You are only showing your illiteracy in several theories of science.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. Not even a magick gas like CO2. ALL gases can absorb light and convert it to thermal energy. Heat is not something that is absorbed. Heat is not contained in anything. Heat is the flow of thermal energy, not the thermal energy itself.
It is YOU that is denying chemistry here, as well as physics.
* You cannot create energy out of nothing (1st law of thermodynamics: E(t+1)=E(t)+U
* You cannot heat the surface using a colder gas. You cannot reduce entropy in any system. (2nd law of thermodynamics: (e(t+1) >= e(t)
* You cannot reduce the radiance of Earth and increase its temperature at the same time. (Stefan-Boltzmann law: r=C*e*t^4
Why do you deny science?
I didn't say any gas warms the earth, I said CO2 captures the thermal energy that warms the planet. Nitrogen and argon and oxygen do not absorb heat from the sun's rays; CO2 does. This is simple fact.
I never said heat is contained in anything and your semantic games are boring. You must be one miserable fuck to go on and on like you do here. None of your pathetic factoids have ANYTHING to do with what I said. You merely parrot them in an effort to distract and obfuscate, and avoid the point.
Reading is fundamental, bitch.