Answer my question, stupid foreigner. Name ONE NRA member who was charged (much less convicted) of ANY firearm violation.
Kind of unhinged are you, maybe you ought to consider taking your meds before you go totally berserk.
Answer my question, stupid foreigner. Name ONE NRA member who was charged (much less convicted) of ANY firearm violation.
I'm a supporter of President Trump and I'm NOT a hater. No Trump supporters I know are haters. Try again, Sparky.
Typical right nothing post. You are wrong.Those AR-type guns were created for the military to spray bullets . They are designed to kill humans. Your ignorance is profound.
The NRA isn't a lobbyist for gun manufacturers, that's a myth you tards made up.
Just what is an "anti-personnel" weapon? One that looks "scary"?
Tumbling bullets? Shit, do you have a clue what causes a bullet to tumble? Of course you do not.
You are in way over your head when it comes to firearms, and google won't save your sorry ass.
Typical right nothing post. You are wrong.Those AR-type guns were created for the military to spray bullets . They are designed to kill humans. Your ignorance is profound.
What do you know about fire arms????
We ignore the Democrats role in inspiring blacks to shoot tens of thousands of people each year. About 3000 a year in Chicago alone.
Answer my question, stupid foreigner. Name ONE NRA member who was charged (much less convicted) of ANY firearm violation.
Why do you beat your spouse?
What exactly do you see as the difference between trumpf and Hitler?
Why do you support mass murder, the Fatman fascist and the NRA? Is it because you are human but masochist? Come off it! Murder is murder is murder is murder.
When Trump talks, we all know who he is talking to. It isn't the left, the middle, or intelligent and mature people. He knows what haters want to hear and he provides it.
I'm a supporter of President Trump and I'm NOT a hater. No Trump supporters I know are haters. Try again, Sparky.
The president of the United States — who condemned the El Paso attack on Twitter — has repeatedly referred to an “invasion” at the southern border; condemned Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and Syrian refugees as “snakes”; accused his critics of treason on at least two dozen occasions; and told four elected women of color to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came.” (It is worth noting that Crusius, in his alleged manifesto, claims his views “predate” and are unrelated to Trump but then goes on to attack “fake news.”)
That there could be a link between the attacker and the president should come as no surprise.
I see a man who cares deeply about his country.
A man that has given up millions of dollars to be president.
A man than has has done more good for our country in two and a half years than any other president did since Reagan.
And most importantly he has the BALLS to stand up against the Deep State and against countries like North Korea, China and Russia.
No other president has done this since, again, Reagan.
Mr. Trump was not SUPPOSED to win in 2016.
When a national tragedy happens, we have had presidents make thoughtful and inspiring speeches to heal the wounds. Trump failed like always, Then he read a crappy speech that was terrible. He read it badly as always. Trump was blaming anyone who was not giving him money. He even dragged out the old video game defense, which was long ago dismissed as a cause.
Trump, has Jews as family members, Hitler murdered 6 million Jews. Trump promotes our 2nd Amendment for every American, Hitler disarmed every German that wasn’t a Nazi. Trump deregulated America’s economy, Hitler regulated Germany’s economy. Hitler held total control over Germany’s media by force, Trump simply exposes leftist media for the scum they are. Hitler had his opposition murdered, Trump simply exposes them for the fucking idiots & liars they are. Trump calls illegal immigrants law breakers, Hitler murdered them. Trump calls illegal immigrants that commit crimes, rapist, murders, MS13 gang-bangers & thieves, Hitler made those kind of scum Generals in his army. Trump hasn’t a racist bone in his body, Hitler was the definition of racism, just like you!
It’s you that support mass murder. You support DEMOCRATS that govern America’s inner city ghetto, rat infested shit hole slave quarters & the enslaving people of color to the pittance & reliance on corrupt BIG government & the mass murders & drug culture the filth generates.
Donald J. Trump is a patriot. You’re a propagandist socialist leftist hate monger & race bating divider & hater of America!