We are suffering from an empathy gap

Yes. As is obvious by my posts. Your lack of empathy is also obvious. You are fine treating immigrants as props. I'm not. Empathy. I'd tell you to try it, but you can't. You're flawed that way. It makes you the horrible person that you are.


You're a shitbag lying-ass Commie is what you are. A snake in the grass. Being deceptive is your main play.

Your default is deception. You'll say anything.
Yes. As is obvious by my posts. Your lack of empathy is also obvious. You are fine treating immigrants as props. I'm not. Empathy. I'd tell you to try it, but you can't. You're flawed that way. It makes you the horrible person that you are.

You'd treat illegals better than a majority of your countrymen.

This is you, no?

He has a point. They will never agree to get the vaccine. So we need to treat them like lepers and keep them from participating in society. That's where the mandates come in.

How quickly you turned into a little Dr. Mengele, huh?
Of those who do, sadly many reserve it for a small group of other humans, not as their Lord commanded which was ALL.

No one and nothing can teach someone empathy. Sympathy maybe but not empathy. You have it or you don’t. Anyone who laughs at the pain and misfortune of others, and anyone who supports such a person lack empathy. It’s no surprise that these people don’t understand why an atheist has ‘morals’ because they understand only the carrot and stick of ‘God’
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you was always the superior plan.

The Modern Morons however dont know this, and thus will be forced to learn the hard way.
Nor surprised that you have zero understanding of empathy.


Yeah, but it's of great consequence to humanity anyways. :rolleyes:

Notice how the WOKE have zero self awareness....they imagine that they are empathetic when they not only have no interest in how those who dont agree with them think, they have no interest in debates as they impose their will by force, and they actively as a hive hurt those who dont agree with them in order to "control the narrative" and because they are sadists.
Yes! You know why? 2 decades of leftist indoctrination and no discipline in the schools. YMMV

Not all schools, but even then, almost, if not all textbooks are published by commies.

Thanks for the enlightened insight, Miss Kitty.
Now we all know where to go for the tough answers.
Notice how the WOKE have zero self awareness....they imagine that they are empathetic when not not only have not interest in how those who dont agree with them think, they have no interest in debates as they impose their will by force, and they actively as a hive hurt those who dont agree with them in order to "control the narrative" and because they are sadists.

They have no interest in being empathetic to those who disagree with them. None.
No one and nothing can teach someone empathy. Sympathy maybe but not empathy. You have it or you don’t. Anyone who laughs at the pain and misfortune of others, and anyone who supports such a person lack empathy. It’s no surprise that these people don’t understand why an atheist has ‘morals’ because they understand only the carrot and stick of ‘God’

I disagree that empathy cannot be taught. Our mothers (and community) taught it to us as children. Some kids are born with it, but most of us need someone to tell us "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" Some ppl think that this is what religion is supposed to teach us, to make us more civilized. I disagree. It is taught by your family and your culture, but the right religious faith can certainly help.

The fact that so many Reichwingers don't seem to possess empathy or compassion tells us all we need to know about their values. It's all Me First with them.
Notice how the WOKE have zero self awareness....they imagine that they are empathetic when they not only have no interest in how those who dont agree with them think, they have no interest in debates as they impose their will by force, and they actively as a hive hurt those who dont agree with them in order to "control the narrative" and because they are sadists.

Empathy has nothing to do with how others think. You are completely devoid aren’t you?

Sadist? Thats YOU sicko.
Notice how the WOKE have zero self awareness....they imagine that they are empathetic when they not only have no interest in how those who dont agree with them think, they have no interest in debates as they impose their will by force, and they actively as a hive hurt those who dont agree with them in order to "control the narrative" and because they are sadists.

Very Good! You on the wagon?