physics, I've realized how much value the little things we take for granted in our lives, matter.

Every time you leave the light on, trillions of photons and electrons are being wasted per second. Every drip on your faucet is sending quintillions of atoms and energy fields to waste.

Every napkin, every piece of tissue, each can, bottle or paper plate is unnecessary to waste. The energy, the usefulness, the potential for all this shit is huge. We humans are wasteful bitches, lets try not to be.
I have three old prescriptions still at home. I never use it all, I fear addiction.

I do too. But I have been able to fill a prescription, enjoy the heck out of it, and know that when it runs out, that's it. I did once consider buying them on the net, but I read about the effects on your liver, and I just decided I'm not going there. If I started doing that, I'd be hooked, and you know, you can't really pick up a new liver just anywhere.
I do too. But I have been able to fill a prescription, enjoy the heck out of it, and know that when it runs out, that's it. I did once consider buying them on the net, but I read about the effects on your liver, and I just decided I'm not going there. If I started doing that, I'd be hooked, and you know, you can't really pick up a new liver just anywhere.

You have to be really careful about liver damage with a lot of drugs; they all are processed first by the liver, after all, if they're taken orally. One of the bad ones is Advil and the other ibuprofens. It's a nuisance to read the package warnings, but nevertheless is a really good idea!
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You have to be really careful about liver damage with a lot of drugs; they all are processed first by the liver, after all, if they're taken orally. One of the bad ones is Advil and the others in its class. It's a nuisance to read the package warnings, but nevertheless is a really good idea!

Yep I have a full blood workup every 6 months. so far so good.
the 8 yrs I have been on pain pills would have been hell without them.
You have to be really careful about liver damage with a lot of drugs; they all are processed first by the liver, after all, if they're taken orally. One of the bad ones is Advil and the other ibuprofens. It's a nuisance to read the package warnings, but nevertheless is a really good idea!

I know this now, but didn't for a long time, and I cringe when I think of all of the advils and motrins I've popped over the years without a second thought. Now I only take them if it's really bad. Really, only when I get a migraine these days. Thanks Thorn.
I do too. But I have been able to fill a prescription, enjoy the heck out of it, and know that when it runs out, that's it. I did once consider buying them on the net, but I read about the effects on your liver, and I just decided I'm not going there. If I started doing that, I'd be hooked, and you know, you can't really pick up a new liver just anywhere.

Unless you're David Crosby.

Anyhow, I'm the same way. Get the pills, have a party, and when they dry up, that's that. I've never really gotten them for illegitimate purposes, and if I do, its time to hit AA.
You have to be really careful about liver damage with a lot of drugs; they all are processed first by the liver, after all, if they're taken orally. One of the bad ones is Advil and the other ibuprofens. It's a nuisance to read the package warnings, but nevertheless is a really good idea!

No, not Advil, Tylenol (Acetiminophen) is the one that's bad for your liver.

But you honestly have to take about 1000 MG's a day for it to have any effect on the liver, unless you drink like 3 shots a day.

Advil is chemically simialar to Aspirin. I've known people who've taken 50 Advil's and survived. If you tried that with Tylenol you'd be dead for sure of liver poisoning.