The Force is With Me
Another argument against removing tax exempt status from churches relates to the structure and reason for the 501 tax exempt system. Many non-profit organizations operate under 501 class exemptions, meaning they do not pay taxes under most circumstances.
The reason for allowing 501 classifications is in recognizing that certain types of organizations provide a benefit to the public, and in doing so, it is more beneficial to society to allow them maximum operating budget than would be derived from taxing their income and properties.
Whether one agrees in the validity of religion or not, churches are public benefit organizations. As such, it is more beneficial to society as a whole to allow churches maximum operating budget by giving them tax exempt status.
And another argument:
The membership and supporters of a church are aware of what their donations are used for. They obviously approve of where their money is going, or they would not be donating it.
It is arrogance in the extreme to then tell the churches, and the people who donate to them, that what the money is used for is not acceptable to you, and therefore is if the church does not do what YOU believe should be done with the donations they receive, then you think you should have the power to take the money away from them and do what you want with it anyway.
It's a load of crap, really.
All 501's are required to demonstrate that the money collected is actuallu used for the purpose intended which validates their tax-exempt status.
Accoirding to your logic, why not make pimps tax-exempt given that hookers know the money will be used to buy him cars and clothes?
If any church wants tax-exempt status, they should prove their benefit to the public.