I'm not having a get off my lawn moment, evince.
Many urban schools are a disgrace, and it all ties into what I said about education for everybody being the enemy of the oligarchs.
We've got to pour tons of money into improving schools.
That means higher taxes for those who are doing well and can well afford it.
It also means less wasteful defense spending when no nation in the world is stupid enough to attack us militarily.
But you lash at me in unwarranted ways solely because I'm an older white male.
I'm 46. I can remember back in the '80's hearing "we need to put more money into schools". And obviously we're still hearing it today. And I'm not suggesting we don't need more money for schools but just going with the status quo and waiting for that magical day when all this money appears isn't going to happen.
In the meantime are their changes you would like to see our schools or schools systems make to improve?
The Repubs removed much of the money with tax cuts for the wealthy and massive military budgets. They deliberately removed that money from programs that help the masses like schools and heath care.
Are you really that clueless to not know schools are mostly funded on the state level? It's because of people with attitudes like yours that nothing changes with schools. And you know who gets hurt the most? Low income people who are disproportionately minorities. But hey, not your problem right?
Schools have money. It's just misappropriated... don't get me started on the kids going in the wrong direction....I'm 12 yrs. older than you. Our state has been increasing spending almost every year and our kids (many, not all) are "dumber" and lazier than ever. Money doesn't always fix the problems.
Socialism is a parasite on capitalism. Parasites eventually kill their hosts.
Capitalism as now practiced in the US...is a parasite on humanity.
It will eventually kill the US...and humanity if not checked considerably.
The best way to check it, in my opinion, is by infusing some socialism into it.
Of course, the troglodytes of the American right will allow their puppet masters to order them to oppose such a move.
We're the world's economic powerhouse and people from all over the globe want to come here but we are a parasite on humanity. How come so many immigrants don't recognize that?
Beats me. They should though.
How come?
How come more Americans don't recognize it and leave the country instead of continuing to contribute to it?
There is a long standing Conservative Myth that we have to choose between socialism and capitalism. Some say socialism is like a cancerous disease that, once begun, grows and grows until it chokes capitalism to death and destroys the economy.
False and false.
Socialism is working very well in most industrialized nations. The USA is the only highly industrialized nation which does not have a socialist universal health care system.
We have had socialism in the USA for a long time now.
Even back when most Trump supporters would say 'America was great.' (the 1950's?)
We had social security and a minimum wage. Neither of those things is the result of capitalism.
The (socialism again) GI Bill saved millions of returning American vets from poverty. It allowed them to get an education, get a job, get a mortgage, get a home, and build wealth. (White Americans, anyway - blacks were redlined OUT of home ownership, the primary vehicle to wealth for most Americans.)
FDR: One of the greatest Presidents ever. He brought us through the big war, brought us socialism to save us from the ravages of Great Depression.
Socialism has lots of promises and benefits but socialism cannot be our only solution.
Capitalism is our primary wealth generator. Capitalism is a powerful engine of motivation and productivity.
How do we decide between the two?
That's a trick question.
We don't have to pick one.
We can have BOTH!
We already do.
The trick is to get the correct balance between the two. We just need the proper blend of capitalism and socialism. We can work jobs, pay into the system, and let the system take care of the needy. Everyone wins!
We need to be talking more and more about how socialism can work for us. We need to move beyond the limiting old Conservative Myths that are supporting the Class War and wealth extraction.
Corporations and the super-rich extract far more of our wealth than socialism. We need to face up to the facts here. The government doesn't want your money. The government uses the money it collects to do good, and always end up in the hole anyway. (because of the chintzy super-rich never want to pay enough taxes!) Corporations and the super-rich take your money and keep it for themselves. They take the government's money. They can't get enough. If you've got it, they want it. And they are very diabolical about getting what they want.
We need a socialist health care system. It is wrong for people to think of healing as a way to get rich. It is wrong for corporations to be making billions of dollars on the 'business' of providing health care. Health care in the USA should be a RIGHT. We can put a man on the moon; we can do this.
The capitalist model cannot work well for that because there is no way to have basic competition. Something happens and you're rushed off to the hospital, you don't spring up out of the gurney and say: "WAIT! I want to shop around and see which is the best deal in hospitals!" It's not like you're laying on the ground and waving off the first few EMT's because they charge too much. That's ridiculous. Who calls around to doctor offices for prices? "How much do you charge for treatment if I have a stroke?" No. That's ridiculous. Capitalism doesn't work for that.
We need Socialism in the USA.
Capitalism, if not regulated, will end in terrible wealth gaps. That was predicted long ago and you can see how accurate that is. Our wealth gap is worse than the Gilded Age. The wealthy are owning Republican party and buying much of the Dems. Our right wing geniuses voted a "billionaire" into offiice believing he would fix that. How stupid is that? So more money trickling up, up and away.
The founders chartered corporations. If the corporation did acts that were against the public welfare, their charters could be revoked. They were absolutely not corporate lovers. The American Revolution was partly spurred on by the abuse of English law and corporations. The colonials were not allowed to have clothing manufacturers as an example. English taoilrs got laws passed to prohibit it.
Yes, who can deny the wonders of what you've done in places like Venezuela? A country that was once destitute is now prosperous with people pouring in from neighboring Columbia and other nations. Where the population enjoys a solid three meals per month.
oh wait... You have created hell on earth in what was once the most prosperous and advanced nation in South America. The once thriving democracy is a brutal dictatorship. Half the nation has fled as they are driven to eating zoo animals to survive.
Such are the rewards of socialism - 100% of the time.
Beats me?
How come?
The Green Bay Packers are a socialist organization.
Rather than being controlled by a single owner like the 31 other teams, the Packers are owned by the community — 112,158 shareholders to be precise. The team is a nonprofit and has rules in place to prevent any individuals from taking control of the franchise. Were the Packers controlled by a single owner, it’s unlikely they would still play in Green Bay, the smallest hometown of any NFL team, particularly while a vacancy in the highly profitable Los Angeles market exists. It’s no stretch to say that socialism saved the Green Bay Packers.
The Packers are the only team with a president instead of an owner,” says team president Mark Murphy.. “You know, with every other team in the NFL, all that money the team makes, that goes straight to the owner.” Proudly, he continued, “The Packers don’t have an owner. All that money goes back to the community, the fans. It builds stuff like this,” motioning toward Titletown.
My three favorite Socialist organizations are, in no particular order:
Public libraries
National Parks
The Green Bay Packers
Have you ever considered leaving? (not suggesting you should just asking that as an honest/curious question)