Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

A fire this big isn't able to be contained by anything made makes! Sometimes nature wins

I know you drones are brainwashed by your hive, but the harsh reality is that people are waking up because the situation they're in has become exponentially worse under incompetent leadership. If we had competent people in charge, the reservoirs wouldn't be empty, and the billions voted on 10 years ago to build more reserves for this exact scenario would have been utilized, yet not a single one has been constructed and the Palisades reserve was empty. This is just one of the numerous failures that have contributed to this being the most disastrous response in California's history.

That said, I understand your perspective. Yes, this was a severe event with extreme winds, and even with better preparations, not every house could have been saved. Maybe only a few hundred structures and a couple lives, so let's not get too dramatic.Right?

Wake the hell up, you libtard drone. You're making a complete fool of yourself and revealing that vile evil streak that's inherent in the libtard soul. Repentance and begging for forgiveness is your only smart move now. SERIOUSLY, STOP PARROTING AND START THINKING.
A fire like this is bigger than any system created by man could control! Sometimes Nature wins!
NO RESPONSE? Since you've expressed your fondness for mansplaining, let me indulge you. The Mayor of LA, a hardcore Marxist, was part of the Venceremos Brigade, orchestrating annual trips to Cuba 50 times consecutively. You can easily verify the details about this terrorist group, infamous for numerous bombings, including the notorious Capitol bombing. She also gushed over Castro, penning a nauseating tribute to his wonderful gravitas and super talented speech deliveries.

All this was public knowledge before she was elected, but in the land of Libtards, where you reside, digging into the truth about fellow Libtards is just an annoyance you choose to ignore. I hope your silence means you're too busy crying and pleading for forgiveness, but it's more probable you're just covering your eyes, blindly following the libtard drones. Wake up, you're drowning in your own ignorance.
Why did we have to use Canada for such a rudimentary task?

WTF is wrong with California?
California is obsessed with using that stupid orange/red powder stuff 'for the environment' (despite the fact that if it gets into water it can be harmful)
Tell me something toodles ... does it hurt when you pull all this guff out of your posterior? Does the clown you see in the mirror with the psychotic grin nods in agreement and applauds you? How much are they paying for knee jerk MAGA troll work now? Inquiring minds want to know.

California is obsessed with using that stupid orange/red powder stuff 'for the environment' (despite the fact that if it gets into water it can be harmful)

The orange substance dropped during wildfires is primarily fire retardant, often known by the brand name Phos-Chek.

While the retardant is not acutely toxic, it can have environmental consequences. It can be harmful to aquatic life if it enters waterways, potentially killing fish due to the fertilizer content, which increases nutrient levels and can lead to eutrophication.

This has led to restrictions on its use near water bodies, although exceptions are made when human life or property is at risk. There's also concern about its long-term environmental impact, especially in areas where it is repeatedly used.

So is Colorado, Alaska and other states who fight large fires. It aids the fire fighters.
No, it aids firefighters in areas that don't have plentiful water nearby. In reality it is much slower to resupply than a water plane/helicopter, you have to go back to an airport/landing strip, refill, take off, fly back, etc.. When you're next to the damn ocean, use the damn ocean.
No, it aids firefighters in areas that don't have plentiful water nearby. In reality it is much slower to resupply than a water plane/helicopter, you have to go back to an airport/landing strip, refill, take off, fly back, etc.. When you're next to the damn ocean, use the damn ocean.
Well, I disagree, I’ve seen them use both fighting fires. Durango, CO and Big Lake, AK
No, it aids firefighters in areas that don't have plentiful water nearby. In reality it is much slower to resupply than a water plane/helicopter, you have to go back to an airport/landing strip, refill, take off, fly back, etc.. When you're next to the damn ocean, use the damn ocean.

They won't use salt water because the salt corrodes the hardware and equipment, and the pollutants in the water cause problems.
Will the last person fleeing California please shoot the cat, so she doesn't have to burn to death?
