'We have broken speed of light'

I must assume you are rfering to the ET syndrom. if so, her is my feelings.

1. Any advanced society that can trverse space, has alread passed the stage of preying on paltry little earthlngs, so we are safe frome them. They in turn are safe from us because they be able to anilalate us in nothing flat. At most(or worst) we might become like pets to them.

2. My criteria would be the mirror copy of the above, and we would be that much more advanced than they.

3. if there are fourth and/or fifth dementional beings, they will be so far different from us that we could not colaberate. I happen to beleive that such is the case of our own after-death spirits. and our so-called heavens.

1.Technologically advanced is not morally advanced. I reject your baseless assertions. they are dumb.

2. but if you give your technology away, you will not longer be "that much more advanced"

3. Well they couldn't communicate with you, because you're thick as a brick.
So much of scientific and technological truth is being kept from us until aliens establish firmly the amount of totalitarian control they feel safe with before allowing the technology wide dispersion.

What would be YOUR criteria for giving other beings advanced technology? Guarantees it can never be used against you, that's what you'd want if you were 4th and 5th dimensional dark beings bent on universal domination.
Obsess much? I can live with NWO certainty, there is people with a lot of clout that openly admit to working toward one world government, but aliens? What are they all reptilians now? Gotta go that extra special step into the deep unprovable?
Obsess much? I can live with NWO certainty, there is people with a lot of clout that openly admit to working toward one world government, but aliens? What are they all reptilians now? Gotta go that extra special step into the deep unprovable?

There are many kinds. And there are good ones and evil ones.

Do You think roswell was a weather balloon incident? honestly?
1.Technologically advanced is not morally advanced. I reject your baseless assertions. they are dumb.
IMHO if they are not sufficienly morally advanced, they would simply kill each other off.

2. but if you give your technology away, you will not longer be "that much more advanced"
If you give a baby a textbook on algebra, will they understand? nope, not until they are ready.
3. Well they couldn't communicate with you, because you're thick as a brick.
I don't think many people would agree with you expecially if they were comparing me to you.
There are many kinds. And there are good ones and evil ones.

Do You think roswell was a weather balloon incident? honestly?
I think it is highly likely experimental aircraft. The likelihood of it being the all-controlling aliens who leach off of our bad vibes is a bit of a stretch. I need a bit more evidence than, "Well, we thought it looked like that." and the son of some guy who worked there reflecting on hearsay...

Obsess much? I can live with NWO certainty, there is people with a lot of clout that openly admit to working toward one world government, but aliens? What are they all reptilians now? Gotta go that extra special step into the deep unprovable?

I really like ya damo...however 'the truth is out there'...classified as it is for now...time will set y'all free oneday!..end of story!~:cof1:
I think it is highly likely experimental aircraft. The likelihood of it being the all-controlling aliens who leach off of our bad vibes is a bit of a stretch. I need a bit more evidence than, "Well, we thought it looked like that." and the son of some guy who worked there reflecting on hearsay...

How about a whole town of people now speaking about how the government told them all to be quiet about what they had seen, and who are now coming forward. And it wasn't experimental aircraft, but of course they're probably all just antisemitic liars.
How about a whole town of people now speaking about how the government told them all to be quiet about what they had seen, and who are now coming forward. And it wasn't experimental aircraft, but of course they're probably all just antisemitic liars.
The government, hiding a new experimental aircraft, would and have done much the same. Most of the people alive then that are coming forward were kids and simply didn't have the exposure they pretend to have had. They are giving hearsay, based on what they heard their parents say. Misconceptions can easily get out of hand.

There is an experimental aircraft crash, to the first arrivals it appears alien. They say, "We found alien craft!" Later the government steps in, and without explanation takes their craft back and gives them pieces of a silly weather balloon for them to say they found, as unrealistic as it is.

The government loves it because now, instead of talking about the advanced technology they developed people are blaming it on the ridiculous idea of "aliens". Spread a story or two about short people in surgery and BAMMO, you have the ultimate cover story with nobody at all looking for the truth, and those who think they are are looking for a conspiracy of short grey dudes.
However this depends...........

The government, hiding a new experimental aircraft, would and have done much the same. Most of the people alive then that are coming forward were kids and simply didn't have the exposure they pretend to have had. They are giving hearsay, based on what they heard their parents say. Misconceptions can easily get out of hand.

There is an experimental aircraft crash, to the first arrivals it appears alien. They say, "We found alien craft!" Later the government steps in, and without explanation takes their craft back and gives them pieces of a silly weather balloon for them to say they found, as unrealistic as it is.

The government loves it because now, instead of talking about the advanced technology they developed people are blaming it on the ridiculous idea of "aliens". Spread a story or two about short people in surgery and BAMMO, you have the ultimate cover story with nobody at all looking for the truth, and those who think they are are looking for a conspiracy of short grey dudes.

on how close and credible the parents were to there kids...this was 1947 not 2007 when so much BS and fraud are present...think again damo!
The government, hiding a new experimental aircraft, would and have done much the same. Most of the people alive then that are coming forward were kids and simply didn't have the exposure they pretend to have had. They are giving hearsay, based on what they heard their parents say. Misconceptions can easily get out of hand.

There is an experimental aircraft crash, to the first arrivals it appears alien. They say, "We found alien craft!" Later the government steps in, and without explanation takes their craft back and gives them pieces of a silly weather balloon for them to say they found, as unrealistic as it is.

The government loves it because now, instead of talking about the advanced technology they developed people are blaming it on the ridiculous idea of "aliens". Spread a story or two about short people in surgery and BAMMO, you have the ultimate cover story with nobody at all looking for the truth, and those who think they are are looking for a conspiracy of short grey dudes.

People saw actual aliens damo. But of course, you know the truth, because you were there... Quit being such a little suckup to seats of power.
People saw actual aliens damo. But of course, you know the truth, because you were there... Quit being such a little suckup to seats of power.

Is there any far-out conspiracy theory you don't believe?

You I'm not surprised at. BB I knew was as stupid as the night is long, but I didn't realize he was also a conspiracy freak. I don't really see that thing between him and Damo working out. But I'll bet you two cuties could really set the world on fire.
Is there any far-out conspiracy theory you don't believe?

You I'm not surprised at. BB I knew was as stupid as the night is long, but I didn't realize he was also a conspiracy freak. I don't really see that thing between him and Damo working out. But I'll bet you two cuties could really set the world on fire.

Don't you think it's unlikely we're the only life in the universe darla?
on how close and credible the parents were to there kids...this was 1947 not 2007 when so much BS and fraud are present...think again damo!
Which doesn't change any of what I wrote. It could easily have happened exactly as I said with their parents still believing they saw an 'alien' craft, when all really was, was a government covering up their classifieds, and doing it well.

Is there any far-out conspiracy theory you don't believe?

You I'm not surprised at. BB I knew was as stupid as the night is long, but I didn't realize he was also a conspiracy freak. I don't really see that thing between him and Damo working out. But I'll bet you two cuties could really set the world on fire.

darla is just mad because she did not do the Greys...hey those little dudes can rock out as well as the Grey Dudetts...ya are a lost soul darla...ya will never make it to the big league...way too shallow...and boxed in...blame it on your so called professors of today...(the old ones) actually worked and expeienced reality...how sad...oh well your loss is everyones gain..ya don't make the cut much less the grade...have a good and boring life darla!

Write some more of those boring ads...lmao