
October 1, 2016 - "That we endorse Hillary Clinton for president should come as no surprise. There really is no other choice. And that's unfortunate — not because, as many Americans have allowed themselves to be led to believe, the country desperately needs a viable alternative to her. It's unfortunate because of the shadow it casts upon the former secretary of state/senator/first lady's genuine worthiness to be our first female president.

She is not, as has been sold, a mere lesser of two evils. Her experience and intellect would make her a standout in any group of candidates. Like President Obama said and didn't need to be fact-checked, she's more qualified than him or her husband."


....i.e. the Teabaggers....


.....OF THEIR TIME!!!!!

The teabaggers chucked the British tea into Boston Harbor and told your Tory ancestors to go fuck themselves, commie!

Lemme guess, Goober......you picked-up that lil' factoid....that they were called Teabaggers....in the most-current Texas-approved History texbooks, Right??

Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Partys own theft of their tax money, at gunpoint, to bail out the robbers of Wall Street, and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the fucking money!

As a human being, Mrs Clinton (like many people indeed) is 1,000% superior to Mr Trump, clearly, in knowledge, experience, intelligence and likeability. Her problem is that of most American politicians - too close a connection to the very, very rich, and too easy an acceptance of what IS easy - like Zionism. The way she's been crucified by the Nazis in this election, if nothing else, should encourage all decent people to support her, however.
As a human being, Mrs Clinton (like many people indeed) is 1,000% superior to Mr Trump, clearly, in knowledge, experience, intelligence and likeability.

Yes! Like her “knowledge” is superior to the Donald’s in making millions promising Wall Street bankers with her speeches that she will protect their interest and bail them out when they destroy the economy again. Far superior experience in telling world class lies, getting Americans killed in Benghazi, arming Libyan rebels that turned out to be ISIS, and so, so perfectly experienced at e-mailing on an illegal insecure server in her basement exposing America’s classified materials and intelligence secrets to the entire world.

Her likability is so grand that she’s the most hated woman in America today. How many other American women can claim at least half of the people in the nation hate her stinkin ass?

Her problem is that of most American politicians - too close a connection to the very, very rich, and too easy an acceptance of what IS easy - like Zionism. The way she's been crucified by the Nazis in this election, if nothing else, should encourage all decent people to support her, however.

So if you were an American, you’d vote for the Benghazi Bitch, right commie? Your endorsement I’m sure will garner many votes fo Donald Trump, huh commie?

You should also explain HOW your vote would further the perfect socialist dream. Explain that to the class commie!
Sorry asshole, but your vision of a permanent one party Democrat US will never ever be realized. This country is still majority Conservative.
Sorry asshole, but your vision of a permanent one party Democrat US will never ever be realized. This country is still majority Conservative.

Hey......I'm sure every species develops aberrations.


: believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas


Not to worry.....the fresh-blood always finds it's way.....you know....immigrants, "risk takers".....like the people who originally designed/built this Country.

It's not like like it's gonna take FOREVER to breed-out the conservative-pussy gene.

Hey......I'm sure every species develops aberrations.

Not to worry.....the fresh-blood always finds it's way.....you know....immigrants, "risk takers".....like the people who originally designed/built this Country.

It's not like like it's gonna take FOREVER to breed-out the conservative-pussy gene.
Your fucking ideology does not belong in the US, moron.
As a human being, Mrs Clinton (like many people indeed) is 1,000% superior to Mr Trump, clearly, in knowledge, experience, intelligence and likeability.

Yes! Like her “knowledge” is superior to the Donald’s in making millions promising Wall Street bankers with her speeches that she will protect their interest and bail them out when they destroy the economy again.

I'm sure you can find that quote, Goober.


You're on the clock......

Your fucking ideology does not belong in the US, moron.

Who's talkin' ideology???


: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change

: not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted


: moving forward

: happening or developing gradually over a period of time

: using or interested in new or modern ideas especially in politics and education


We're talkin' about "conservatives" being lazy-assed/chickenshit pussies.....ever since they'd enjoyed the convenience (and, benefits) of being Tories.
Yes! Like her “knowledge” is superior to the Donald’s in making millions promising Wall Street bankers with her speeches that she will protect their interest and bail them out when they destroy the economy again. Far superior experience in telling world class lies, getting Americans killed in Benghazi, arming Libyan rebels that turned out to be ISIS, and so, so perfectly experienced at e-mailing on an illegal insecure server in her basement exposing America’s classified materials and intelligence secrets to the entire world.

Her likability is so grand that she’s the most hated woman in America today. How many other American women can claim at least half of the people in the nation hate her stinkin ass?

So if you were an American, you’d vote for the Benghazi Bitch, right commie? Your endorsement I’m sure will garner many votes fo Donald Trump, huh commie?

You should also explain HOW your vote would further the perfect socialist dream. Explain that to the class commie!

All you brainwashed shits react to a cardboard cut-out covered in lies, as you masters intend. Under the Democrats, as you know, the capitalist economy works. As you also know, no-body can believe a single word you nutters rant - it is exactly like Goebbels on the Jews, as you intend. If you clowns could actually use whatever lies between your ears, you would be discussing policy instead of your wild hating fantasies. Your puffed up nutter is even more hated, as you know - Grow up. As to being an American, I am, thank God, able to avoid that McCarthyite nightmare: when I thought of doing my Ph.D. over there, someone explained what shit I'd be in if I dared fall ill, so I stayed in civilization.