All you brainwashed shits react to a cardboard cut-out covered in lies, as you masters intend. Under the Democrats, as you know, the capitalist economy works. As you also know, no-body can believe a single word you nutters rant - it is exactly like Goebbels on the Jews, as you intend. If you clowns could actually use whatever lies between your ears, you would be discussing policy instead of your wild hating fantasies. Your puffed up nutter is even more hated, as you know - Grow up. As to being an American, I am, thank God, able to avoid that McCarthyite nightmare: when I thought of doing my Ph.D. over there, someone explained what shit I'd be in if I dared fall ill, so I stayed in civilization.

McCarthy was correct in his assertion. The Democrat party in the US is nothing more than Communists in sheep's clothing.
McCarthy was correct in his assertion. The Democrat party in the US is nothing more than Communists in sheep's clothing.




Eat shit and die asshole. it is Republicans that have to clean up the Dipshitocrats messes.

You Teabaggin' History Majors are always good for a laugh!!!




May 16, 1996 - "Flash back four years: With the American economy just emerging from a two-year recession in the fall of 1992 and many Americans nervous about their economic prospects, Carville's one-note samba -- played over and over again throughout the campaign -- clearly helped propel Bill Clinton into the White House, forcing George Bush to retire to his beloved Texas.

Now it's Bill Clinton's turn to run for re-election. And though the economy is not moving backward (the definition of a recession), it's not setting any speed records either."

Does this sozzled cretin know what ANY political words mean? He'll shoot up a school of something soon, you mark my words! Barking mad!

That should be 'or something', but I don't seem able to edit posts any more.
Is this left winger who likes to research my posts capable of any independent thought transferred into a post? All he knows how to do apparently is copy and paste. He's a troll much like thee dee and Rana who troll with their own remarks as he trolls through copy and paste but a left wing troll none the less.

He can research all my posts and count the number of times I copy and paste anything and he'll discover it's next to almost never. But he's supposed to be smart and I'm supposed to be stupid.
Is this left winger who likes to research my posts capable of any independent thought transferred into a post? All he knows how to do apparently is copy and paste. He's a troll much like thee dee and Rana who troll with their own remarks as he trolls through copy and paste but a left wing troll none the less.

He can research all my posts and count the number of times I copy and paste anything and he'll discover it's next to almost never. But he's supposed to be smart and I'm supposed to be stupid.

If you are referring to Mr Shaman, his selection of posts to emphasise always seems to me bang-on in suggesting the stupid really ARE stupid, which in American politics is vital nowadays, and, in general, making an amusing and ironical commentary on what is happening here.
Is this left winger who likes to research my posts capable of any independent thought transferred into a post?

"Ya' don't need a weatherman, to know which way the wind blows."

May 10, 2011 - "California court of appeals cites that line quite a bit in their opinions, to the point now that it's almost boilerplate. It comes up when in the course of a trial, you need to introduce evidence. Sometimes, that evidence is complicated. Scientific evidence can be difficult for the jury to understand, and sometimes, you need the expert testimony who can explain it to the jurors.

But sometimes, you don't need the expert testimony, and so the California court has said, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

