We Have To Get Rid Of Trump To Fix The Climate

I meant to say AIR. CO2 is one of the molecules in AIR. ;)

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

Okay. Unfortunately, the EPA has listed naturally occurring components of air as a 'pollutant'.
Okay. Unfortunately, the EPA has listed naturally occurring components of air as a 'pollutant'.

So now you're arguing that excessive CO2 in the air is NOT a pollutant? Vehicle exhaust, etc....

Has it really come to that with you brainless twits? Rollng Coal is good now?
I dont have any chemical or element schooling at all. Have zero weather or climate schooling. What I do have is the ability to think critically. If earth is heating and other planets are heating at the same rate, as scientist suggest, then it cannot be anything being done by humans UNLESS humans or similar life forms inhabit those other planets. Really is simple.

Why would the global warming alarmist like Al Gore lie? He was invested heavily in carbon credits so his reason was money. Why do some so called scientist slash alarmist make the claim? Funding.

When the sun is more active we warm. When it's less active we cool.
Even if he had spelled "cent" correctly and learned the art of writing a grammatically correct sentence, this is still unbelievably retarded garbage. You would be embarrassed if you had that capacity.

CO2 is incapable of warming the Earth from infrared light emitted from Earth's surface. No gas or vapor is capable of that.

Coal is not a problem. It is a cheap and widely available fuel.
Oil is not a problem. It is a cheap and widely available fuel.
Natural gas is not a problem. It is a cheap and widely available fuel for the limited distance it can be shipped.

CO2 is not a problem.
Carbon is not problem.
Even if he had spelled "cent" correctly and learned the art of writing a grammatically correct sentence, this is still unbelievably retarded garbage. You would be embarrassed if you had that capacity.

what's retarded about it?

do you often call the truth retarded?