We know how to reduce murders, and it is not the trump way

You make up fictional numbers, based on your fantasies, and then get upset when I come up with real numbers.



In the last 20 years, Boston's population has risen by more than 10%. If you go back to the 1950's, you get a larger population, but not twice as high as you claim.

So your chart, as far as it goes, says basically the same as what I say. There is the obvious problem with your chart that it is 10 years old.
The victims of the attack on the Capitol Building have not been locked up. Many of the perpetrators of the attack have been locked up. They have all had habeas corpus, the right to challenge their detention in court. El Salvador has suspended habeas corpus.

Bukele has arrested between 1 and 2% of the people in El Salvador without any access to courts. There are schools where all the boys were arrested. The economy is taking a hit from the number of workers incarcerated.
the victims of the j6 operation are the peaceful people you have locked up for no reason.

New York City drove murder rates to a record low.

Through the magic of simply not reporting murders.

They bumped up a bit, but now are returning to record low territory.

Now Boston is becoming the safest place in America.


So Boston stopped reporting murders as well?

Sadly, that is no impressive compared to many other countries. America has a murder rate 14 times higher than Italy. Italy has a lot of immigrants, poverty, organized crime, etc. Still Italy is 14 times better than us.

The Italian Constitution abolished the death penalty in 1948. There are no exceptions. The last execution was in 1947.

You're rambling again.

If you love Italy so much, convert to Islam, threaten to kill the pope, and you will be welcomed there.