Hello Politalker;
Thank you for your reasoned and well thought out response.
Let me start by saying that socialism has never worked, not once, not anywhere. Socialism as promoted by Marx is derived from the Kibbutzim concept of collectivism. The first failure of this is scale. The Kibbutz works as a cooperative entity inside of a greater macrocosm economic system. It cannot scale past a singular agricultural instance.
On the scale of a country, socialism fails every time it is employed. Promoters of socialism like to point to the Nordic social democracies as evidence of success. But the Nordic nations are neither socialist nor particularly successful.
Before we go on, what exactly IS socialism anyway? Simply stated, it is the control of the means of production by the state. Generally, even in the Nordic nation states, this involves autocratic rule. We will get to why that is and must be, in a moment. So control of the means of production, this means the government regulates or outright owns all of the elements in a society that produce. Based on such a definition, only St. Petersburg in 1922-23 under the "Grand Experiment" and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge were actually socialist. Both resulted in millions dead and brutality beyond human comprehension. Not a rousing endorsement of socialism.
So a modified view is adopted by most economists, myself included. If 50% of the means of production are controlled by the state, the nation is Socialist. Hence Venezuela is, Norway is not. Remember that I said the Social Democracies are not and have never been socialist. None of them have ever seized control of more than half of their economies. They are instead "welfare states." Welfare elements are supported by the free economies. In the Nordic States, this has led to collapse with most of them severely rolling back the welfare element that cripples them. Even the most radical of the welfare states is rolling it back.
Now that we have dealt with typical red herring of Marxists and dispelled with the Nordic states, we can deal with actual socialism.
Socialism revolves around two concepts, central planning and collectivism. Collectivism is the idea that the individual is of little or no consequence and that the group is what matters. I mentioned earlier that socialism is autocratic by nature; this is why. Individualism is suppress under socialism as the group is preeminent. As Marx wrote "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one." (no, it wasn't Spock, he was quoting Marx). Under socialism, a person is just a resource for the state to utilize. Let's say Joe is a welder. Under socialism the group "welder" has value as a resource to be used, but Joe has no particular value. He is just a part that can be replaced by any other part of type "welder." Under socialism, people have no value. This is one of the reasons that atrocities are virtually universal under socialism. Since the individual is no more important than a seed or a wrench, disposing of the individual by killing them is not seen as immoral. Socialism does not have any place for morality, obedience to the state is the only true law.
The second element is central planning. This is simply the rulers deciding what people do and don't need or deserve. Instead of a person deciding that they want a new 60" flat screen, the rulers decide that all proles will be given 23" displays which carry only MSNBC to regurgitate state ideals to the masses. Because individuals have no worth under socialism, the desires of individuals are suppressed, usually violently and fatally by the rulers of the state. What is produced is directed by the state, what a particular drone may have assigned to them is decided by the state. In many cased drones are dressed in uniforms, as China and Vietnam did.
Socialism is the destruction of the individual. The ultimate aim is to subdue and eradicate individual identity and create a society of perfect slaves who are unthinking in absolute obedience to the state.