We need Socialism. Socialism Is A Good Thing. Socialism Promotes The General Welfare.

Hello Threedee,

Then only raise taxes on the rich. Believe me, they have enough wealth to pay off the debt. Just tax their income enough to turn the deficit into a surplus. That's all. They have enough income to do that, you know. I'll never understand why so many people defend the ultra wealthy. Believe me. They can take care of themselves. They already have. They won the Class War decades ago. And they just keep extracting more and more wealth from society. They are fine, seriously. They won't miss it. The nation deserves this after all the USA has done for these super-rich people. They, and their super-rich big fat immortal corporations, can afford to pay enough taxes to begin paying down the US debt. And that's what we need to do. And it would help the economy.

Direct taxes (like the crushing transportation and property taxes in my county) aren't the only way middle income earners get hurt.
Hello Evergreen58,,

Hi PoliTalker,

How do I break your comments down into smaller portions and respond to them like you did?

When you click 'Reply With Quote' you'll see the quote in your dialog window. Preceding it will be something that looks like
(the number will be different - it is post-specific)

After the quote will be something that looks like this: {/QUOTE} (except the {} will actually be []. I made it {} so it would not turn my example into a quote balloon here.)

If you copy/paste what's in those brackets before and after the part you want to respond to, it will appear as it's own quote balloon.

You can repeat that for as many passages as you wish to respond to.

If you hit 'Go Advanced' you can get a preview of what your post will look like to check your syntax.
The one step further I would go would be for the government to fund education for doctors, nurses, and health care aides...with a term service feature (at a very decent pay) for graduates. For-profit hospitals and nursing homes (and prisons) should become a thing of the past immediately.

Keep fighting the good fight, Poli.

This is going to be done eventually. I just hope enough people get the message so it doesn't have to come as the result of critical crisis.
One of the few things that I disagree with poli on is this idea that "government would own and run health care."I think it would be sufficient, as many countries demonstrate, for the government to own and run health insurance, IOW, the very successful single payer model.
If you don't like capitalism, you can move to one of those socialist countries you love so much. Go on. No one will miss you.

Showing only that you are not getting anything that has been said. It's not about capitalism versus socialism, where we can have only one or the other. It's about a fusing of the two to create something that works better than either alone.
Yes .....

The USA needs Socialism

So we can be reduced to rubble like the other Socialist nations.


You, too, are blind to what the topic is actually about.
So the Naples newspaper story about the Cuban woman has errors or untruths in it? Or, do you just question the story because of the source? Many of my conservative friends question NYT or Washington Post stories because they are "liberal" newspapers.

I think you what you are calling socialism is really social welfare programs. Our major industries are not nationalized which is the (economic) definition of socialism.

Social welfare programs are socialist by their very nature. 'Communist' if you listen to the right's take on them. An employee-owned business is socialist in nature.
Showing only that you are not getting anything that has been said. It's not about capitalism versus socialism, where we can have only one or the other. It's about a fusing of the two to create something that works better than either alone.

Which industries should the government take control of?
Happy Peace Day rjhenn,

One of the few things that I disagree with poli on is this idea that "government would own and run health care."I think it would be sufficient, as many countries demonstrate, for the government to own and run health insurance, IOW, the very successful single payer model.

I am willing to compromise to that position.

It's not my preference but it does make for an easier transition from what we have now.
Social welfare programs are socialist by their very nature. 'Communist' if you listen to the right's take on them. An employee-owned business is socialist in nature.

Social welfare programs are only "socialist" if you consider all governmental programs socialist. If so, then all systems are the same because government performs certain basi functions world-wide. What distinguishes socialist system from capitalist systems is that major industries are government owned vs private ownership. The economic definition of socialism is the public ownership of the means of production and distribution.

Communism is a political system and socialism is an economic system. If all social welfare systems are socialist then all governments are socialist by definition.
Nice. Thanks. I had written you a long reply then I accidentally clicked on the wrong button and deleted it - tech guru that I am. Getting too late here to write it again. Will get back to you later.

Good evening,
How about grocery stores, restaurants, clothing stores, and housing. Food, clothing, and shelter are as essential as healthcare.
I'd say those were best left to capitalism. Now, aid to let people use those facilities would be helpful, and perhaps necessary, particularly as automation eliminates many jobs. It might get to the point that aid provides most consumer spending, and would be the only thing keeping a capitalist economy going.
Nice. Thanks. I had written you a long reply then I accidentally clicked on the wrong button and deleted it - tech guru that I am. Getting too late here to write it again. Will get back to you later.

Good evening,

I often write my replies in Notepad or a word processor, then copy and paste, just because of accidents like that.
Happy Peace Day rjhenn,

I am willing to compromise to that position.

It's not my preference but it does make for an easier transition from what we have now.

The transition to what we both advocate, Poli, MUST be done gradually...or we will fall into chaos.

"Gradually" does not mean taking forever, by the way. It means incrementally.
How about grocery stores, restaurants, clothing stores, and housing. Food, clothing, and shelter are as essential as healthcare.

My guess is that institutions like Amazon...will eventually show us how that must be handled.

Walmart already is doing that.