We Have To Get Rid Of Trump To Fix The Climate


Diversity Makes Greatness
Hottest Decade.

Lying Trump thinks it's a hoax, pulled out of Paris.

Trump stands in the way of fighting Climate Change.

We are out of time. We can't wait another 4 years before we get serious. The eyes of the world are upon us.

We have to get rid of Trump and get somebody who understands the seriousness of the situation.

The climate is more important than the economy, but there is no reason that fighting climate change has to destroy the economy. We put something like 30% of our economy toward fighting for our survival in WWII. This is actually far more serious than a despot, and we put less than 1% of our economy toward this.

Things have got to change. Big changes. We need a bold leader who recognizes the problem and is prepared to take significant steps.

As far as leaders go, Trump is like candy. Candy is fine but we can't live on candy. We need some protein. We need a leader that knows how to build a future. We can't live on short term feel-good tax cuts and an economy that makes the rich even richer and the government debt greater. Great. The stock market took off. That only benefits the upper half. What's everybody else supposed to do? What's the government supposed to do? The deficit is irresponsibly unmanageable as the richest enjoy deep tax cuts. That is irresponsible. We have to quit believing this myth that we need Trump to have a good economy. We have to understand that if we keep Trump, we doom the world to ever more warming. A climate we can't live in makes money worthless. What good is money if you have no world to spend it in?

This is bigger than getting Supreme Court Justices. Bigger than the economy.

This is life.

This is having a future.

Doesn't anybody care about their grandchildren?

I am amazed so many people are willing to take such risks with the future for their grandchildren.


Get rid of Trump.
The world looks to us for leadership and we give them Trump?

Get real.

If you want to put America first then you have to recognize that America is part of the world and without a world you don't have an America to put first.

The way you put America first is by putting the world first.

There is no planet B.
The world looks to us for leadership and we give them Trump?

Get real.

If you want to put America first then you have to recognize that America is part of the world and without a world you don't have an America to put first.

The way you put America first is by putting the world first.

There is no planet B.

We have reduced emmissions more than pledged, the rest of the world has not. That includes the heaviest emmiters.

We're already doing more for this hoax.

Get used to it, Trump will continue to make America greater for another 5 years.
Hottest Decade.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
Lying Trump thinks it's a hoax, pulled out of Paris.
Nah. Just a hoax. Also a fundamentalist style religion.
Trump stands in the way of fighting Climate Change.
Define 'climate change'.
We are out of time. We can't wait another 4 years before we get serious. The eyes of the world are upon us.
Out of time for what? Define 'climate change'.
We have to get rid of Trump and get somebody who understands the seriousness of the situation.
Seriousness of what? Define 'climate change'.
The climate is more important than the economy, but there is no reason that fighting climate change has to destroy the economy.
Define 'climate change'.
We put something like 30% of our economy toward fighting for our survival in WWII.
Argument from randU fallacy.
This is actually far more serious than a despot,
You are not the king.
and we put less than 1% of our economy toward this.
Toward what? Define 'climate change'.
Things have got to change. Big changes. We need a bold leader who recognizes the problem and is prepared to take significant steps.
What problem? Define 'climate change'.
As far as leaders go, Trump is like candy. Candy is fine but we can't live on candy. We need some protein.
Do you plan on eating Presidents?
We need a leader that knows how to build a future.
The future will come regardless of what anyone does about it.
We can't live on short term feel-good tax cuts
People already are.
and an economy that makes the rich even richer
What's wrong with being rich?
and the government debt greater.
That IS a problem, and one BOTH parties have caused.
Great. The stock market took off.
The stock market isn't the economy.
That only benefits the upper half.
Nope. It benefits everyone that owns stocks.
What's everybody else supposed to do?
Make something of yourself. Sure beat sitting around and whining like you do.
What's the government supposed to do?
That is outlined in the Constitution of the United States. I suggest you read it.
The deficit is irresponsibly unmanageable as the richest enjoy deep tax cuts.
Everyone got tax cuts (that pays taxes at all).
That is irresponsible.
You don't get to decide what is 'irresponsible. You are not the king.
We have to quit believing this myth that we need Trump to have a good economy.
We don't. Just get government out of the way and return it to the Constitution. Trump is moving in that direction.
We have to understand that if we keep Trump, we doom the world to ever more warming.
Define 'global warming'. Define 'climate change'.
A climate we can't live in makes money worthless.
People live in all kinds of climates, from arctic climate to tropical climate.
What good is money if you have no world to spend it in?
The Earth is still here last I looked.
This is bigger than getting Supreme Court Justices. Bigger than the economy.
What is? Define 'climate change'.
This is life.
No, life is life. Define 'climate change'.
This is having a future.
No, the future is the future. It will come regardless. Define 'climate change'.
Doesn't anybody care about their grandchildren?
Sure. I don't want them living in your dictatorship.
I am amazed so many people are willing to take such risks with the future for their grandchildren.
I'm not. You are not the king.

Get rid of Trump.
Not gonna happen.
The world looks to us for leadership and we give them Trump?
Trump does not lead the world. He leads the government of the United States.
Get real.
Define 'real'. I know what it means. Do you?
If you want to put America first then you have to recognize that America is part of the world and without a world you don't have an America to put first.
The Earth is still here.
The way you put America first is by putting the world first.
Irrational statement. Paradox. Which is it, dude?
There is no planet B.
How do you know? What does it matter?

Define 'climate change'.
Hello Celticguy,

We have reduced emmissions more than pledged, the rest of the world has not. That includes the heaviest emmiters.

We're already doing more for this hoax.

Get used to it, Trump will continue to make America greater for another 5 years.

It is not enough. We have to cut more emissions. The best case would be go carbon negative for a while. Trump saying it is a hoax, pulling out of Paris, other nations are asking why they should make any effort. That's bad leadership. The world is looking to us.

Trump is wrong for the world, wrong for America. Dooming the future for our grandchildren is not making America great. Hottest decade ever. Will the next be even hotter?

Climate change is THE most important issue for all human beings. Now is the time. We can't mess around any more.

Trump scores worse than zero. He is a negative. We have to get rid of Trump to save the Climate. We have to do it now. We don't have 4 more years. Now. It has to be now. We have to get rid of Trump to save the climate.

Get used to seeing a lot more climate protests. More Greta. This is not going away. You can't wish it away. Can't be tweeted away. We must take action now.
This is it.

The fight for human survival.

It is Trump against the future of humanity.

Just look at the Australian fires. They got rain. Hooray. But oh no, now the run-off threatens to spoil the reservoir which serves as the drinking water supply for Sydney.

That's just a taste of what unchecked Climate Change holds in store for us.

Trump must be defeated.
Hello Celticguy,

It is not enough. We have to cut more emissions. The best case would be go carbon negative for a while. Trump saying it is a hoax, pulling out of Paris, other nations are asking why they should make any effort. That's bad leadership. The world is looking to us.

Trump is wrong for the world, wrong for America. Dooming the future for our grandchildren is not making America great. Hottest decade ever. Will the next be even hotter?

Climate change is THE most important issue for all human beings. Now is the time. We can't mess around any more.

Trump scores worse than zero. He is a negative. We have to get rid of Trump to save the Climate. We have to do it now. We don't have 4 more years. Now. It has to be now. We have to get rid of Trump to save the climate.

Get used to seeing a lot more climate protests. More Greta. This is not going away. You can't wish it away. Can't be tweeted away. We must take action now.

Carbon negative? Unless you are going to stop all human activity, that's not even possible. Libs are gullible AF.
The best case would be go carbon negative for a while.

Facts for the liars and dipshits on the left:

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 1% of that area. Of the remaining 28% about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas. There may be other areas with a human footprint of some kind.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to less than 1% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:
This is it.
The fight for human survival.

It is Trump against the future of humanity.

Just look at the Australian fires. They got rain. Hooray. But oh no, now the run-off threatens to spoil the reservoir which serves as the drinking water supply for Sydney.

That's just a taste of what unchecked Climate Change holds in store for us.

Trump must be defeated.

Poli it is a hoax and we dropped outta Paris for very good reasons (nobody but us were willing to pledge anything with teeth).
Have you not noticed that NONE of the horrors attributed to co2 have come to pass ?
Did you not know that CERN demonstrated that solar emmissions (or lack thereof) produce this variation ?

The US alone cannot impact any more change than we are already doing.

Your TDS is getting tiresome.
Hello Celticguy,

Poli it is a hoax

Dream on. Wishful thinking. We all have to accept this reality. 7 billion humans. Industrial activity has changed the climate. This is no hoax.

and we dropped outta Paris for very good reasons

To appease dreamers and the misinformed.

(nobody but us were willing to pledge anything with teeth).


Have you not noticed that NONE of the horrors attributed to co2 have come to pass ?

They are just beginning and yes they have already come to pass. Seen any news from Australia?

Did you not know that CERN demonstrated that solar emmissions (or lack thereof) produce this variation ?

It is unwise to assume that is the only reason. Wisdom says you hope for the best case, prepare for the worst case.

The US alone cannot impact any more change than we are already doing.

Total BS. We won't be alone and we can do much more. We need a massive society-wide commitment exceeding what we did for WWII.

Your TDS is getting tiresome.

Oh, that's too bad you are going there. I am disappointed in you. Getting personal will not make this go away, but if continued it will end our discussions. Final friendly warning: no more personal remarks will be tolerated. Not kidding. You are out of second chances, Celticguy.

No, actually, I take that back.

You have already burned your one second chance, already been warned not to talk about me. I come here to talk about politics, not me. You crossed the line when you tried to make the discussion about me. This is not about me. It is about protecting the fragile environment we all depend on.

We are done. There is no point in ever reading anything you post again. You have served fair notice that you think talking about me is fair game. It is not. I will never respond to anything you say again, never read your posts nor any threads you may create. I will not read it when others quote you. If I continue to read what you have to say I am agreeing to be insulted. I do not come here to be insulted so you go on my Ignore list. Knock yourself out. You are now free to say anything you like about me. Just know that it will be like talking to a brick wall. I won't read it. You may as well be talking to yourself, or perhaps talking to a flat tire, trying to convince it that it is full of air when anybody driving by can see it is flat. phoof. There went the air out of our discussions. You are not nice. I only talk to nice people. You are now meaningless to me. Have a nice life.
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