Ways That Socialsm Can Be Better Than Capitalism

Good doggie. I command you to keep responding

Still "commanding" me to do what I have said I will keep doing.

Oh, how sad it must be for you to have to live with that.

Poor, poor Yakuda.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

And, what of those that choose not to? The ones that game the system, or operate outside it but still expect their cut like criminals?

Why have concern about them? There are always hopeless people. People are going to game every system at every level. The greedy super-rich power junkies do a lot of system-gaming themselves.

Ideally, rationally, and practically. Forcing people to be altruistic doesn't work. It motivates them to be exactly the opposite. Socialism creates greed among those who can and sloth among those that can't.

Capitalism is no angel, either. It also creates greed among those who can, and sloth among those who cannot. If left unchecked, pure capitalism would result in self-destructive extreme wealth inequality which would surely ensure the destruction of that nation.
Hello Frank,

A decision by society to see that nobody has to starve, be subjected to the elements, deprived of reasonable healthcare, or be unreasonable deprived...is a mark of a decent, reasonable, intelligent, caring, sophisticated society.

Well said.

It is also the consensus of a smart nation. Make sure that all the people have a good life and dissent will be minimal.

Allow multitudes to become disgruntled and feel as if they have never been given a chance and the seeds of social unrest are sewn.

The friction between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' is inevitable.

This is only logical.

If the powerful use their power to constantly secure more power then the net effect is to take power from those who already have less.

As the powerful become even more powerful, and the rest become powerless, then resentment grows into it blows.
Hello Frank,

Well said.

It is also the consensus of a smart nation. Make sure that all the people have a good life and dissent will be minimal.

Allow multitudes to become disgruntled and feel as if they have never been given a chance and the seeds of social unrest are sewn.

The friction between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' is inevitable.

This is only logical.

If the powerful use their power to constantly secure more power then the net effect is to take power from those who already have less.

As the powerful become even more powerful, and the rest become powerless, then resentment grows into it blows.

Right you are, Poli.

This kinds of "seeds of social unrest" always get resolved. They can be resolved by reasonable, compassionate, intelligent, humane decisions...

...or they can be resolved the way the French did in the late 18th century or the way the Russians did in the early 20th.

But "RESOLVED" they will be!
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The real difference is that in the short-term, Capitalism can cause serious social and economic upheavals but in the long term it brings prosperity and social stability to the vast majority of that society.

Pure capitalism, would result in ever increasing extreme wealth inequality. There is a reason we abandoned pure capitalism in the 1930's and instituted a minimum wage. If we did not have a (socialist) minimum wage then as production becomes more and more efficient, workers become less and less valuable to the employer, and wages constantly drop over time. Eventually the lowest wages are not enough to live on, but desperate job-seekers would be forced to take whatever they could get. the lowest earners would then be forced to live in highly concentrated crowded homes with many many people in a small decrepit space, or simply be homeless, living in old cars are shanty-style makeshift shelters.

On the other hand, Socialism brings short-term social stability to society and causes serious long term social and economic upheaval that wrecks a society for decades, if not centuries.

A defeatist view which does not recognize the human spirit and desire for self-improvement.

What you need is a mix of the two with Capitalism being the dominant form of pressure on the economy. Mixing in limited Socialism, that society can sustain and afford, with a Capitalist economy probably works best.

Agreed, except we have yet to determine the correct balance between the two systems. That correct balance appears to be an ever-evolving figure which depends on the efficiency of the means of production. It is easy to envision a distant future where machines produce most of what is needed, perform most of the work. Humans might be freed to have fare more free time to decide for themselves what to do with their time. The arts and R&D might become vastly increased in that case.

The problem is that those who believe in Socialism always push for more to the point they wreck the economy before it swings back to Capitalism. Most of Europe went through this from the end of WW 2 to about the 80's. Socialism is on the wain there and there has been a resurgence of Capitalism. The countries doing the worst are the ones that stuck with Socialism like Greece, Spain, and Italy.

A thinly supported view which does not bear causation because there are many more factors in motion than the limited ones cited.
Hello Frank,

Right you are, Poli.

This kinds of "seeds of social unrest" always get resolved. They can be resolved by reasonable, compassionate, intelligent, humane decisions...

...or they can be resolved the way the French did in the late 18th century or the way the Russians did in the early 20th.

But "RESOLVED" they will be!

The problem with the power junkies is that they know this but they think they can get away with just one more little power-grab in their lifetime without collapsing the house of cards.

Unrestricted capitalism is like playing Zenga. You keep taking from the bottom until there is an insufficient foundation structure to support the top.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Pure capitalism, would result in ever increasing extreme wealth inequality. There is a reason we abandoned pure capitalism in the 1930's and instituted a minimum wage. If we did not have a (socialist) minimum wage then as production becomes more and more efficient, workers become less and less valuable to the employer, and wages constantly drop over time. Eventually the lowest wages are not enough to live on, but desperate job-seekers would be forced to take whatever they could get. the lowest earners would then be forced to live in highly concentrated crowded homes with many many people in a small decrepit space, or simply be homeless, living in old cars are shanty-style makeshift shelters.

A defeatist view which does not recognize the human spirit and desire for self-improvement.

Agreed, except we have yet to determine the correct balance between the two systems. That correct balance appears to be an ever-evolving figure which depends on the efficiency of the means of production. It is easy to envision a distant future where machines produce most of what is needed, perform most of the work. Humans might be freed to have fare more free time to decide for themselves what to do with their time. The arts and R&D might become vastly increased in that case.

A thinly supported view which does not bear causation because there are many more factors in motion than the limited ones cited.

you should be anti globalist. globalism is the triumph of multinational corporations over governments trying to protect people from the ravages of corporatism/fascism.

why are you a globalist if you really care about people?

you're a chicom shill.
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what's his most evil policy?

standing up to china?

you're a sold out traitor.

As you know, Trumpf is merely using China - as he uses everything else - because it might get him a few votes, the way his great model used anti-semitism. Anyone who backs this senile nazi is determined to destroy the United States totally.
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open border policies is a way for corporations to glut the labor force and drive down wages.

excessive co2 regulation is a way for genociders to deindustrialize entire nations.

is biden for u.b.I.? universal basic income?
Hello Penderyn,

As you know, Trumpf is merely using China - as he uses everything else - because it might get him a few votes, the way his great model used anti-semitism. Anyone who backs this senile nazi is determined to destroy the Unites States totally.

Trump can't admit it when he is wrong.

When has Trump ever said "I was wrong about that?"


DNA sequencing eventually proved the wrongly accused and incarcerated 'Central Park Five' were innocent.


Trump, who took it upon himself to post a full page ad in the New York Times (which he says is a horrible paper,) which said that they were guilty and should be executed, has NEVER apologized to them, even after they served time for a crime they did not commit, and have been exonerated and released by the State.

Trump is a racist who cannot admit it when he is wrong.