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If we had a government guaranteed universal health care system then we would have a healthier, more productive, nation
Totally Debunked Here.If we had a government guaranteed universal health care system then we would have a healthier, more productive, nation
Another way socialism can be better than capitalism:
Universal healthcare would save billions of dollars by being able to treat mental health issues instead of relying on the Justice System.
It is far better to take care of people who have issues early, rather than wait until they commit a crime, and then lock them up.
Ironically, people in need of mental health care who do not qualify for any services because they cannot hold down a job and can't afford health care, are almost forced to go out and commit a crime so that once they are incarcerated they then qualify for mental health care. Is that messed up or WHAT?
The costs associated with police, courts and prisons far exceed what it would cost to provide mental health care to those who need it, NOT SIMPLY THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT.
Capitalism totally fails on this.
Since mental health care is done on a for-profit basis, the poor are shut out unless they become criminals.
For-profit mental health care providers wait until the poor commit a crime and get locked up. THEN the state will pay the for-profit providers to administer their services only to those criminals who qualify.
Prove it
Easy. We are at the bottom of health results of any industrial nations. PS. I know you will not accept the world rating because it tells the sad truth and you do not accept the truth if it does not back the right. I am hoping others read the answer and understand it is a fact. I can show many other ratingss and we are at the bottom in all.
Prove it
It costs like 30 grand a year to incarcerate someone.
Think of all the people who end up in prison because, really, they have mental health issues.
We could seriously reduce our prison population with universal health care that covered mental health.
Another way socialism can be better than capitalism:
Universal healthcare would save billions of dollars by being able to treat mental health issues instead of relying on the Justice System.
It is far better to take care of people who have issues early, rather than wait until they commit a crime, and then lock them up.
Ironically, people in need of mental health care who do not qualify for any services because they cannot hold down a job and can't afford health care, are almost forced to go out and commit a crime so that once they are incarcerated they then qualify for mental health care. Is that messed up or WHAT?
The costs associated with police, courts and prisons far exceed what it would cost to provide mental health care to those who need it, NOT SIMPLY THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT.
Capitalism totally fails on this.
Since mental health care is done on a for-profit basis, the poor are shut out unless they become criminals.
For-profit mental health care providers wait until the poor commit a crime and get locked up. THEN the state will pay the for-profit providers to administer their services only to those criminals who qualify.
The U. S. is #5 in productivity ahead of many European with universal health care systems., check back soon, $498b 31 more rows
Hello Flash,
Yeah, way to spin the data toward your point.
You neglected to mention that the nations which are MORE productive than the USA all have universal health care as well!
The article makes no correlation between productivity and healthcare. Any such conclusion was all yours.