As any honest person knows,. motherfucker is a foul word meant to be derogatory. What it is not is to be intended to be directed at ANYONE Specific's mother. I certainly didn't do that. But Dutch sure did. Like I said,.....he's ALL CLASS.
Most normal people KNOW that attacking a board members family member in such a vile manner is generally considered to be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over the line, even on a board like this. It could be ANY family member and it wouldnt matter and would still be wrong, but to say such an atrocious thing about someones long dead mother is simply detestable. This is WHO Dutch is,....he has no bottom, there is NOTHING too low or vile for him to say like there would be for a halfway normal person that had an ounce of character. We ALL KNOW this about Dutch,....its clear to see and always has been. He is a dark stain wherever he goes who brings nothing but darkness with him. Maybe someday he will change his ways,....I really do hope so but have my doubts,.....who wouldn't?