Watermark conquers transdoor breezeway (the porch)


For the past few weeks, as I have been going in and out of my house, I have noticed a wasps nest on the ceiling of the entrance to the house. Naturally, I ran by it in a terrified manner (but a dignified, terrified manner, if you understand me). I'm honestly not sure if they were stinging wasps or not, because they never actually went after me. But that didn't stop them from scaring the shit out of me. So, today I decided to take the plunge. I prepared by buying some wasp poison and beer. After around 3 beers, I was finally drunk enough to take them on. However, I needed to prepare. So I put on a thick coat with a hood, which I tucked into my jeans, and then I tucked the jeans into my shoes.

I also put on some gloves, and even tried to put saran wrap over the hood until I realized that the air intake through the hood was not nearly enough to replace that lost by covering my face with saran wrap and reluctantly decided against this. So, I opened the door, crouched down, and aimed at the wasp nest. Then, I decided that I had better test out how fast I could possibly close the door before actually going at the wasps, and did this a few times, discovering that, in fact, I could jump up and close it quite fast. So, I squatted and reaimd, and uncertainly, drunkenly fired. The stream hit the wasps, who really didn't even respond or go after me, and just mostly fell dead instantly. I could only keep this up for about 2 second before jumping up, closing the door, and running away.

Thus, the conquest is complete. Those vanquished bow before me, and the lamentations of their women are pleasing to my ears.

you're truly awesome....a unique gem among people

even tried to put saran wrap over the hood until I realized that the air intake through the hood was not nearly enough to replace that lost by covering my face with saran wrap

i literally lol'd
Man, I'd have done things a lot differently if I were drunk. As in, probably naked, with spray paint and a lighter instead of wasp spray.
Man, I looked at Mike Duncan's bibliography, and he is well read. So, I've decided to download all of the "History of Rome", and listen to yet another lecture on Roman history, this time about twice as long as everything I've listened to yet.

Have you entirely finished it, BTW?
Man, I looked at Mike Duncan's bibliography, and he is well read. So, I've decided to download all of the "History of Rome", and listen to yet another lecture on Roman history, this time about twice as long as everything I've listened to yet.

Have you entirely finished it, BTW?

I think I asked this before but where are the lectures found?
Man, I looked at Mike Duncan's bibliography, and he is well read. So, I've decided to download all of the "History of Rome", and listen to yet another lecture on Roman history, this time about twice as long as everything I've listened to yet.

Have you entirely finished it, BTW?

i stopped around the crisis of the third century. I've been meaning to pick it up again, but I already have so many other podcasts I just haven't gotten around to it.

Mike duncans podcast is definitely great, and gives a good overview. Though he starts out a bit rusty. So try to stick with it for a little if you are starting from the beginning. I would say by the time he gets to around the punic wars (or maybe a bit before that) is when he really finds his voice and falls into a good groove.

I would also recommend dan carlins hardcore history episodes titled "Death throes of the republic"
I think I asked this before but where are the lectures found?

re: mike duncan it's http://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com

Mike duncan basically covers the entirety of rome, from it's founding, through the republic, and then the empire. In ~30 minute episodes

This is also good:
(scroll down to "death throes of the republic")

Dan carlin gives a very good in depth overview of the entire collapse of the roman republic. There are 6 episodes, each about an hour or 2 in length. But he covers a lot of ground.

Both are good.
Thanks, downloading now.

EDIT: Fuck yeah, Dan Carlin has some Mongol stuff too.

I personally used ITunes, because it has a "get all" button.

And now that Demonoid is gone, I honestly have no idea where to get those TTC torrents anymore. Demonoid was the best. I will poor some beer over its grave.

Anyway, Mike Duncan has seriously read just about every book ever written about ancient Rome in ancient times, from Livy to Caesar to Tacitus to that fucker who wrote The Augustan History to that last history written before the fall of the western empire, Ammianus Marcellinus (there was like one more ancient history written during the Justinians reign, and then the field of history pretty much evaporated for a long time). He also supplemented it with a great deal of modern reading about the subject, such as Edward Gibbons. Of course, now that I think about it, this is probably basically a basic prerequisite to giving a lecture on the subject. One day, however, I'm going to read all of this.