Boris The Animal
It's Just Boris!
All you brainwashed shits react to a cardboard cut-out covered in lies, as you masters intend. Under the Democrats, as you know, the capitalist economy works. As you also know, no-body can believe a single word you nutters rant - it is exactly like Goebbels on the Jews, as you intend. If you clowns could actually use whatever lies between your ears, you would be discussing policy instead of your wild hating fantasies. Your puffed up nutter is even more hated, as you know - Grow up. As to being an American, I am, thank God, able to avoid that McCarthyite nightmare: when I thought of doing my Ph.D. over there, someone explained what shit I'd be in if I dared fall ill, so I stayed in civilization.
McCarthy was correct in his assertion. The Democrat party in the US is nothing more than Communists in sheep's clothing.