Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

Transgenderism is inborn.

"Transgenderism is not inborn" is considered partially accurate by the scientific community; while there is growing evidence that biological factors play a role in gender identity, the exact causes of transgender experiences are complex and likely involve a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences, meaning it is not solely determined at birth and cannot be definitively labeled as "inborn."
"Transgenderism is not inborn" is considered partially accurate by the scientific community; while there is growing evidence that biological factors play a role in gender identity, the exact causes of transgender experiences are complex and likely involve a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences, meaning it is not solely determined at birth and cannot be definitively labeled as "inborn."
At least you acknowledge that it's a complicated topic.
I told you about the MRI studies.
AI Overview

Scientists claim MRIs could diagnose gender dysphoria in ...

The idea that MRI scans can reliably determine a person's transgender status is a myth. While MRI scans can show differences in brain structure and activity in transgender people, they are not a reliable tool for making a diagnosis.