We Can't drive 55 ?

No, you are a jackass liberal fascist dressed up like an elephant and acting like a Mennonite. You ain't foolin' nobody! But you're right, you are a rare thing indeed.

thank you, such a statement from you assures me I am heading in the correct direction.
One thing I have learned from reading your posts over the years. One is pretty assured of success if he heads exactly the opposite direction you say to go.

Every fool has a purpose.
Actually 3D, I am a conservative living in the present, with an eye to the future. Seems to be a fairly rare thing now-a-days.

Cool, I am a conservative living in the political battles of 1789-1919 (with particular emphasis on 1800 & 1828), and when gazing into the future from the present sees only gloom and doom. :clink:
Cool, I am a conservative living in the political battles of 1789-1919 (with particular emphasis on 1800 & 1828), and when gazing into the future from the present sees only gloom and doom. :clink:

Yeah with vast untapped resources for the USA ahead.
On the positive note I don't think we still were going after witches by then.