Ways That Socialsm Can Be Better Than Capitalism

The America-China relationship is not anywhere near the foundation of my political ideology, and let me remind you, it was Republican Richard Nixon who thought opening it up was a good idea.
Do you have a caps button on your keyboard?

and doing business with china was a bad idea from the beginning.

are you a globalist?

is it important to keep outsourcing everything for the benefits of comparative advantage?
and doing business with china was a bad idea from the beginning.

are you a globalist?

is it important to keep outsourcing everything for the benefits of comparative advantage?

I am a social globalist because America is socially primitive. Anybody who's spent time in Europe can plainly see that.

As a lifelong union member, I've always leaned toward protectionism economically.

As do most Berniecrats. It's the Biden / Clinton Democrats who are the free traders.
I am a social globalist because America is socially primitive. Anybody who's spent time in Europe can plainly see that.

As a lifelong union member, I've always leaned toward protectionism economically.

As do most Berniecrats. It's the Biden / Clinton Democrats who are the free traders.

so globalism is at the core of your politcal ideology, like I said initially.
Hello Nordberg,

Sounds like a country that's got it's act together. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The government cares for the people, uses it's power to improve their lives. That's a good function of a government. Governments that do that are popular with the people.

What kind of nation doesn't care about the future of her own people?

-The USA

Conservatives hate government. And they want everybody else hating government, too. They don't want anything that might cause people to like government.

Conservatives want a disgusting government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.

Do you know how all that is paid for?
Hello Damocles,

Publicly traded companies like the Green Bay Packers are not an example of socialism. Folks buy stock in their company. Unless you think that Coca-Cola is "socialism" because folks can buy stock in it then you should remove that shining example of capitalism from your list of socialism. And Public Universities... also not socialism. If you pay for an education, even if it is slightly subsidized, you are not participating in socialism, you are paying for an education.

It's a valid point but insignificant to the issue.

We mix capitalism and socialism and it is just fine.

We would not have our level of American lifestyle if we didn't.

What we would have would be far more homeless people living in shanty towns and vehicles.

Trump said the American Dream is dead and he was going to bring it back. What he has actually done has been to take benefits away from the needy and expand homelessness and hopelessness. Sure, the unemployment rate fell before the COVID Recession. That is meaningless because of the way they define 'employed.' The BLS counts any person who works just one hour per week as 'employed.'

Socialism does not exist. All industrial countries are a mix of capitalism and what rightys call socialism. In America we give the wealth to the top 10 percent. Other countries spread it out and provide healthcare and education for the masses. They have private companies and corporations like we do.They go to work like we do. Thyey just do not permit the wealthy to confiscate the welath.
Publicly traded companies like the Green Bay Packers are not an example of socialism. Folks buy stock in their company. Unless you think that Coca-Cola is "socialism" because folks can buy stock in it then you should remove that shining example of capitalism from your list of socialism. And Public Universities... also not socialism. If you pay for an education, even if it is slightly subsidized, you are not participating in socialism, you are paying for an education.

what if everyone is given stock in coca cola? is that socialism? or is it fascism?

corporations are collectives.
Hello Nordberg,

Socialism does not exist. All industrial countries are a mix of capitalism and what rightys call socialism. In America we give the wealth to the top 10 percent. Other countries spread it out and provide healthcare and education for the masses. They have private companies and corporations like we do.They go to work like we do. Thyey just do not permit the wealthy to confiscate the welath.

I have confidence in America that one day we will learn from our mistakes and truly make America great.

It may not happen in our lifetimes, but I think it will some day.

One thing is for sure.

It won't happen unless we keep pushing for it and educating people about what's really going on.
I am a social globalist because America is socially primitive. Anybody who's spent time in Europe can plainly see that.

As a lifelong union member, I've always leaned toward protectionism economically.

As do most Berniecrats. It's the Biden / Clinton Democrats who are the free traders.

what's so socially superior about "europe"?

you voting for biden anyway, through, cuz reasons?
Hello Nordberg,

I have confidence in America that one day we will learn from our mistakes and truly make America great.

It may not happen in our lifetimes, but I think it will some day.

One thing is for sure.

It won't happen unless we keep pushing for it and educating people about what's really going on.

what does great mean to you?

what is really going on?
I'm voting for Biden because it's a binary choice and the other choice is the most vile human being on earth (assuming the prick is still alive as I write this).

Europe is socially superior to the United States because it values life in qualitative, not absolute, terms, and is not mind-crushed by religious superstition.
I'm voting for Biden because it's a binary choice and the other choice is the most vile human being on earth (assuming the prick is still alive as I write this).

Europe is socially superior to the United States because it values life in qualitative, not absolute, terms, and is not mind-crushed by religious superstition.

biden is for sending jobs oversea. how comforting is that?
Hello NiftyNiblick,

People living as comfortably as possible is at the core of my political ideology.

Mine too.

Socialism is of the people, by the people, and FOR the people.

Capitalism is of the rich, by the rich, and FOR the rich.

Not sayin that makes capitalism a bad thing. It can be, but that doesn't make it all bad. We need the rich. We need everybody. Our diversity is what makes us great.

One thing that hurts us is to let the rich have their way most of the time.

That can't work to make America great.

All that does is make the rich great, and the rest of the country goes downhill.

Not to mention the environment.

We need capitalism for the good things it does, and we need socialism for the good things it does.

And we need to constantly adjust the balance between the two in order to limit the downside of each.

That's reality.
I was a Bernie fan.

Still am.

If we could just get most of America to really consider how it could be with Bernie, I would totally be onboard. People won't really listen to Bernie because they can't get past the S-word. Socialism. They think it's the devil, a society looking out for itself. I don't know why. Propaganda, I guess.

We have Bernie to thank for taking the pox off 'socialism.' We can talk about it now. The word is far more acceptable than it was before Bernie made it OK to talk about socialism.

But Bernie can't do anything without enough support.

He had a lot but not enough.

So I am going with the next best choice.

I am voting for Joe Biden For President.