Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

There might be hope yet for reforms in Hollywood, who has destroyed their art and betrayed us for their idiotic pet WOKE ideology.
The problem we have with DEI, is that it is never applied bidirectionally.

In any organization or team, you can have too few women, but you cannot have too many.

An Organization can have too many White-Males, but you cannot have too few.

An Organization can have too few Blacks, but it cannot have too many.

Because of the nature of some people abusing the DEI push, it results in most teams being filled with unqualified and unable people. especially a the top management side of things. So the organization becomes sluggish, inept, Leftie Agenda Driven, and has no commitment to accomplish its actual role in society, and just seeks to please the faux-virtue-signally role.

And you see it happening in every facet of society, from Garbage Collection, to ERs, to Semi-conductor Production, to Fire-Departments, to Public Schools, to pothole Road Repairs, to Fast-Food Restaurants.

The Management is always too large, flooded with Designated Minorities who get paid way too much, and the basic function of the Org or Team, is not accomplished.

The Problem Compounds itself, because it is everywhere, in every thing!

It is bad when you have uncontrolled wilde-fires, but it is much worse to have the fires with roads are so bad, you can only drive the fire-truck or ambulance slowly, and when a victim gets to the ER, the doctors, nurses, and medical techs, can virtue signal, and not much else.

So the victim is going to die in immense pain.

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If he is trolling me then he is leaving everyone else alone.

You're welcome.
@volsrocks is a weak and inept troll. Neo-Nazis aren't very bright nor well educated. I attribute this to the high number of them born as meth babies and those with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother's pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause the child to have disabilities related to behavior, learning and thinking, and physical development. The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome vary from child to child but are lifelong....

...Learning and thinking issues

Learning and thinking may include:

  • Intellectual disability and learning disorders, including trouble with memory, learning new things, focusing and thinking.
  • Not understanding the results of choices made.
  • Poor judgment skills, such as having a hard time thinking through issues, problem-solving, reasoning and making decisions that affect everyday life.
  • Short attention span that affects staying with a task and finishing.
  • Poor concept of time, that impacts following schedules, knowing what time to leave in order to arrive on time and understanding how long a task will take.
  • Trouble with organizing and planning or working toward a goal, including trouble understanding and following directions.

Social and behavioral issues

Functioning in everyday life, coping and interacting with others may include:

  • Challenges in school with attendance, learning, behavior and interacting with others.
  • Trouble getting along with others, including struggling with communication and social skills.
  • Trouble adapting to change or switching from one task to another.
  • Issues with behavior and with controlling emotions and actions.
  • Problems managing life skills, such as telling time, self care, managing money and staying safe.
  • Being easily influenced by others or taken advantage of.
  • Quickly changing moods.