'We have broken speed of light'


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'We have broken speed of light'

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 16/08/2007

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light - an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles per second.

However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.
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The pair say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - energetic packets of light - travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.

Being able to travel faster than the speed of light would lead to a wide variety of bizarre consequences.

For instance, an astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving.

Wow. I wish that I could be here 200 years from now, just to see where all of this stuff ends up. It's mind-blowing.

Me thinks this pair of Scientist...are starting 'Oktoberfest' way early...too much Heiniken on the menu...it is probably possible way in the future but I seriously doubt it is possible today...need way more info than was presented in the link!
I am sceptical as well, and will wait for the final version. If it proves out I know of 2 guys winning big prizes.
'We have broken speed of light'

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 16/08/2007

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light - an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles per second.

However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.
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The pair say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - energetic packets of light - travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.

Being able to travel faster than the speed of light would lead to a wide variety of bizarre consequences.

For instance, an astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving.


I have heard of that theory, many times, and to me it is flat nonsense, just like time travel. time is NOT the fourth demension. It has no substance, and is only a measurement.becaise of our way of telling time, it would appear that the person was returning before they l eft, but in reality, it is only in relation to location.

I do however beleive that instantanious transfer is possible. There are those who say it even happened to me. in fact, the base commander issued a base order that airmen were not to discuss the incident.
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So much of scientific and technological truth is being kept from us until aliens establish firmly the amount of totalitarian control they feel safe with before allowing the technology wide dispersion.

What would be YOUR criteria for giving other beings advanced technology? Guarantees it can never be used against you, that's what you'd want if you were 4th and 5th dimensional dark beings bent on universal domination.
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So much of scientific and technological truth is being kept from us until aliens establish firmly the amount of totalitarian control they feel safe with before allowing the technology wide dispersion.

What would be YOUR criteria for giving other beings advanced technology? Guarantees it can never be used against you. that's what you'd want, if you're were 4th and 5th dimensional dark beings bent on universal domination.

Oh Lord, he is in even worse shape than usual today.
I have heard of that theory, many times, and to me it is flat nonsense, just like time travel. time is NOT the fourth demension. It has no substance, and is only a measurement.becaise of our way of telling time, it would appear that the person was returning before they l eft, but in reality, it is only in relation to location.

I do however beleive that instantanious transfer is possible. There are those who say it even happened to me. in fact, the base commander issued a base order that airmen were not to discuss the incident.

Come on Cutie give up the story?
if this is true it will be very upsetting to our percieved reality and laws of physics.

Yes, but that's happened with every great stride forward. I agree, should this hold true it's going to be revolutionary in terms of physics and our understanding of the universe around us. I expect it will take decades, at the very least, to develop this finding into something practical, though.

Pohl and Niven would love this! :)
Yes, but that's happened with every great stride forward. I agree, should this hold true it's going to be revolutionary in terms of physics and our understanding of the universe around us. I expect it will take decades, at the very least, to develop this finding into something practical, though.

Pohl and Niven would love this! :)

Could this explain how the universe is only 6,000 yrs old ?

Yeah I hope we do not imprision or torture these guys like the Renisance era brains.
So much of scientific and technological truth is being kept from us until aliens establish firmly the amount of totalitarian control they feel safe with before allowing the technology wide dispersion.

What would be YOUR criteria for giving other beings advanced technology? Guarantees it can never be used against you, that's what you'd want if you were 4th and 5th dimensional dark beings bent on universal domination.
I must assume you are rfering to the ET syndrom. if so, her is my feelings.

1. Any advanced society that can trverse space, has alread passed the stage of preying on paltry little earthlngs, so we are safe frome them. They in turn are safe from us because they be able to anilalate us in nothing flat. At most(or worst) we might become like pets to them.

2. My criteria would be the mirror copy of the above, and we would be that much more advanced than they.

3. if there are fourth and/or fifth dementional beings, they will be so far different from us that we could not colaberate. I happen to beleive that such is the case of our own after-death spirits. and our so-called heavens.