We Can't drive 55 ?

I will remind you all, 55 mph is only 20 mph faster than most school zones. Why don't we implement a 35 mph speed limit on the interstates? That would save even MORE fuel! Better yet, why don't we just bite the bullet and outlaw internal combustion vehicles, they pollute the environment and contribute to global warming, and if we are going to put all these devices on them to make them run like golf carts, we may as well just do away with them and go with the carts! Think of how much fuel THAT would save!!

For US and Waterhead, yes it would cost trillions of dollars to retrofit every car in America or convert them to conform to the standards you wish. That would amount to approximately $4000 per vehicle, which is not unrealistic at all. You have to remember, a large chunk of the cars on the road, are not equipped with computers you can chip, and would require a new retrofitted engine completely. But even IF you did this, you know there would be massive numbers of people who would defy the system, shade-tree mechanics would be un-retrofitting them as fast as you could put them out, and we would end up with a big fucking mess that cost us trillions for nothing.

Rather than implement your fascist policy, why not allow the free market to provide a solution as it always does? Let's make a car that gets 100 mpg, or doesn't burn gasoline at all! Let's pressure the auto industry to give us cars that will go fast and still be economical to drive. Let's press government to research alternative fuels and implement a 'Marshall Plan' type program to convert our transportation system. We have the technology to do it, we just need to put it into motion. The LAST thing we need is some failed policy relic from the Ford/Carter era, which has proven not to work.
$4000 per vehicle for a new computer programming chip ?

anyway, talk about pushing things to the absurd to lose your point.
$4000 per vehicle for a new computer programming chip ?

anyway, talk about pushing things to the absurd to lose your point.

Well yeah, I am assuming you are talking about a government program, and $4000 is probably a conservative amount, given the government pays this much for toilet seats and hammers in most government contracts. As I pointed out, and you seem to be ignoring, not every car is compatible with chip technology. In fact, those which are compatible, would require a different chip for every make, model, and engine configuration. That still leaves an estimated 50% of all vehicles not covered, because they were built before we put chips and computers in cars. Those vehicles would require new engines, which would cost tens of thousands of dollars, because we can't expect Joe Poor to pay for your stupid mandate. AND, even IF this was done, there is no way to possibly enforce compliance, you would have a major problem with black market cars, or shade-tree solutions and workarounds. People really don't like being told they can't have something they know is available.

This is the main point of contention, and why you continually run into trouble with your ideals. You, like many socialists, fail to factor in the human element. You assume, because something looks good on paper or some study indicates something, that is just how things should be, but they never factor in the human equation. Human behavior changes the results of the study or blueprint, and it often doesn't work out as planned. This is the case with your idea here, you have read some statistic that says cars save X% on fuel if they operate at 55 instead of 70, but in practice, the human element comes into play, people don't drive 55, and the savings is never realized.
We dropped the speed limit to 55 before, it would not be a big deal to drop it to at least 60 now.

What is your problem? You don't like to go fast or what? Maybe you just have a "God Complex" and like to dictate what other people can and can't do? Your idea is not one that would result in any significant savings of fuel. Can't you get that through your fascist head? No one will obey the 60 mph speed limit any more than the 55 mph speed limit.

The answer is simple, we need an alternative to fossil fuels, and we need to be working on it now! In the meantime, we need to drill for new domestic oil and build some more refineries. AND, I will add this, the oil companies are somewhat duplicitous in this as well, there are a number of oil wells in America that have been capped, which the oil companies refuse to touch because it is in their best interest to keep supply low. We need to pressure them to tap these resources that are available now, not 5~10 years from now.

This silly-ass liberal feel-good approach of driving 55, turning the thermostat down to 68, or not preheating your oven before baking, are just stupidity on a grand scale. The net result of such measures could be realized by just one pinhead committing suicide and thus eliminating his requirement for energy.

...Now, there is a plan! :eek:
Yeah but think of the increased profits of the insurance companies. Are you an anti capitalist or something ?
What, are you some kind of conservative, living in the past?

Yep fairly conservative. And might even get a horse and buggy :D

Things will change whether we like them or not.

I came from a group that was pretty self sufficient. I would not starve if there were no microwaves and fast food joints.
I was here before drive thrus. Which btw I think should be banned except for the handicapped.
Yep fairly conservative. And might even get a horse and buggy :D

Things will change whether we like them or not.

I came from a group that was pretty self sufficient. I would not starve if there were no microwaves and fast food joints.
I was here before drive thrus. Which btw I think should be banned except for the handicapped.

Drive thrus pretty much came about in my lifetime. They weren't there at first, but by the end of the 90's they definitely were.

My biggest beef is that the inventors don't know how to spell "through."
Actually 3D, I am a conservative living in the present, with an eye to the future. Seems to be a fairly rare thing now-a-days.
Actually 3D, I am a conservative living in the present, with an eye to the future. Seems to be a fairly rare thing now-a-days.

No, you are a jackass liberal fascist dressed up like an elephant and acting like a Mennonite. You ain't foolin' nobody! But you're right, you are a rare thing indeed.