Well they sure as hell ain't made it any more difficult when they could have
Well they sure as hell ain't made it any more difficult when they could have
You used to be able to get them through Sears mail order. They stopped that and it sure didn't help, did it?
Sears? Who needs Sears, you can get them on the legitimate Internet (https://www.armslist.com/), not to mention the dark web, agree to terms and you are on your own
Mitch, now refered to by some as "massacre Mitch," has killed one gun measure after another, and Trump, after ever massacre, tells America he is "working" on new proposals, which we find out a day later is a lie.
You used to be able to get them through Sears mail order. They stopped that and it sure didn't help, did it?
Sure it did. I suppose some Sears customers just decided not to buy a gun. That was before the NRA became a lobbyist for gun manufacturers. That changed a lot.
The president of the United States — who condemned the El Paso attack on Twitter — has repeatedly referred to an “invasion” at the southern border; condemned Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and Syrian refugees as “snakes”; accused his critics of treason on at least two dozen occasions; and told four elected women of color to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came.” (It is worth noting that Crusius, in his alleged manifesto, claims his views “predate” and are unrelated to Trump but then goes on to attack “fake news.”)
That there could be a link between the attacker and the president should come as no surprise.
I'm a supporter of President Trump and I'm NOT a hater. No Trump supporters I know are haters. Try again, Sparky.
What do you know about fire arms????
Whether they are NRA members is only important to you. The police are not searching for that. The shooters are mentally ill and have access to firearms. The NRA has a huge part in that. That is part of their deadly contribution. They also fight any attempts to limit ARs and other anti-personnel weapons.
trump and team made is easier for nutters to get guns
Show us "left rhetoric that led to assassination attempts and actual deaths." And don't return with some far left social website via the likes of BreitFart or gateway, we want actual Democrat politicians
Your turn
Show us "left rhetoric that led to assassination attempts and actual deaths." And don't return with some far left social website via the likes of BreitFart or gateway, we want actual Democrat politicians
Your turn
Show us "left rhetoric that led to assassination attempts and actual deaths." And don't return with some far left social website via the likes of BreitFart or gateway, we want actual Democrat politicians
Your turn
Show us "left rhetoric that led to assassination attempts and actual deaths." And don't return with some far left social website via the likes of BreitFart or gateway, we want actual Democrat politicians
Your turn
Sears? Who needs Sears, you can get them on the legitimate Internet (https://www.armslist.com/), not to mention the dark web, agree to terms and you are on your own
Mitch, now refered to by some as "massacre Mitch," has killed one gun measure after another, and Trump, after ever massacre, tells America he is "working" on new proposals, which we find out a day later is a lie.
The Nazi Trump supporters,the racist,antisemitics are unpleasant.