'We have broken speed of light'

Folks, I cannot believe what I am reading on this thread? Someone has convinced the Diaper Don that he was beamed somewhere, and then beamed back so quickly that he felt like he had never left, butt of course, that is because he never did leave? I suspect from having glanced further down in this thread, that it was the scheming lefties AssFace and Battleborne who pulled the "blue dress" over poor Donny's senile eyes? What is next, those two fools convince the Diaper Don he was beamed to the Andromeda galaxy, butt, brought back so quickly he does not know he is the first intergalatic space traveler, and then send him out here to try and convince unsuspecting posters, who, may not be mensa material, of this scheme? The American people do not like lefty tricksters, and neither do I, touche.

No way. It was a weather balloon.
First of all, nobody has a "crypto", I worked in cryptology, as a translator... we all had several compartmentalized clearances.

I can't hear a tone of voice so I couldn't tell you were being sarcastic, but that makes far more sense than an insistence that the government never used misdirection to cover classified tech.

Cryptology, that is where they freeze your head, and promise to defrost it centurys from now when they can reattatch it to a new body, and you can live for much longer than you can now?

RJS is thinking of having his head frozen, ever since I found out I was mensa, it seems the wise thing to do? Why let all of this brain power go to waste, skewering lefties, who knows what I could do three hundred years from now, maybe power a spacecraft with only my mind, it would not surprise me? What do you recommend since you are the cryptologist? Thank you.
AssFace, I do not remember asking for your opinion, what are you doing lounging around here, when you still have 3 more pairs of my shoes to shine, get moving, everyone knows you are my personal toady?

Consider it a gift. I can't shine your shoes now, I'm too busy mating with your significant other.
I believe in a probability of life on another planet, not necessarily what we would reconize as life. I do not believe "they" have been here, no. I certainly do not believe there is yet another, vast conspiracy to cover up these "visits".

I would hope that we are not the most intelligent life forms in the universe.
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The article says the transfer was instantaneous. If the particle traveled faster than the speed of light from point A to point B, then it would have arrived at point B marginally before it left point A. Not at the same time. Right?

If Einsteins theory holds yes, but this could blow a lot of his stuff out of the water. also it might be hard to measure backwards in time with current technology.
Cryptology, that is where they freeze your head, and promise to defrost it centurys from now when they can reattatch it to a new body, and you can live for much longer than you can now?

RJS is thinking of having his head frozen, ever since I found out I was mensa, it seems the wise thing to do? Why let all of this brain power go to waste, skewering lefties, who knows what I could do three hundred years from now, maybe power a spacecraft with only my mind, it would not surprise me? What do you recommend since you are the cryptologist? Thank you.

Why wait till you die to have your head frozen ?
The article says the transfer was instantaneous. If the particle traveled faster than the speed of light from point A to point B, then it would have arrived at point B marginally before it left point A. Not at the same time. Right?
No. the speed of light encompasses time. there is no negative time, and instantanious would imply no movement. suppose the speed of light was one second, then twice the speed of light would be one half second, etc. but you could never get to a negative time.
Folks, I cannot believe what I am reading on this thread? Someone has convinced the Diaper Don that he was beamed somewhere, and then beamed back so quickly that he felt like he had never left, butt of course, that is because he never did leave? I suspect from having glanced further down in this thread, that it was the scheming lefties AssFace and Battleborne who pulled the "blue dress" over poor Donny's senile eyes? What is next, those two fools convince the Diaper Don he was beamed to the Andromeda galaxy, butt, brought back so quickly he does not know he is the first intergalatic space traveler, and then send him out here to try and convince unsuspecting posters, who, may not be mensa material, of this scheme? The American people do not like lefty tricksters, and neither do I, touche.
Ah, what a jackass you are.
Crypto clearances were deleted in the eightees...all now show only 'Confidential,Secret or Top Secret'...guess I am showing my age...and when did you get out of the Navy?...I assume you had a secret or top secret clearance! If after the 1980's...

see: www.ufomind.com/area51/list/1997/nov/a18-004.shtml
From your site:
>There are however layers of Top Secret:
>Namely code word which almost always has two word qualifiers,
>you see these in the DOD budget. Prior to the 1950 they were
>one word codes such as Ultra, Purple, etc.

BTW - Purple would not be a code... they are all 5 letter words.
Why wait till you die to have your head frozen ?

Please try not to ask stupit questions, as my protegee, I expect better from you? If I froze my head before I died, I would most likely end up much like the lefty fools AssHat and Battleborne, a fate worse than death? Though, it is possible this is not a stupit question on your part, if you are insinuating that even with a frozen head, I would somehow mensa my way above the posting skills of those two fools? I would not be surprised, thank you.
From your site:

BTW - Purple would not be a code... they are all 5 letter words.

Damocles RJS has asked you a question on this thread, about your claim that you are a specialist in cryptology - the science of freezing yourself into the future - and you have not answered me, again? I have noticed you never answer me, you are a rude host, it is as if you think you are hot sheet just because you own this board, butt, that is no excuse? Could it be your jealousy is showing, and my mensa skills are getting to you, along with the lefty babes who are always chatting me up, butt, you, not so much? Touche.
Damocles RJS has asked you a question on this thread, about your claim that you are a specialist in cryptology - the science of freezing yourself into the future - and you have not answered me, again? I have noticed you never answer me, you are a rude host, it is as if you think you are hot sheet just because you own this board, butt, that is no excuse? Could it be your jealousy is showing, and my mensa skills are getting to you, along with the lefty babes who are always chatting me up, butt, you, not so much? Touche.
This is just awesome... a joy from the regular habit of answering things seriously...

Cryology is freezing heads, cryptology is breaking codes.

I see RJS like to talk about himself in the third person... Bob Dole wouldn't like that.
Please try not to ask stupit questions, as my protegee, I expect better from you? If I froze my head before I died, I would most likely end up much like the lefty fools AssHat and Battleborne, a fate worse than death? Though, it is possible this is not a stupit question on your part, if you are insinuating that even with a frozen head, I would somehow mensa my way above the posting skills of those two fools? I would not be surprised, thank you.

Umm I thought you would be qualified to run on the republican ticket with a frozen brain ?
It was proven to be a bust and no one has been able to make it work.
Room temperature superconductors would be nice too.
I have heard of that theory, many times, and to me it is flat nonsense, just like time travel. time is NOT the fourth demension. It has no substance, and is only a measurement.becaise of our way of telling time, it would appear that the person was returning before they l eft, but in reality, it is only in relation to location.

I do however beleive that instantanious transfer is possible. There are those who say it even happened to me. in fact, the base commander issued a base order that airmen were not to discuss the incident.

You just discussed the incident!