We Have To Get Rid Of Trump To Fix The Climate

The cavalier right-wing attitude on Climate Change will end them. Most Americans care about it.

The asinine predictions from AGW prognosticators are lame:

Some other brain dead alarmist predictions:

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’

1970: Ice age by 2000

1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’

1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming'

1972: New ice age by 2070

1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’

1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’

1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’

The cavalier right-wing attitude on Climate Change will end them. Most Americans care about it.

Yeah, I do wonder how many of the ingrates here just troll for entertainment.

They can't really be this ignorant about basic scientific facts. Like, are they REALLY arguing that CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas??
How are FACTS meaningless you brainless twat?

When they're completely fucking irrelevant to the conversation, you witless fuck

CO2 takes up a tiny minuscule portion of the molecules in oxygen you brainless twat. The AGW claims that it is causing global warming are based on stupidity and lies.

CO2 is not a "molecule in oxygen". Jesus fucking Christ, did you take even an elementary-school level science class? Ever?

CO2 is a chemical compound in the atmosphere. It is measured in parts-per-million. There were about 280 PPM prior to the industrial age, and it was about that level for around 600,000 years prior.

We now have 412 PPM, an insane increase that is causing glacial retreat, melting of both poles, global warming, species loss, and wholesale climate change across the globe. These are facts, and they're inescapable. Human beings DID NOT EXIST the last time there was this much CO2 in the planet. The planet will survive this change, but we may not.

We are currently at the highest concentration of CO2 since 14 million years ago.
When they're completely fucking irrelevant to the conversation, you witless fuck

CO2 is not a "molecule in oxygen". Jesus fucking Christ, did you take even an elementary-school level science class? Ever?

CO2 is a chemical compound in the atmosphere. It is measured in parts-per-million. There were about 280 PPM prior to the industrial age, and it was about that level for around 600,000 years prior.

We now have 412 PPM, an insane increase that is causing glacial retreat, melting of both poles, global warming, species loss, and wholesale climate change across the globe. These are facts, and they're inescapable. Human beings DID NOT EXIST the last time there was this much CO2 in the planet. The planet will survive this change, but we may not.

We are currently at the highest concentration of CO2 since 14 million years ago.

and plants need it to survive. reducing co2 will starve humanity.

depopulation is the agenda.
and plants need it to survive. reducing co2 will starve humanity.

depopulation is the agenda.

That is not what is proposed. the Dems believe in science and they know some co2 is needed. Who says they want to eliminate a chemical compound? Whose agenda is that crazy idea? They send you ignorant masses out to do dumb things that will kill most of humanity so the so wealthy can continue without traffic jams.
That is not what is proposed. the Dems believe in science and they know some co2 is needed. Who says they want to eliminate a chemical compound? Whose agenda is that crazy idea? They send you ignorant masses out to do dumb things that will kill most of humanity so the so wealthy can continue without traffic jams.

dems believe in hoaxes. true scientific fact.
We have reduced emmissions more than pledged, the rest of the world has not. That includes the heaviest emmiters.

We're already doing more for this hoax.

Get used to it, Trump will continue to make America greater for another 5 years.

NASA says that all the planets temperatures are rising by virtually the same percentage. This suggests to anyone capable of simple critical thinking skills that the rise in temperature has nothing to do with human activities like SUV's and carbon emissions. Since neither exist on the other planets. This simple fact just destroyed the entire argument of the tree huggers.

We are warming. The warming trend is but another cycle based on the sun's flare activity. So called expert scientists declared a similar problem in the early 70's. Only we were cooling then. They declared an ice age was coming. Crops would die. Food scarce. Millions would starve. Lol sound familiar lol.

You libs have been duped.
NASA says that all the planets temperatures are rising by virtually the same percentage. This suggests to anyone capable of simple critical thinking skills that the rise in temperature has nothing to do with human activities like SUV's and carbon emissions. Since neither exist on the other planets. This simple fact just destroyed the entire argument of the tree huggers.

We are warming. The warming trend is but another cycle based on the sun's flare activity. So called expert scientists declared a similar problem in the early 70's. Only we were cooling then. They declared an ice age was coming. Crops would die. Food scarce. Millions would starve. Lol sound familiar lol.

You libs have been duped.

Just because you cant see the SUVs doesnt mean they are not there spewing co2 on jupiter.
Lol, you're a fucking joke. I already explained to you how this is fucking debunked.

Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon DO NOT ABSORB HEAT FROM THE SUN. CO2 does.

This is 6th-grade science, you unbelievable turd.

The atmosphere is heated by the surface. Very little absorbs anything directly from the Sun. Mostly it's heated by conduction. A small bit is heated by radiance from the Earth's surface. All heating of the atmosphere cools the surface. That energy has got to come from somewhere! :D
You fucking moron; Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is a trifle 0.0314% of the atmosphere.

You fucking moron; 29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:

CO2 has no capability to warm the Earth. Zero. Zip. Nada. None. Not even if it was 50% of the atmosphere.
You can repeat those meaningless statistics all you want; the land mass that humans occupy doesn't dictate how much we spew into the air. The NATURE of CO2 is that small increases warm up the planet rapidly.
Nope. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. (1st law of thermodynamics)
That is inescapable, scientific fact.
Science isn't 'facts'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. YOU are denying the 1st law of thermodynamics. You cannot create the additional energy to warm the Earth out of nothing. YOU are denying the 2nd law of thermodynamics. It is not possible to trap or slow heat. It is not possible to trap light. YOU are denying the Stefan-Boltzmann law. It is not possible to trap light. A warmer planet emits more energy.
Nitrogen, oxygen, and Argon don't trap heat. CO2 does.
Nothing traps heat. It is not possible to trap heat. (2nd law of thermodynamics, Stefan-Boltzmann law).
Unless you can win a Nobel Prize by proving that clear statement incorrect, you're basically engaging in retard-typing practice.
Inversion fallacy. That would be YOU. Science isn't a Nobel prize. You cannot just deny theories of science. They have not yet been falsified. No theory of science may conflict with any other theory of science. One or both must be falsified.
How are FACTS meaningless you brainless twat?
A fact is simply an mutually accepted predicate. Obviously, there is no such thing as a meaningless fact. Science, however, isn't facts. Science is just a set of falsifiable theories, no more, no less.
CO2 takes up a tiny minuscule portion of the molecules in oxygen you brainless twat. The AGW claims that it is causing global warming are based on stupidity and lies.
An irrelevant argument. CO2 has ZERO capability to warm the Earth. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth, not even a little bit. You can't create energy out of nothing (1st law of thermodynamics).
The asinine predictions from AGW prognosticators are lame:

Some other brain dead alarmist predictions:

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.’

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.’

1970: Ice age by 2000

1970: ‘America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.’

1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming'

1972: New ice age by 2070

1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’

1974: ‘Another Ice Age?’

1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’

1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s

1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years

1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000

1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019

2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’


There are over a thousand predictions like these. Obviously, none of them have come true. The Church of Global Warming has lousy prophets.
Yeah, I do wonder how many of the ingrates here just troll for entertainment.

They can't really be this ignorant about basic scientific facts. Like, are they REALLY arguing that CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas??

There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing.
CO2 is not a "molecule in oxygen".
CO2 contains oxygen. It has part of the oxygen in the atmosphere. That's what the 'O' means.
Jesus fucking Christ, did you take even an elementary-school level science class? Ever?
Elementary schools do not teach science, unfortunately.
CO2 is a chemical compound in the atmosphere.
It is measured in parts-per-million.
It is also measured by weight, by volume, etc. It is not possible, however, to measure the global atmospheric CO2 content. Apparently you ignore statistical math too.
There were about 280 PPM prior to the industrial age,
No one was measuring CO2 in the atmosphere prior to the industrial age. Atmospheric CO2 measurements began in 1958. No global atmospheric CO2 measurements have ever been made. That is not possible.
and it was about that level for around 600,000 years prior.
And you were around to measure it too, I bet.
We now have 412 PPM,
We?? No, Mauna Loa observatory is reporting that number. It is not the global atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is the reported measurement of a single station. Unfortunately, Mauna Loa has been shown to be cooking their data. It is useless. Statistical mathematics requires the use of raw data. Cooked data is not allowed.
an insane increase that is causing glacial retreat,
What about glaciers that are advancing?
melting of both poles,
Neither pole is melting. Antarctica had a record MAXIMUM winter ice extent in 2014. Both poles have a larger winter ice extent during the past two years.
global warming,
Define 'global warming'.
species loss,
Define 'global warming'.
and wholesale climate change across the globe.
Define 'climate change'.
These are facts,
WRONG. There are meaningless buzzwords. Define them.
and they're inescapable.
Another buzzword.
Human beings DID NOT EXIST the last time there was this much CO2 in the planet.
How do you know? Were you here?
The planet will survive this change, but we may not.
Earth will continue. There is nothing we can do to stop it. I bet you are one of those that argue that we must reduce the population too.
We are currently at the highest concentration of CO2 since 14 million years ago.
No one was measuring CO2 14 million years ago.

Like most in the religion of the Church of Global Warming, you just spout the same old chants and mantras, the same old predictions of doom, and consider any outsider of your religion 'hopeless' or condemned.
That is not what is proposed.
It is what is proposed.
the Dems believe in science
They largely don't. Believers in the Church of Global Warming deny science and mathematics. Specifically they deny the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and they also deny probability and statistical mathematics.
and they know some co2 is needed.
They tend to forget that.
Who says they want to eliminate a chemical compound?
Anyone supporting the 'Green New Deal'. I'll let you look up the list of names.
Whose agenda is that crazy idea?
The Democrats.
They send you ignorant masses out to do dumb things that will kill most of humanity so the so wealthy can continue without traffic jams.
Such as?