You need to adjust that to the voters who you allow at the polls.
You need to see a mental health professional. I hope you kill yourself when Trump is re-elected. Really I do.
![Wink ;) ;)](
You need to adjust that to the voters who you allow at the polls.
A 1.5C increase in global temperature in a century is unprecedented, and it coincides perfectly with the industrial revolution. Your dumb, faux-pedantic posts notwithstanding, the people who actually study this shit for a living know precisely what "global warming" and "climate change" are, and they certainly don't need some jackwagon from a right-wing politics board with an associate's degree in woodworking (or whatever the fuck you do) to tell them what the science is.
Well that's not fair. Republicans can't win if they can't cheat (see my sig).
You need to see a mental health professional. I hope you kill yourself when Trump is re-elected. Really I do.![]()
By that time he will be in jail where he belongs
Poor Jerome; still stuck on stupid.
Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.
Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace
29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 1% of that area. Of the remaining 28% about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas. There may be other areas with a human footprint of some kind.
The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to less than 1% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons.![]()
It's really difficult for me to imagine how fucking stupid you have to be to equate "land-mass occupied" with the amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere. The CO2 we emit into the atmosphere goes WELL beyond our city limits, dickwad. That's a total non-sequitur.
Well that's not fair. Republicans can't win if they can't cheat (see my sig).
You need to adjust that to the voters who you allow at the polls.
A 1.5C increase in global temperature in a century is unprecedented, and it coincides perfectly with the industrial revolution. Your dumb, faux-pedantic posts notwithstanding, the people who actually study this shit for a living know precisely what "global warming" and "climate change" are, and they certainly don't need some jackwagon from a right-wing politics board with an associate's degree in woodworking (or whatever the fuck you do) to tell them what the science is.
By that time he will be in jail where he belongs
The TruthDetectors do not have the votes they need or the states they need to protect Trump in November.
He will be handily defeated and both chambers of Congress will go Bigly Blue.
It's really difficult for me to imagine how fucking stupid you have to be to equate "land-mass occupied" with the amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere. The CO2 we emit into the atmosphere goes WELL beyond our city limits, dickwad. That's a total non-sequitur.
With respect to the gasses, nitrogen, oxygen and argon do not absorb or penetrate light. In other words, they cannot absorb heat, and have no effect on global warming. Water vapor and CO2, however, absorb heat like crazy. In fact, CO2 and water vapor are so absorbant, if we DIDN'T have those gasses, our planet would be an entirely lifeless, frozen block. Quite simply, CO2 represents damned near 100% of the global greenhouse gases.
You don't understand basic physical chemistry, but you feel comfortable enough tackling an infinitely more complex subject, like the earth's atmosphere?
Wow. Just Wow. You're incredibly dumb (which by itself isn't a crime, but combined with your arrogance, it weaponizes you against the human race's progress).
Hello and Welcome Jerome,
Spot on.
Welcome to the discussions.
Take away gerrymandering, voter role purges, and other Republican dirty election rigging tricks and the Republican party would be dead already, instead of the walking dead that it is now.
Half of those rich old white guys have one foot in the grave already.
-Which explains why they don't care about climate change.
But it does cause one to wonder if they have any grandchildren and why they don't care about them or their future.
What's the use of perpetuating the class war and amassing such huge fortunes if the heirs they intend to will it to won't have a planet to spend it on?
Define 'climate change'.Half of those rich old white guys have one foot in the grave already.
-Which explains why they don't care about climate change.
How do you know?Hottest Decade.
He's correct.Lying Trump thinks it's a hoax,
I applaud him.pulled out of Paris.
This is where the Church of Global Warming ("the CGW") rejects logic. Buzzword Fallacy. Void Argument Fallacy. Define "climate change". Remember, words cannot be circularly defined.Trump stands in the way of fighting Climate Change.
Then why does my clock keep ticking??We are out of time.
...about WHAT, exactly?We can't wait another 4 years before we get serious.
Are they not always?The eyes of the world are upon us.
...of WHAT situation, exactly?We have to get rid of Trump and get somebody who understands the seriousness of the situation.
What is "the climate"?The climate is more important than the economy,
How do you fight that which you cannot even logically define?but there is no reason that fighting climate change has to destroy the economy.
That's already putting too much towards "this".We put something like 30% of our economy toward fighting for our survival in WWII. This is actually far more serious than a despot, and we put less than 1% of our economy toward this.
According to you, "the climate" is already doing so.Things have got to change.
See above.Big changes.
Is this leader the goddess Climate by any chance?We need a bold leader who recognizes the problem and is prepared to take significant steps.
Just can't talk about anything without inserting a long rambling anti-Trump rant, eh?As far as leaders go, Trump is like candy. Candy is fine but we can't live on candy. We need some protein. We need a leader that knows how to build a future. We can't live on short term feel-good tax cuts and an economy that makes the rich even richer and the government debt greater. Great. The stock market took off. That only benefits the upper half. What's everybody else supposed to do? What's the government supposed to do? The deficit is irresponsibly unmanageable as the richest enjoy deep tax cuts. That is irresponsible. We have to quit believing this myth that we need Trump to have a good economy. We have to understand that if we keep Trump, we doom the world to ever more warming. A climate we can't live in makes money worthless. What good is money if you have no world to spend it in?
Define "This"?This is bigger than getting Supreme Court Justices. Bigger than the economy.
This is life.
This is having a future.
Sure people do...Doesn't anybody care about their grandchildren?
What "risks with the future"?I am amazed so many people are willing to take such risks with the future for their grandchildren.
Orange Man bad?SMH
Get rid of Trump.
Hottest Decade.
Lying Trump thinks it's a hoax, pulled out of Paris.
Trump stands in the way of fighting Climate Change.
We are out of time. We can't wait another 4 years before we get serious. The eyes of the world are upon us.
We have to get rid of Trump and get somebody who understands the seriousness of the situation.
The climate is more important than the economy, but there is no reason that fighting climate change has to destroy the economy. We put something like 30% of our economy toward fighting for our survival in WWII. This is actually far more serious than a despot, and we put less than 1% of our economy toward this.
Things have got to change. Big changes. We need a bold leader who recognizes the problem and is prepared to take significant steps.
As far as leaders go, Trump is like candy. Candy is fine but we can't live on candy. We need some protein. We need a leader that knows how to build a future. We can't live on short term feel-good tax cuts and an economy that makes the rich even richer and the government debt greater. Great. The stock market took off. That only benefits the upper half. What's everybody else supposed to do? What's the government supposed to do? The deficit is irresponsibly unmanageable as the richest enjoy deep tax cuts. That is irresponsible. We have to quit believing this myth that we need Trump to have a good economy. We have to understand that if we keep Trump, we doom the world to ever more warming. A climate we can't live in makes money worthless. What good is money if you have no world to spend it in?
This is bigger than getting Supreme Court Justices. Bigger than the economy.
This is life.
This is having a future.
Doesn't anybody care about their grandchildren?
I am amazed so many people are willing to take such risks with the future for their grandchildren.
Get rid of Trump.
It's even more difficult for me to imagine how retarded you are for not being able to comprehend the OBVIOUS you pathetic, gullible low IQ asswhipe.![]()
C02 amounts to 0.0314% of the composition of oxygen. The notion that it is causing the warming is mentally retarded. The fact that man occupies less than 3% of the planet but can cause the entire planet to warm is equally retarded.
But then, you have to be mentally retarded to be a leftists in the first place. Fuck off and kill yourself Jerome. One less moron taking up valuable oxygen.