We are suffering from an empathy gap


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A new Centers for Disease Control study finds that nearly 60 percent of female students and nearly 70 percent of LGBQ+ students experience “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.” Ten percent of female students and more than 20 percent of LGBQ+ students have attempted suicide.

Extensive research on empathy has measured its decline. A landmark study in 2010 found that Americans were less empathetic than their counterparts 30 years earlier:

The authors examined the responses of nearly 14,000 students who had completed a questionnaire measuring different types of empathy. The results show that the average level of “empathic concern,” meaning people’s feelings of sympathy for the misfortunes of others, declined by 48 percent between 1979 and 2009; the average level of “perspective taking,” people’s tendencies to imagine others’ points of view, declined by 34 percent over the same period. There was a particularly steep decline between 2000 and 2009.

“The End of Empathy: Why White Protestants Stopped Loving Their Neighbors,”

Certain religious associations might also diminish empathy. In a fascinating study, “The End of Empathy: Why White Protestants Stopped Loving Their Neighbors,” John Compton looked at the decline of mainline Protestant churches that played a role in critical social justice movements and the rise of congregations of self-selected, homogenous people more concerned with maintaining power in a changing world than with traditional values (e.g., attending to the poor).

A new Centers for Disease Control study finds that nearly 60 percent of female students and nearly 70 percent of LGBQ+ students experience “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.” Ten percent of female students and more than 20 percent of LGBQ+ students have attempted suicide.

Extensive research on empathy has measured its decline. A landmark study in 2010 found that Americans were less empathetic than their counterparts 30 years earlier:

The authors examined the responses of nearly 14,000 students who had completed a questionnaire measuring different types of empathy. The results show that the average level of “empathic concern,” meaning people’s feelings of sympathy for the misfortunes of others, declined by 48 percent between 1979 and 2009; the average level of “perspective taking,” people’s tendencies to imagine others’ points of view, declined by 34 percent over the same period. There was a particularly steep decline between 2000 and 2009.


Yes! You know why? 2 decades of leftist indoctrination and no discipline in the schools. YMMV

Not all schools, but even then, almost, if not all textbooks are published by commies.
A new Centers for Disease Control study finds that nearly 60 percent of female students and nearly 70 percent of LGBQ+ students experience “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.” Ten percent of female students and more than 20 percent of LGBQ+ students have attempted suicide.

Extensive research on empathy has measured its decline. A landmark study in 2010 found that Americans were less empathetic than their counterparts 30 years earlier:

The authors examined the responses of nearly 14,000 students who had completed a questionnaire measuring different types of empathy. The results show that the average level of “empathic concern,” meaning people’s feelings of sympathy for the misfortunes of others, declined by 48 percent between 1979 and 2009; the average level of “perspective taking,” people’s tendencies to imagine others’ points of view, declined by 34 percent over the same period. There was a particularly steep decline between 2000 and 2009.


By far the most important human emotion. Not one single Trumptard poster here possesses it. Very sad.

Religious doctrine HATES empathy. Because if one has empathy, there is no need for God to make up the rules. Many Christians lack any empathy at all.
By far the most important human emotion. Not one single Trumptard poster here possesses it. Very sad.

Religious doctrine HATES empathy. Because if one has empathy, there is no need for God to make up the rules. Many Christians lack any empathy at all.

Wow, have to agree. The most condemning people I know are Christians.
“The aggressive, disruptive, and unforgiving mindset that characterizes so much of our politics has found a home in many American churches,” wrote Peter Wehner, a former senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a Christian evangelical. “When the Christian faith is politicized, churches become repositories not of grace but of grievances, places where tribal identities are reinforced, where fears are nurtured, and where aggression and nastiness are sacralized.”

By far the most important human emotion. Not one single Trumptard poster here possesses it. Very sad.

Religious doctrine HATES empathy. Because if one has empathy, there is no need for God to make up the rules. Many Christians lack any empathy at all.

I like it. They should be sick AND cold. Schadenfreude.

And you, you're just brimming with it, amirite?

Yeah, NO. :nono:

Yes. As is obvious by my posts. Your lack of empathy is also obvious. You are fine treating immigrants as props. I'm not. Empathy. I'd tell you to try it, but you can't. You're flawed that way. It makes you the horrible person that you are.
Yes. As is obvious by my posts. Your lack of empathy is also obvious. You are fine treating immigrants as props. I'm not. Empathy. I'd tell you to try it, but you can't. You're flawed that way. It makes you the horrible person that you are.

Most posts by Matt Dillion are, 'you are an asshole and I hate everybody.'
By far the most important human emotion. Not one single Trumptard poster here possesses it. Very sad.

Religious doctrine HATES empathy. Because if one has empathy, there is no need for God to make up the rules. Many Christians lack any empathy at all.

I'll 2nd all those emotions!

My sentiments exactly!


The right loves to take actions and make decisions for everyone- without even caring or considering one ioda about the true consequences of their actions.
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A new Centers for Disease Control study finds that nearly 60 percent of female students and nearly 70 percent of LGBQ+ students experience “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.” Ten percent of female students and more than 20 percent of LGBQ+ students have attempted suicide.

Extensive research on empathy has measured its decline. A landmark study in 2010 found that Americans were less empathetic than their counterparts 30 years earlier:

The authors examined the responses of nearly 14,000 students who had completed a questionnaire measuring different types of empathy. The results show that the average level of “empathic concern,” meaning people’s feelings of sympathy for the misfortunes of others, declined by 48 percent between 1979 and 2009; the average level of “perspective taking,” people’s tendencies to imagine others’ points of view, declined by 34 percent over the same period. There was a particularly steep decline between 2000 and 2009.


It seems to have declined at the same time the rise in toxic conservatism happened, eh? There's a strong correlation with that.
By far the most important human emotion. Not one single Trumptard poster here possesses it. Very sad.

Religious doctrine HATES empathy. Because if one has empathy, there is no need for God to make up the rules. Many Christians lack any empathy at all.

Of those who do, sadly many reserve it for a small group of other humans, not as their Lord commanded which was ALL.