We Have To Get Rid Of Trump To Fix The Climate

Did I find it? The single dumbest thing anyone in the universe has ever said?

Argument of the stone fallacy.

Apparently you are unaware of the Fischer-Tropsche process and similar processes, which synthesize both oil and natural gas from carbon dioxide, hydrogen, heat, and pressure (in the presence of an iron catalyst). All conditions found naturally underground.
Methane occurs naturally in swamps and oil wells. Oil itself can be found anywhere you care to drill for it, if you are willing to go deep enough. It is found most readily near the edges of tectonic plates, especially where spreading action is occurring.

Fortunately here in the United States, we have a great resource of oil in oil shales, easily obtained by fracking.

There is plenty of oil. We are practically awash in oil. It's CHEAP right now (comparative commodity pricing).

Yup. Renewable fuels. Both of them.
Argument of the stone fallacy.

Apparently you are unaware of the Fischer-Tropsche process and similar processes, which synthesize both oil and natural gas from carbon dioxide, hydrogen, heat, and pressure (in the presence of an iron catalyst). All conditions found naturally underground.
Methane occurs naturally in swamps and oil wells. Oil itself can be found anywhere you care to drill for it, if you are willing to go deep enough. It is found most readily near the edges of tectonic plates, especially where spreading action is occurring.

Fortunately here in the United States, we have a great resource of oil in oil shales, easily obtained by fracking.

There is plenty of oil. We are practically awash in oil. It's CHEAP right now (comparative commodity pricing).

Yup. Renewable fuels. Both of them.

None of this means it's "renewable," you drooling moron. Clearly you don't know the meaning of the word. Nor do you understand what CO2 does in our atmosphere, so your ignorance on this topic is hardly surprising.
None of this means it's "renewable," you drooling moron.
Yes it does.
Clearly you don't know the meaning of the word.
Renewable fuel: A fuel that is naturally replaced after extraction.
Nor do you understand what CO2 does in our atmosphere,
Feeds plants. Otherwise, nothing.
so your ignorance on this topic is hardly surprising.
Inversion fallacy. This seems to be YOUR problem.
It is heart breaking to watch the new out of Australia.

The loss of wildlife is one of the tragedies. Several threatened species are impacted, and some may face extinction as a result.

Human industrial activity is the cause.

As tragic as this loss of wildlife is, it also serves as a premonition for humans.

We have got to drastically ramp up our efforts to deal with warming and climate change.

Now is the time - it cannot wait.

We have to get rid of Trump so we can fix the climate.

It is heart breaking to watch the new out of Australia.

The loss of wildlife is one of the tragedies. Several threatened species are impacted, and some may face extinction as a result.

Human industrial activity is the cause.

As tragic as this loss of wildlife is, it also serves as a premonition for humans.

We have got to drastically ramp up our efforts to deal with warming and climate change.

Now is the time - it cannot wait.

We have to get rid of Trump so we can fix the climate.


stop embarrassing yourself, sheila.
It is heart breaking to watch the news out of Australia.
Then don't watch it.
The loss of wildlife is one of the tragedies. Several threatened species are impacted, and some may face extinction as a result.
What? You care about the bunnies and kangaroo lost to fire? Did you know they know how to run away?
Human industrial activity is the cause.
There is no industry where the grass fires occurred.
As tragic as this loss of wildlife is, it also serves as a premonition for humans.
Such as? Wildfires happen every year in the summer.
We have got to drastically ramp up our efforts to deal with warming and climate change.
Define 'global warming'. Define 'climate change'. Describe 'greenhouse effect' without violating the 1st or 2nd laws of thermodynamics or the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Now is the time - it cannot wait.
Time for what? Define 'climate change'. Define 'global warming'.
We have to get rid of Trump so we can fix the climate.
Climate isn't broken. A desert climate is still a desert climate, a marine climate is still a marine climate, etc.
Trump empowers and gives a voice to fools who do not understand the repercussions of unchecked industrialism.

We are ruining our own environment that we depend on for life.

We must get rid of Trump, and we must take pointed measures to care for our habitat.

This is just basic common sense.

Greta is right.
None of this means it's "renewable," you drooling moron. Clearly you don't know the meaning of the word. Nor do you understand what CO2 does in our atmosphere, so your ignorance on this topic is hardly surprising.

I R O N Y!!!! CO2 doesn't do much of anything in the atmosphere. It only amounts to .0314% of the molecules that make up air.

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 1% of that area. Of the remaining 28% about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas. There may be other areas with a human footprint of some kind.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to less than 1% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:
It is heart breaking to watch the new out of Australia.

The loss of wildlife is one of the tragedies. Several threatened species are impacted, and some may face extinction as a result.

Human industrial activity is the cause.

As tragic as this loss of wildlife is, it also serves as a premonition for humans.

We have got to drastically ramp up our efforts to deal with warming and climate change.

Now is the time - it cannot wait.

We have to get rid of Trump so we can fix the climate.


Or we could go back to brush clearing like we used to do . They had the jail inmates clearing brush all year .

But , you liberals ended that .
Hottest Decade.

Lying Trump thinks it's a hoax, pulled out of Paris.

Trump stands in the way of fighting Climate Change.

We are out of time. We can't wait another 4 years before we get serious. The eyes of the world are upon us.

We have to get rid of Trump and get somebody who understands the seriousness of the situation.

The climate is more important than the economy, but there is no reason that fighting climate change has to destroy the economy. We put something like 30% of our economy toward fighting for our survival in WWII. This is actually far more serious than a despot, and we put less than 1% of our economy toward this.

Things have got to change. Big changes. We need a bold leader who recognizes the problem and is prepared to take significant steps.

As far as leaders go, Trump is like candy. Candy is fine but we can't live on candy. We need some protein. We need a leader that knows how to build a future. We can't live on short term feel-good tax cuts and an economy that makes the rich even richer and the government debt greater. Great. The stock market took off. That only benefits the upper half. What's everybody else supposed to do? What's the government supposed to do? The deficit is irresponsibly unmanageable as the richest enjoy deep tax cuts. That is irresponsible. We have to quit believing this myth that we need Trump to have a good economy. We have to understand that if we keep Trump, we doom the world to ever more warming. A climate we can't live in makes money worthless. What good is money if you have no world to spend it in?

This is bigger than getting Supreme Court Justices. Bigger than the economy.

This is life.

This is having a future.

Doesn't anybody care about their grandchildren?

I am amazed so many people are willing to take such risks with the future for their grandchildren.


Get rid of Trump.

What are you suggesting? Looks like the only way you are going to "GET RID OF TRUMP" is to assassinate him. You have exhausted all the left wing playbook...and he simply laughs in your face. :cool:

You've impeached him.....NOW WHAT, once the dog has chased down this 18 wheeler? What's next? No one is paying any attention to this fake impeachment...especially Mr. Trumps base, because Mr. Trump is actually delivering on promises made unlike the bloviating do nothing democrats who keep promising things like citizenship for DACA.....free health care, free College Tuition, FREE everything.

Looks exactly what it appears to be.....you have a mini-civil war going on within the democrat party. Sanders will never be allowed to win anything.
It is heart breaking to watch the new out of Australia.
I agree. It's rather sad.

The loss of wildlife is one of the tragedies. Several threatened species are impacted, and some may face extinction as a result.
Yup, it's sad, but animals ARE capable of running away from fire. They aren't stuck in one place ya know...

Human industrial activity is the cause.
No... Arson and non-management of forests/grasslands is the cause.

As tragic as this loss of wildlife is, it also serves as a premonition for humans.
Meh. Fires occur in the Summer...

We have got to drastically ramp up our efforts to deal with warming and climate change.
Warming? Your data? Define "climate change".

Now is the time - it cannot wait.
What can't wait?

We have to get rid of Trump so we can fix the climate.

How does one "fix" a climate? I didn't know that climate could break... Interesting...
It is amazing how every right wingnut is sure he is smarter than all the scientists in the world.

Bullshit, here are a list of eminent scientists that are climate sceptics. There are many many more, I doubt that you've heard of any of them!

Prof. Richard Lindzen
Prof. Judith Curry
Dr. Craig Idso
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.
Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.
Prof. Freeman Dyson
Prof. Ivar Giaever
Professor Nir Shaviv
Dr. Roy Spencer
Dr. John Christy
Prof. Will Happer
Prof. Patrick Michaels
Prof. Alan Carlin
Dr. Bjorn Lomborg
Dr Jasper Kirkby
Dr. Benny Peiser
Dr. Sebastian Lüning
Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
Dr Lennart O. Bengtsson
Prof. Henrik Svensmark
Prof. Fred Singer
Prof. Robert Carter
Prof. Robert Balling
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We need to show the world that while we may stumble or fall we get back up again and don't give up.

We may have screwed up and allowed Trump to get the WH, but that was only to show that we right our wrongs in November.

Don't get discouraged, get determined.

Vote Blue No Matter Who

Pass the word:

We vote Trump out on November 3rd this year.
It is amazing how every right wingnut is sure he is smarter than all the scientists in the world.

You don't get to speak for all the scientists in the world. You only get to speak for you.

Now, let's talk about the science you want to deny.

The first law of thermodynamics states that you cannot create energy out of nothing. Please describe 'greenhouse effect' and where all this extra energy to warm the Earth is coming from.
The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that you cannot make heat flow from cold to hot. Please describe 'greenhouse effect' and how a colder gas like CO2 can warm the already warmer surface.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that if temperature increases, radiance must also increase. If radiance decreases, it follows that temperature must also decrease. Please describe 'greenhouse effect' and how it fails to reduce radiance (by blocking infrared light) and increase the temperature at the same time.
The daylit surface of the ISS can approach 250 deg F. There is no CO2, no water vapor, no methane, no appreciable atmosphere of any kind. Here on the surface of Earth, we have an atmosphere, CO2, water vapor, and methane. There is no weather stations anywhere on Earth that has measured a temperature anywhere close to this. If CO2 warms the Earth, why is Earth so much COLDER? Why the paradox?

Describe the 'greenhouse effect' without violating the 1st or 2nd laws of thermodynamics (actual science) or the Stefan-Boltzmann law (actual science).

For reference:
1st law of thermodynamics: E(t)=E(t+1)+U
2nd law of thermodynamics: e(t+1)>-e(t)
Stefan-Boltzmann law: r=C*e*t^4
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