Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

Umm, put on your socks and shoes, toddle down to your local library or high school, and ask about the rules of debate. See, if YOU make a statement or an assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. If you can't or won't, then people consider what you say just a piss in the wind.

A "fake Jew"? How did YOU determine that. Just curious.
Minty* came up with that one. Her "reasoning" was that she knows Jews and guno doesn't act like the Jews she knows, ergo, he's a fake Jew.

*aka Life is Golden, Stargazer and a bunch of other names.
The ASSISTANT fire chief in LA is also a lesbian (who woulda thunk) who makes $400,0009/yr plus expenses, her comments were 'when we show up at a fire, people want to see we are just like them'.

Which of our genius posters crafted an OP asking if DEI contributed to the problems in LA?
WTH does anybody's sexual preference have to do with their fitness for a job? You're really showing all your prejudices on this thread.
This is spot on. That's what the left doesn't get. No one cares if you have a pole or a hole or how you use either of them, can you do the job you were hired for? For leftists it's ONLY about genitalia and who you sleep with.
Wow. The "right" (whatever that is anymore) has spent my entire lifetime bitching about LGBTQ people. You people wrote laws about sodomy. You murdered gay people. You spent an entire election talking about cutting off little boys' penises and big, hairy men harming little girls in female restrooms. Your projection aside, the "right" is sick and disgusting. You are obsessed with limiting the rights of every person who is not a white, straight, male Christian.
Especially, when the elected officials,
let the reservoirs go dry,
diverted millions of gallons of precious water to divered into the ocean in the name of saving a little fish,
cut the L A fire budget by $17.6 million dollars,
send their valuable fire equipment to Ukraine,
cancel fire hydrant testing,
never clear underbrush,
hold DEI conferences instead of training,
have no action plan,
not lisetn to then President Trump when he met with Newscum and clearly outlined what needed to be done to prevent disasters like this,
last and not least,
keep electing DEI hires and Democrats.
Maybe you should look at the history of California wildfires before spouting off. Only idiots would tie them to a political party.

What a thread. Why do I post here?

It's like this place is in the middle ages.
Or worse. The conservative men in this dumpster forum regularly call women "broads", "sluts", "DEI hires", etc. The things they said about Harris were unforgivable. We may as well be in prehistoric times. These fucking Neanderthal incels still have to bash women over the head with a club and drag them back to their cave because they are thoroughly, 100% foul.

It's satire, dummy.​

Fact Check: FAKE Photo Shows California Fire Hydrant In Rainbow Colors With January 2025 Wildfire In Background​


Thank goodness, the River city fire department painted fire hydrants in River city in a paint scheme that can grab the attention of anyone needing to get to a fire hydrant quickly. We do believe that our fire hydrants are saving lives in the fire is affecting our community right now.​

WTH does anybody's sexual preference have to do with their fitness for a job? You're really showing all your prejudices on this thread.
Thank you. You are correct. I am totally against anybody who in an interview says "anybody who needs to be carried out of a fire, got himself in the wrong place."
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It's satire, dummy.​

Fact Check: FAKE Photo Shows California Fire Hydrant In Rainbow Colors With January 2025 Wildfire In Background​


Thank goodness, the River city fire department painted fire hydrants in River city in a paint scheme that can grab the attention of anyone needing to get to a fire hydrant quickly. We do believe that our fire hydrants are saving lives in the fire is affecting our community right now.​

Who said it was real?
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"Minty* came up with that one. Her "reasoning" was that she knows Jews and guno doesn't act like the Jews she knows, ergo, he's a fake Jew."

Focus on the "do" instead of the" who", you must.
